OUR AMBITIO :Ný We. have realized, our greatest ambi. tion . To be known as efficient, courteous, and consfientious . To be alwýays thought -of. as truc and trustwo"rthy. The Oldest Establishod Undertakers on the Immediéte North Shore Superior Ambulance Service Licensed Lady Assistant .WILMETTE 1,118 GREENLEAF AVENUE Phone Wilmette 654 I LOWEST WINNETKA 554 CENTER STREET Phone Winnetka 404 UNDERTAKER ""The House of Perscrnal Service'- ,4COST clitonatic HEAT Use Brauns Bros. "bKEEPFULL" SERVICE With Braun 1eros. "Keep.Full" ýservice, your heating plant be- cornes fully automatie. You no longer concern yourself about Your fuel supply-just set your thermostat and Braun Bros. can be -dependèd upon to provide you with "W i n t e r Comfort." PHIL H. BRAUN ROBT. F. DOEPEL CARL .1. BRAUN DR.AUN BROS.O 1222 CENTRAL AVENUE WILMETTE Phone Wlmette 831 OIL COi i "For FUEL OL ARE YOU THE LADY a a. cannot a/forci the tlungs you want? COAL HEAT SAVINGS,0F $50 TO $200 WILL BUY -THEM! Suppose you wanted n e w clothes . a summer vacation anew piece Of furniture for the living room a new radio. You can aford 'these if yo u will burn coal or coke this winter!1 You'll save from $50 to $200 or even more if you don't experiment with costly Sfuels. Play, isafe--stick to solid fuel and you'I ru.know ,how rnuch 'our WiniteCoal& Materia1 Ya rd. MI0 LA"E AVENUE PHONE WILMETTE 4200 ImE for Phone for a Braun Bros. representative before you make any decision on your fuel supply for nexi winter. i ~ I t s.