August 9, 1934 WILMFTTF IIFP - MOTOR TO IOWA Mr. and Mrs. Paul W.- Stade and three sons, Pan!, Jr., Billy and Ar- thur, 1500 Washington avenue, nio- tored to Iowa Sunday. They will visit Mrs. Stade's parents, the Dr. A. F. Kober family, at Charles City, and friends at Des -Moines. Their itinerary will include St. Pau!, -Min- nesota, where they will also visit friends,, returning to their home on1 Labor day. Mrs. R. O. Dunhill,. 103 Robsart road, Kenilwonth,. and.,her father, John P. McCune, returned Monday from a month's visit, part of which was spent aàt Quebec and on a boat trip fromn there up the Saguenay River. They met Mr. Dunhill at.In- dian River, where they visited the Gerald Bunnhams at their- summer home. Miss Edde Henderson, 1200 Green- wood avenue, bas been spending the past week at Lake Geneva as the guest of the Walter G. Mclntosh family, 1100 Greenwood avenue, at their summer home, Snug Harbor. Vines, Kozeluh to Play at Knollwood A large gallery ,is experted t'O witness the tennis match this Satur- day at the KnollWod 'courts between Karel Kozèluh -wnd Ellsworth Villes,. Jr, two0 ranking professionals. The match is scliedulcd to start at 3 :30 o'clock. .This will be the second time Villes has hattierl Kozelulh. Last june at Detroit Vinles lost to the Polishl star in straight sets, and the Califorilian is out to avenge this (lefeat. Following, the sinigle~s inatch, llis Kliigenian of the South Shore Country club and Bihl Crocker of Onwentsia wil1 be paire(l with Koze- luli an(l Vines ini a doubles match. Tickets for the match are on sale at Knollhvood - Lake Forest 1600 - and reservations nîay be made also througli Shoreacres. Onwentsia. Ex- iioor.. Skokie. Indian Hill, Town and Tennis andi vanston Country clu!). Knoliwood is locatcd on Waukegan r oad, just north and west of .ake Forest. Return PromTravel by Motor and Boat MIr. and M,ýrs. Wallace L. 'Miller, <10 Forest avenue, have just coin- 1)eted a three-weeks' combined nîo- tor and lake trip, Thiey (i rove first to Traverse City vhere they ere guests at the summer homie of 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'McClure of i- mette.. From there they drove to Sauit Ste. Marie and then took the boat to Duluth. lu Duluth ..\r. and 'Mrs. Miller visited relatives and later drove to Bemidji, n, for a ten- day stay, Before returning home they stopped at Holiday camp near Hackensack. Minn., to visit their daugliter, jean Frances. Their son is at Camp Owakonze ini Canada for the summer. HOME FROM EAST Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Heiser of 1936 Thornwood avenue, and their two children, Rowland and M\ariiou, have returned from a trip to New York. Mrs. Heiser and her son and daughiter, were in the east for six weeks, spending part of the time with Mrs. Heiser's mother on Long Island. Mr. H-eiser, who accompanied his -,,,fan-ffly east,ý rernained there for a s~hort time before returning home. Lâtter he went to Newv York again to bring back, and during his second stay there, Mr. and Mrs. Heiser and the chiidren visited his sister at Lake Ronkonkomo on Long Island. Mrs. avenue, nacker, trip to D. C. Hollis Gleason, 910 ,Chestnut 1and ber sister, Mrs. R. G.. Ren- left Fniday on a ten-da$' motor New York and Washington, 0o .Mr. and Mrs. John P. Harris and. son, James, 944 Sheridan road, will return Friday from a moton trip through the east. Mrs. J. Herbent Newport, 520 Ab- botsford road, Kenilworth, wiil enter- tain ber quiit club at luncheon Friday. Win Ribbons in Gar den Club Flower Exhibit At the annual competition of flower arrangement ç1mong members of the. Kenilworth Garden' club, ýwhich was held Fridayin the garage of the home of Mrs. Arthur Ruf, 246 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, there were ',i ve classes: arrangement of miniature vase, arrangement' for living roomf, for aIl foliage, for, fruit and flowers, and for white and green flowvers. The following were prize winners: In the miniature class, 'Mrs. Edwvin Hedrick bine ibbon, Mrs. Percy Eckhart, red. in the living room arrangement. Mrs. MIarkCresap, bIne, Mrs. Hugli ,Forsman, red; M.,rs. Percy Eckhart, and M.\rs. Otis Heath, white ribbons. In the green and white arrange- ment - Nirs. Gilbert Kelly, blue;- Mrs. John WNhite, red; '.\I. Percy Cutler and Mrs. James Prentiss, white. AIl foliage arrangements - Mrs. Mark Cresap, two blue ribbons for outstanding exhibits: M.\rs. Ralph Starr, red; «Mrs. Harry Olin, wvhm Fruit and flower arrangement, rs. E. F. Snydacker, bine; Mrs. Sidney BaIl, red; M.\rs. Frank Barrett, white. Tliere wvere tw enty-twvo exhibits in the living roôm ciass, twenty-five in the minature class,ifteen in the foliage. ten ini the fruit and flower, and fifteen in the white and green. Bungalow Tavern, New Team, Wins 5--Straight The Bungalow Tavern, a newv base- hall team backed by Harry Roemer and Lawrence Schneider, has been sweeping aside ail its opposition. The team's winning streak lias been stretched to five games, and among the victims were the Peacock Motors, the "pride of Wîilnetka,$' and the Bonecrusliers, an Evauston team. The pitching is ably handled by George Huck and Pete Kalmes, while the i)urden of the. hitting falîs upon Peter Bohnen, Johnny Miller- and Tom Hopkins. Bol) Braun is captain of the Bunga- low Taveru team, and other teams wishing games have been> advised to cal! hixu at Wilmette 3196. GUESTS SEE GLENCOE N. and Mrs. R. H. Boyd of AI- I)anv, N\. Y., with their dauglhter. are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Siddall, 840 Grove street, Glencoe. MNrs. Bovd is the niece of -Mrs. Sid- daîl, and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Blymyer, 626 Lake ave- nue. Wilmette. Mrs. Boyd and hier family have also been visiting hier parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hapeman, 1008 Ashland avenue, returned Saturday from a two weeks' lake trip on board the steamship juniata. They stopped over at Buffalo where they stayed at the Grand hotel. Mn. and Mrs. Wallace B. Behnke, 54Maple avenue, and sons, Wallace and Gordon, spent the week-end at Grand Beach, Mich., as the guests of Mr. and. Mrs. Morris Collins of Chicag o, BLUE'RIBBQN BEER ITO ORDER A CASE PHONE YOUR GROCER OR HIGHLAND PARK 1700 TeolephfineTon J FEU Be Dedacted UPos Deifrey Aug'ust 9, 1934 WILMETTE LIFE lY s pretty tougli to pull him away f rom an easy chair after o harci dois work. When he's tired, tenseand ""on edg.", lusi serve him a bottle of cool satisfying Pabst Blue Ribbon. Seo kow quickly it soothes and refreshes him. ... low it makes lim fedf like a new mon. D>on't spoil.your renmdy by serving ordinary bier. Makté sure that you get Pabst Blue Ribbon. it is pure, ful-flavored and lias a distinctive taste that makes. it America's ,first choice. Order a. case taday from your dealer. Always keep a few boules in your refrigerator. P. S. Have1the. clhidren been unusually trying, today? Fi ail worn out? Stop and relax: a few minutes. Treat yourseIf toa, r.freshing bottle of Blue Ribbon. Watch your worriuoe vnish.