a. JIISIEee Y, A7UV V131TORS FlOU WEST Mr&. William Dawe,. Jr., with her two littie daughters, after spending three, weeks with her mother, Mrs. I1da'Nettieman of 123 Fifteenth street,, departed Tuesday for a two weeks' sty ith her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs.. William Dawe, at icro. She and ber daughters will then re- turn to Wilmette for another visit before' leaving for- their home in' Eagle Rock., Cal., August 29. Mrs. Dawe and the girls camne by auto- mobile, the former driving ail of the 2,270 miles. ANNOUNCE MAIRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. J. Frederick Hoffman, jr., 327 Park avenue, Wilmette, aLn- piounce the marriage of their daughtefr, frances Elizabeth, to Richard C. Nor- ris, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ry- gaI, 811 Foxdale avenue, Winnetka, on Monday evening, at St. Francis parisli house.. Mrs. 'William -Whittier, 51 Kenil- *worth avenue, left Kenilworth Wed- nesday for ber summer home, Idle- *wild, at Sawyer, Wis., where she will spend two weeks. Her son, William, leaves Monday. Marjorie Ellis of Evanston will be a bouse guest of the Wbittiers. 0o Virginia Johnston, 321 Melrose avenue, 'Kenilwortb, will return the end of the week from a three weeks' visit with ber brother-in-law and sister, the Owen Garfields, at their home in Bloornfield, N.J. 1207 WASHINSoN AVEM. ( &IR*m oui ym&tg.w@nm <o. IVIL. 3242 Wilmette Senda Another Riley to N. U. GrVidiron Northwestern lias ýa new Riley on its football team. For the past five years a -Riley of the. Wilmette Ri- leys, bas. held down a. tackle'position on the Northwé stern 'university elev- en. First it. was. Jack,. who earned alI-American honors in football and won a place on the United States Olyrnpic wrestling team at Los Angeles ini 1932. He was followed by brother Bill, who graduated last spring. Now along cornes Frank, a sopho- more, to carry on the Riley traditi n. He isn't quite as beavy as bis olger bçpthers. Jack weighed 220 pounds and BUl,1235 pounds. Frank scales about 19 pounds. Hie is fast, sbifty and will play guard. In spring practice-be proved to be ademon on defense, deve oing ,into one of the best tacklers on the squad. He improved so rapidly on. offense that it wouldn't be surprising if tbe youngster earned a regular position before the season is over. That will be a job, even for a Riley, since both of last year's regulars, Capt. AI Ka- wal and Ed Whelan, will be back. Petition Trustees to keinstate Policeýan A petition asking the iensatmit of Charles Brautigam as a police oficer was presented to the Village board at its meeting Tuesday night. Reinstate- ment was sougbt on the ground of previous good police work ,b4 the ex- officer. who was discharged recently because of alleged conduct unibecoming a patrolman. The petition carried 214 signatures. of which 119 were business and professional men and women. The matter was taken under advisement by the board. Mr- and Mrs. F. -D. Shane and daughters, Helen and Marilyn, 422 Central avenue, returned Wednesday of last week frorn two weeks' spent at Rest Lake, Wis. Mrs. Shane's sister and farnily, the M. R. Beckers of Kenilworth, accompanied them. IYOU SHOULD TRY THIS WEEKS SPECIAWI Tortoul WITH Arýle., 'c qt. [CE, CREANI 413 Linden Avenu, WImtt. 4120 3lOo 300- LO-aned WiIacash Then consder .the. Household tban lan.p ansof $30 to $300 lochbolp-ýmto.families keepibg rdnance housewhoheve"ufcientincome your deba? ment$ Mer 20 nionths. Ody Si- natures required are those of hus- bandaudwife.Quick,courteous,buinessîleseri,,ce. Reasonable Cost. Visit, write, or 'Phone the. offices of 2ud Fl., 1737 Howard St. - 4th FI., 105W. Madison 1woet of "L", 1cbicagui chh.g. Phono: 'Gvoenhf 2M5 Phoneo: Frukln CM Vattman Park Trounces -village Green, .24 to 6 On Tuesday, july 31, we, had a baseb aîl gaine and it was some garne. Vattman came out witb four players - Dorothy Davis, pitcher; Beatrice Leal, first base; Alice Wagner, second base; and Lucille Heerens, left field. Village Green turned out with fiv 1 players - Mary Woodbury, pitcher Stella ,koller,, first base; Virginia Toben, left field; june Wynn, center fieltl;;-and Marion Miller, right field. Vattrnan won by a score of 24-6. We only played three innings because we were going to, the Cubs bail game and we had to go to lunch at il o'clock instead of 12. THEJUNIOR LIFE For ttC cu nd bu t&e chi1drenof Wilmàett Tennis Tourney Hel-d; Here Are the Winners 'T'he annual tennis tournament was played Wednesday, August 1. In the girls'. tournamnent Village Green had a first and third place and Vattman Park won' a second and fourtb place. The results were: Blanche Kreuscb, first; Dorothy Davis, second; Marion Miller, third; Beatrice Leal, fourth The boys' results were: Bob De Vinney, first, Village Green; Walt [Lyman,. second, Vattman; Jack Har- vey, Vattman Park, third place; Roger Lynch, fourth, Village Green. -Alice Wagner, Vattman Park, To Give Play August 16; Cbaracters Are Listed We are going to have a play Aug- ust 16. The narnes of the maids are: Lorraine. Napoli, Etta Pape, Virginia Sargent and Eileen Borre. The emperor is Marion Zorzi. The servant is Marian Hiens. -The princess is Mairjorie E'tienne. The prince is Grace Engels. - Lorraine Napoli, Village Green Irene Fin ds a Way to Get Article in Paper Every week I wrote a JUNIOR LIPE article and neyer got one in. 1 signed rny narne Helen. Then, week before last, I signed my naine Irene and it got in. Now I always sign my narne Irene and my articles always get in. I hope this one does too. - Irene Born, Village Green MAKES PIN BASKET 1 arn making a pin basket. I arn winding it. AIl the children are making them. Tbey are winding jars too. I wove a. pocketbook. too. Tbey are making lots of things. - Doris Carlson, Village Green FINISH ING INDIAN HAT There is. one more week of the park activities and I arn going to finish rny Indian bat. I like to make them. It is a lot* of fun,, at least I think itis -Virginia, Lundy, Vattrnan Park SEES MILK ýTRUCK TIPOVERI I. saw a milk wagon tip, on its side and aIl the rnilk spilled out on t-he. street. The driver hurt his shoulder1 and got a sore back and the Wheel was broken to pieces. -Jack Meyer, Yattman Park MAKE. CONFETTI DISHES Most of the girls are rnaking dishes Out of confetti. After we get tbern big enough we shape tbem, then sbellac thern. We can make thern aIl colors. - Olive Carlson, Vill age Green Girls to Give Play; It's About Gossip The senior girls of, Vattman are g oin .ogive a play on Friday niglit, August 10. The play is called "T1he Unburied Woman." There are four characters in the cast: Mr. Bright, a happy old gentleman, played. by Dorothy Davis - Mrsi Taikabout, a -wothan who lives up to ber name, played by Alice Wagner; Mt-s. TaI ket, a. woman that's always making gossip, Lucilie Heerens; .Mrs. Goaround, another who also lives up to ber name, played by "tee" Leal. The play, as you've already guessed, is about gossip. Village Green Juniors Beat Vattman, 10 to 9 Last Thursday, August 2, the Vatt- man juniors and Village Green juniors had a basebaîl game at Vattmnan Park. In the first three infings Village Green made ten runs against Vattman, but then Mr. Crooks made several substitutes and Vattman tightened up and made nine runs. The final score was 10 to 9 in favor of Village Green. - Bob Lyons, Vattman Park Lucy Tells of Children in Mother Goose Sehool In Mother Goose's school there is Tommy Tucker, Simple Simnon, Mary Who Had A Little Lamb, Doc Foster, Jack and Jil, Jack Horner, Miss Muffet, Mary Who Had a Garden, Little, Bo Peep, Polly Flinders, Georgie Porgie,.and Little Boy Blue. These are aIl the children in Mother Goose's school. - Lucy Nilles, Vattman Park Sand Modeling Contest Has Variety of Entries The sand modeling contest was held on Friday, August 3. Many children weire entered. I made Mickey Mouse. Some of the things wbicb wereý modeled were divers, Kayo, girls playing tennis, lobsters, crabs, Dutch girls, elephants and blirnps. Many other things were modeled. -Marcia Anderson, Vattrnan Park URGED TO FINISH JOB We were told to finish our bandi- craft or it would bei given away. The articles you -have to finish are mats, baskets, belts, waste baskets, vages, headresses, skipping ropes, and belt pocketbooks. They are good articles and I advise you to finish thern. -Ray Treon, Vattrnan Park GETS TWO HOME'RUNS 'Village Green and .Vattmnan Park made rnidget tearns. Vatiman "won twice, 23-6 and 27-15. 1 got a borne ru-n i each. Jim Curts, got one in: one garne. jim Curts 'is Vattrnan pitcher and a boy by the name. of Junior pitched for Village Green. S- Donald Schaefer, Vattman Park RUSH TO FINISH WORK Priday we had a. big rush. over at' Vattman to get aIl the handicraft work done before S aturday. Miss Riggle said that the work that is not finisbed will be given to somen who will finish it before the exhibit. - Virginia Pittner, Vattmasi Park Regular 60cvalu. 1 1 1. . 12 VILMETTE LIPE