Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Aug 1934, p. 36

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WilmttePlag rundan.- Recrea tion Actiývities RECREATION LEAGUE GAMES I F? ~EASY PITCHING LEAGUE', :Sefn Ctia on test Y. P. C. ( 1»C. S.(18) F. Ksa E1 . Thalm4nn B. Bjork, D. Lynch* The last competitive event of the R. Steffens F. Heltnan *H. Sehwall season. for Wiluîette pîayground R. Bleser R. Gauger E. Sehuette j A. auerT. Saxton B. Kneip children was the annual sand-nxodel-1 J. Knelp J. Heitman ing contest held last Friday after- I R. Miller E. Hardt -X. S. Chevrolet, (2) noon at the Wilmette beach. F. Flegen B. Lange E.* Bleser Th cnes ascndcedi tr R. Hoffman B. Gauger B. Russel Th cnes va onute n hee E: Bleser W. Robertson S. ]Bohnen divisions and was graded according H. Peters E. Mancinelli W. Johnson to the age divisions made ini ail play- E tei ground competition: juniors under Herr n. Ldry. (21) EIm. Ave. . (22) P. Wagner 10 years of age; intermediates, 10, il W. Foslund H. Miller W. Winter ud12yersofag, ad enor, 3,H. Bal - P. Bleser M. Kneil) an 1 eas fag, n snir, 3FP. Kaspar P. Edwards 1 M. GUY 14 and 15 veans of age. F. Aschbacher T. Schinier F. Pietroski WVinners of the various divisions C. Gibson R. Chester P. Kaspar J i~sVillaoe lamr 6 er:E. Carlson J. Linn T. Schinler juniors: David Leach, Vattinan J. Hoffman R. Finnegan R. Klinge park, "first place; Dorothv Nilles, H. Schwvall M. KiliVII1 J. %Lfller* Vattmau park, second place; Lucy J. Bell J. Bleser H Knoble Nilles, Vattman park. third place;, Cobbîers (lp) Methodists P.) B 1 e Marion Zorzi, Village Greeni, founth N. Smifth 'M. Bruédigan S Keil place. W. Johnson J. Lawtonn S. Hawkinson intermediates: Marcia Anderson, R. Welch; B . Beroli W. Hawkinson- Vattinan park, first place. Lucilli H. Berg N.S C. 1111!. Stheffen Heerenls, Vattinan park, second J.Robertson . S ea' .1 hfe place; Lillian Jones, Vattman park. W. Anderson H. Knobîe 1 .w elter (o) iB third place;. Jacqueline Michelsen, E.* Placek V. wvîe IF. Howe Vilg refourth place. J. Austin J. Stein B 1. May Vilg.Gen E. Heller W. Rogers! C. WNelter Seniors: Betty Ericson, Vattinan S. Sinith K. Steffens park, first place; Alice Wagner,.1 A. Lundberg Vattman park. second place; Bea- Y. P. .' (3) Hoffiannii Florlsts (15 J. Steffens R. Steffens J. Hoffmann R. "May tnice Leal, Vattinan, third place,; Earl W. Hawkmnson R. Branu R. orrahani Borre, Village Green, fourth place. E. Bleser« H. Kusmnertz L. Steiner judges for the event wene Mrs. En- A. Bauer E. Hartinan L. Seitzer nest H. Freeman, Mrs. WJ, A. Storms, R. MiMý, H. Johnson an heRv Jh G idle- E. Tha mann 19. Udeli Team standings: and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ B th .Jh .Hnly .Hanke T. Sc~hin1 I Kreusch and DeVi nny Take Tennis Tities Blanche Kreusch and Robent De- Vinny of the Village Green play- ground were acclaimeà thé play- ground tennis champions last Wed- uesdav morning when they defeated the other contenders for the honon. There were 'two entrants f nom each playground and the tournament was an elimination affair for both boys and girls. Dorothy Davis and Walter Lyman, both of Vattinan park, were run- ners-up, Dorothy having pneviously defeated Marion Miller of the Village Green playground,' and Walter Ly- man having elimiuated Roger Lynch froin.the Village Green., The champions' first matches were with Beatrice Leal and jack Harvey, respectively. In the play-off for third place hon- ors Marion. Mil ler defeated Beatnice Leal to receive the third place prizeb and Roger Lynch won f rom jack Harvey. The matches were played 0on the Village Green courts. Continue Playgrounds Supervision to ýAug. -15 Although the officiaI closing pro- grains for the summer playgnounds will be held, this afternoon and tomorrow evening, Daniel M. Davis, director of recreation, will leave some of bis temporary staff at each playgroùnd to supervise'activities un- tii August 15. ,The reason for continuing, the playgrounds for the extra few days is to allow govémninent workcers to complete their sche.dules on'their last assigninents. Those who will remain on duty until August 15 are Miss Bee Riggle, Vattinan park, and William Mackie, jr., at Village Green play- ground. Paul Jones will be on -duty at Vattinan park Monday, as 'will also Miss Martha Ericsou. George H. Chapman will also be on duty and will be at the Village Green.'i R. Bleser F. Fiegen H. Peters Iunknowns (8) J. Kraft R. Chester J. Klein V. Bleser V. White S. Henrich H.. Campbell J., Wagner E. Bleser Herr Rand Ldry. P. Kaspar E. Carlson J. Stein C. Gîbson D.ý Huck J. Knobel P. Bleser E. Placek D. Lynch B. Johnson R. Huck J. Hopkins J. Miller C. S. (28) J. Heitman B. Lange R. Gauger P. Heitman B. Bjork B. Gauger C. Schnmitt B. Streif H. Lange S. -Stephens (9) Wlnlerg D. (23) R. Meter D. Sullivan à 3.Fisher V. Wyle B. Farrinni B. Moran J. O'Niel J. Ryerson A. Farrinni H. Sienen, Tc-am standings: W. Hoffmann F'lorlsts .............6 Winberg Drugs .....1..........5 C.S.............5 Cobblers .................. ...3 Y. P. C. ;.................. 3 Unknowns .....................s Methodistat....................2 Elmwood Ave. Nelghbors... 2 Herr Hand laundry .......... 0 L. Pct. 0 1.000 0 1.000 1 .857 a .500 4 .429 4 .429~ A .3331 5 .286 8 .0001 FAST PITCHING LEAGUE C. W. Welter (7) Village Cleaners (8) F. How W. Hawkinson C. Welter R. Kluge W. Phillips e. Miller ]B. May. H. Kiinball A. Lundberg H. Schlueter E. Schildgen T. Hopkins R. Gramn T. Schlnler R. May ýJ. Schaefgen L. Stelner .R. Steffens L. Seltzer 8. Keil N. S. Chev, 2 E. Bleser B. Russell P. Wagner W., Johnson E. Streiff W. Wlnter S. Bohnen M. Knelp M. Guy F. Pletroskl Wil. illors <l W. Foslund E. Placek G. Huck H.. Werner Braun Bros. S. F. (8) SBraun B . Udel SP. Bohnen, -E. Braun Jake Hoffmann H. Johnson W. Huck IE. Miller Jin Hfoffmann Vatt. Ail Stars (8) Ri Steffens .PHenrekson P. Hoelz R. Chester ý C. Gibsoi F. Aschbache J. stel A. Steffem B. Hale3 M. Rheimei Wilnette Tallors (1) E. SChUettE H. Bal] F. Kaspai H. Wernet W. Foslund E. Hartmari P. Steffens M. Schwall F. Behrendt Va tt Brau n 1). Harse( P. HeHucio P. Henresor . Gisoxfp H. Sel] E. Thalmanr J. ;pêre(leF I ru . .F. (3) E. Udell R. Huekl P. Bohner E. Braun IR. Evans H. Johnson Jake Hoffnmann Jini Hoffila nu P. Mille .W. i.4 Bratun Bros-;. Silver Flashes .12 4 Wilmette Tailors............. 12 5 Village Cleaners....... -,.... 12 5 North Shqre Chevrolet .... 89 C. W. Welter................. 6 il Vattman park .............i16 SPORT CALENDAR. 1Thursday, August 9 2 :30 p. m. Playlet and awanding ceremony. Final progran at Village Greeni playground. 7:00 p. in. Final garnes. Girls' playground baIl league. Y. P. C. vs. gym class. Village Green. 7:00 p. m. Final - gaines. Girls' plavground baIl league. Troubles vs. Unknowus.; Village Green. 7:00 p. m. Final gaines., Girls' plavground bail league. TNT vs. Browvnies. Village Green. 1 Friday, Auguat 10 7:00 p. m. Closing. program. Playlet and awanding ceremony. Vattinan park playground. 7:00 p. m. Final gaines. Men's playgrounid baIl. "dEasy" pitching league.* Village Green. Methodists vs. C. S. 7:00 p. m. Final gaines. Meu's lavground baIl. "Easy" pitching league.. Cobblers i.rs. EImwvood Ave- .nue, Neighbons.* Village Green. 7:00 p. m. Final gaines Men's playground baIl. "Easy" pitching league. Hoffmann Fjonists vs. Win- beng Dnugs. Village Green. Saturday, August l 12:00 m. Official closiug. summer recr'éation .season. Ninth1 Gets Silver Medal as 2nd High Point Winner -Inu compiling a list of. the high point winners of the Wilmette play.. grounds' tra ck meet held July 25 and 26, the naine of Douglas Huck, sen-. ion of Vattmau Park, was iuadver- tently left out. Young Huck had the -second best record of the entire meet, having won four first places and a second place. His good record in the meet gives hum second place in the high point winners for the n IR"Two-act plays, which have been a r part of the creative dramatic work donc on the playgrounds this sumn- >mer, ivili mark the formai closing of the ninth season. of summer play- rgrounds this week. Each playground ,r is to have its own program and han- id dicraft exhibit to which the parents In and friends of the playground chli- Sdren ivili be invited. it Village Gréen playground's pro- granm will be given this afternoon at 2 :30 o'clock and the Vattnîan park Ik program will be held tomorrow eve- i ning at 7 o'clock. Eachi program i i " to be climaxedby the presentation of playground merit awards to children * who have won them through a coni- * petitive point system during thé eighe *weeks' duration of the playgrounds. Xinners of these awards ivili îlot he announced until the awarding -cere- mnon y takes 'lace. Give Anderson Play ýl For its afternoon of entertainmneut kthe Village Green children ,vill pre- isent the play, "Princ1ess and the Swineherd," a dramatization of Hans Christian Anderson's famous story. The play. will have the followving cast: Princess,' Marjorie Etienne: Prince, Grace Engels: Emperor, Marion Zorzi; maids of" honor, Hen- rietta-Pape, Virginia Sargent, Eileen Borre, Patsy Welter, Lorraine Na- poli; servant, Marion Hens. Alice Myen will give readings he- twveen acts. Following the play. the presentation ceremony will l)e he!d with Director Davis. in charge, and following the presentation cenenionv there will l)e a l)asel)all ganie be- tween mixed teains of senior by and girls of the playground. Offer Two Play& Two plays will be given at Vatt- man park. One will be given b y a group of senior girls and is called "The Unbunied W9inoan." lu the cast are Beatrice Leal.Lcle er ens. Alice Wagner, and Donothy Da- vis. The intermediate and junior gnoups will pive "Mother Goose's School" and the cast will be as follows : Mother Goose, Marjorie Johnston; Dr. Foster, Mary Elizabeth Bacon:- Simple Simon, Shirley Bacon; Geor- gie Porgie, Bobby Craft; Bo Peep, Alicia Mather; Mary Who Had a Lamb, Dorothy Nilles; Little Boy Bl.ue, Lucy Nilies; Lucy Locket, Frances Fay White; Mary Who Had a Garden, Marion Treon; Little. Tommy Tucker. Donald Johnston; jack Hor.- ner, Kenneth Leal; Ten O'clock Scholar, Conrad Shurze; Little Miss Muffet, Vinginia Lundy; *Polly Flin- ders, Dorothy Butler. 1Parents of playground children. are being sent notices of the two pro- grains, to which t he public, is invited.' summer's work at the playground and entities him to a silver medal. Another mistake in the story con- ceruing theawards was made.in con- nection* with* the 50-yard dash for girls 12 and 13 years of age. The present record is held by Dorothy Davis of Vattinan park instead of Lucille Heerens who was given credilt for bettering Dorothy's record of 7.1 seconds made in 1932. In compiling the records at the Recreation office. Dorothy's 1933 record of 6.6 seconds was. overlooked. Hence Lucille's record, of 7 seconds made Ilast week does not create a new record, al- though it betters the 1932 record. -~ Dramia Marks .Terminus of Play Season Modeling in Sand, Is Last AuzSt 9,1934 'tir y WILMETTE -LIPE

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