WlIMETTE LIFE August 23, 1934 Epworth Leaguers: Will Have Day at the Fair "Epworth League Day", at A. Cen- tury f rogress exposition wil be hheld Wednesday, August 29, under th upces of the Federation of Ep- worth Leagues of the Chicago area. This will be the opnn eetof the National Gouncil of Methodist Youth to be held in First Methodist churcb, E'vanston, from. August 30 to September 2. Botb Chicago leaguers and from five hundred to. seven hun- dred young people from leagues, col- leges, universities, and cburch schools of Methodism ail througb the United States are expected to participate. Starting from the Illinois. Host House at 9:30 o'clock, the Methodist KLocksmthing EF of al id AuTO KTS, YMae f r.m Nuusbari S 'STAN LINDSTROM'S LOCK. SHOP 1222 Central Avenue SWILMETTE 3212 g y youth, will go on three subject-tours of the exposition. Ed H-endrickson, and Harold Ostrom will leadthe tour on transportation; William, Laski and Carlyle -Paul that on agriculture; and Frank Busch and Paul Meyn the tour on science. ,The day will concl ude at« 7 o'clock in the' Court of the Hall of States with a concert by the Downers Grove choir and an addres, "Youth on the Threshold of a. New Century of Prog- ress," by Bishop Paul1 Kern of the Methodist Cburcb, South. MRS. SAAC PALEY DIES Mrs. Isaac Paley, mother of Wil- liam Paley, 623 Central avenue, Wil- mette, died Saturday in New York City at the age of 83. After services in New York, the remains were brought to Chicago for interment ini Waldheim cemetery. lfr. and Mrs. J. F. 'Jockers of Cleveland, Ohio, are the guests of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Murdo Ross. 727, Cummings avenue, Kenilworth. el tnow for va- triOLD oatlon moneyl We have a. governinment Iliense t. bny old gold, platlnum and sil. ver. Nio need to go elsewere- hwe wiIl pay YOD In cash or trade for flew Jeweiry. D. PAGLIARULO 11". Wi..,...ê.A m Wil 11161 C * . W aw Vu ee S fvW. l.....l Bunte's Home Made SWEETS Special 59C SERVE IT For dinner, for the eve-' ning, or for a "snack," in the afternoon, you'll like our new richer Ice Cream. Special We make it ourselves, ac- Foursomne cording to Mrs. Lyman'. Package special formiula. (Serves 4) 25# e We wiII deliver Speclil This Week promptly at any. PINEAPPLE ICE betw.en two layers tme you specif Quart Brick ................. 42e Prmp .rfssoa Poe Ce46 Service e First Congre gational, John G. Hindley, ininister Unhion worship service at i1lnl the, Pirst Baptist church, conducted by Mr. Hindley who wili continue ý"The Little Journeys.", This time it Is amongthe books ln a. sermon suggested by Over- street's. latest and best, "Clvllized Loafing." Soioist, Miss Parnîalee. Miss Roberts at the organ. Mr. Hindiey may be reached at the manse, 1036 Lake avenue, Wiimette 4158, by Lntlnxheré of either parish or by any ln the community wishing pastoral service.-1 The union services continue through Labor Day Sunday. September 9 Is Home-Coming Sunday and marks the end of the summer recess and the resumption of the church school. St. John's Lutheran Wiimette and Park avenues, Wiimette Rev. J. H. Gockei, pastor 9:1.5 a. m.-First service. 9 :30 a. m.-Sunday school and Bible classes. Il a. m -Second service. "Inner-iife Religion" wli be the sub- ject of next Sunday's sermon, which wiii deal with a recent criticism of -Lutheran and generai Protestantisin's emphasis on the 'inner life'" and of '*the hypocrisy of evangelicalism." During the Sunday school hour the fifth iilustrated lecture on! the lite of, Christ Wiii be presented, its titie being: "Training for Service.", On September 2 Holy Communion ivill be ceiebrated in the German serv- ice, bpginningat 9 a. m. Baptist Church D)r. George D. Allison, minister. SlV-NDAY, Al GUST 26 The' Rev. John G. Hindley-s wiil dis- cu.ýss "Civilizeci boa fing," .Professor Overstreet's book, a,, the union service at il o'clock. Music atý the service wiil be as fol- lows: Prelude-"Notturno"....Mendelssohn Offertoire - "The Nighýtingale and the Rose" ....... ..... ......Saint-Saens 'ostude-"Festal Postiude". . Schminke Vocal solo-"Come, Ye Blessed" .... ...........John Prindie Seott Sooist-Grace Parmele Organist.--Enmily Roberts English Lutheran Seventh street at Greenleaf "A House of Worship" The Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor. SUNDAV SERVICES L'ariy service ....... «........... 8 a. mn. Sunday school................. 9 a. m. Second service................l1 a. mi. Duning the Sunday school hour -next Sunday morning the pictures on the Lite of Christ wilI cover some of His work in Galiiee and alIsoTfhe Transfiguration. The theine of the pastor's sermon next. Sunday morning wil he "What Shall 1 Do to Inherit Eternail life?ý" HARRY P. WILKINS, DIES Word *as received in Evanstoii this week by the George R. Turley family of the death in Boston on Saturday, August 18, cf Harry P. Wilkins, a former resident of Wil- mette. The, Wilkins have récently been living inf New York. Mr. Wil- kinsý is survived by bis wife and three sons, Robert, John and Howard. Miss. Catherine Hepburn, 417 Cum- norroad, Kenilworth, entertained at luncheon Tuesday in honor cf Miss Janet Couley cf Montelair, N. J., a classmate at Vassar and president of last year's freshman class. Miss Fran- ces Jeffreys cf Lake Forest and Miss M<arianne Hoover -of Evanston, both from Vassar, were among the guests. Methodist Church, Rev. Oscar Thomas Oison, »... nister The Retrerend Harris Franklin Rail, D.D., of Garrett Bi1blIcal Institute, willI be in- the pulpit Sunday morning, Au- egu8t 26. His sermon theme wiii. be "-The Paradox of Man." The Minister wIil be lh the pulpit Sunday morning. September 2. The music for Sunday morning wilI be as foilows: Organ Prelude-"Hyninus"........ Liszt "Paradis".............. Fibich-Urban Miss Marie Brie) Offertory Solo-"I Witt Lift Up Mine Eyes" . ... ... .....Eville Miss Ruth Braun .. Organ Postlude-"Festive Postlude".... Sniali chiidrein are cared for each Sunday niorning during the worship service. The regular sessions of the Church school have been dlscontinued until the second Sunday ln September. Attyone in need of pastoral service <luring the remiainder of August la -'ked to phone the parsonage, Wilmette 1014. St. A ugustine's 11ev. Hubert Carleton, D. C. L., rector. Sunday, August 26, wiil be the thir- teenth Suiida3, alter Trinity. There wil be Holy Communion at 8 A. M. and Mlornig Prayer with àddress at il11M The rector wiil conduet the services. Toniorrow (Fridây) is the, day set aipart bY the Historie church to honor tlhe nenory' of St. Barthoiomew, the Aipostl'ý. There wiii be HoIy Communion hi St. Augus,;itie's,; at 8 A. M. First Presbyterian Ninth street at Greenleaf avenup James T. Venekiasen, minister Our, worship service is at Il o'ciôck. The 11ev. 110l)ert L. Sawyier, D. D., j)resident of the Présbyterlan' ('ollege of Christian E<lucatiop,. wiii be the guest îreacher. We cordially invite you to worship with us. The Sunday school meets ini ail departments at 9 :30 o'clock. Our~ early service is for your conveni- .ence. Be sure to listen in on the Sunday Vespers over station WENR at 4 o'clock. Dr. Paul Scherer, pastor of HoIy Trinity Lutheran church, New York City, wl)) be the speaker. Enro liments are now being receiVed for our 1935 Confirmation ciass. The ses-* sions will begin the latter part of Sep.ý tiember. SParents and guardians are realizing as neyer before the importance of ne- liklous Instruction for the young. Edu- cation la only one-sided. when religion le left out or neglectel. Young people going through our Confirmation classes are better equipped ln the battle of lite and have the assurance of the Lord's blessing as they waik ln Hie Wayr. Come to taci Friéndly Church where The Way is made Plain. 1. 0. O. F. OUTING Sunday, August 26, Wilevansbrook Encampment cf I. O. O. F., will, bold a picnic in the Hanms Woods Forest preserve, n ear Golf road (Simpson street). Plans already matured and under way justify aIl Odd Fellow S and their friends in expecting a royali good time. There will be games and amusements of various kinds, and a prodigious quantity cf good things to eat. Mrs. W. N Waidner, 1046 Green- wood*avenue, was hostess at a moth- ers' and daughters' luncheon of the Travel club on Tuegday. It was a sur- prise birthday party in houer of. Mrs F.- L. Joy and Mrs. Henriette Pan- ushka cf Wilmette. 8