Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Aug 1934, p. 13

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Augu~t 23, 1934 WILM1~TTE LIFE ~I NRW BOOKS 'Te Wilniette publie ibrary has added the followifig new book., to its collection: Fiction of Promise H-aines-SIim. Herh)er--Holy 1)eadlock. H ilt< 'u-Good-bye, Mr. Chips. Marshall-Prayer for the Living. Roberts-Arundel Roberts-RabbIe in Arms. Slianks-Tom Tiddler's Ground. SI'olokhov-And Quiet Flows the Don. Walsh-Road to Nowhere. \\auigh-The, Ballio!s'. Younitg-Sqo Red the Rose. Detective Stories liv îww-PanXVI. Cliristie-Mr. Parker Pyne, Detective. Hammet-Thin Man. Iart--Crooked Jane. lHuher-Death and the Dowager. HuIglies-Murder ini Church. Western S tories C' >1 .Jidge--Silver lHat. Cranie-Thunder ini the West. Cullum-Watchers of the Plains. Grev-Code of the WVest. Kihhbs-Ridin' Kid Front Powder River. Light Fiction Iiuclan-Three Fishers. Cobh-Faithi Hope and Charity., Eiker-Heirs of Mrs. Wvillington. CG'hbs-Rivers Glide On. jepson-Via Panama. Lincoîn-Peel Trait. T.rinier-'Stag Une. Hioffmann Florists Win Basebail Titie Hoffmnann Florists cefeated Win- berg's Drug store team, 13 to 6, Tuesday evening, August 14, to win the finai championship in the "easy" pitching softball league conducted by the \Vilrnette Playground and Recre- ation, board. The Winberg team had won the first-round championship, and Hoff- minî Florists had gained the tiie for the second round, necessitating! thepl ay-off game. Linieups, ltff'nann F. (13) .1. Ho.ffmann, p 1. ILBraun, 2b fI. 1'uý-nertz, lb E. Hartmann, cf q;. Huck, s E. -1Edell, 31) 'T. Schinler, ýrcf .). Miîller, ref A. Floffnaann, rf R. Hluck, If T. Hlopki ns~, cf Wlnherg lrugs (6) R. Meter -, R. SuIliv iii, If .1. Harri.±,on, u V. 'WyIe, 21)' W. Ferrpriiii, 11) B. *Moran), sf B. Fisher, if H. Sierert, 1) V. Mleter c ENTERTAINS CLUB i>orothy jane, Orr entertained lier reading club at tea Tuesday at lier homie, 225 Woodbine avenue. Guests of lionor were Jane Dyke of Pitts- burghi, Clare Haverty of Atlanta. Ga., anid Wallen Kendel of Raleighi. N. C., ,wlo Ieft \Vedntesday after a visit with tue Orrs. MNr. and Mrs. Raipli H. Rebhock', wit. their baby, son, Richàird. Fitch, left. Friday night for their home in Seattle, aftecr a stay with Mrs. Relbock's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude E. Fitch of .1033 FlnWood :avenue. NMiss Mildred Borre, 1U36 Highiland avenue, bas just returned to Wilmette f roin a two, weeks' vacation at Flk- hart,' Id. Mlary Ellen Tiernan, Betty Cassid%, and Mrs..P. J. Shea of Milwaukee are visiting their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Harrv S. Klein of 730 Linden avenue. h r UTSTRUýE -ECONOMY -To S$hop of JEWEL Food Stores. Everyday low prices:-clean, white stores- and a complete selection of nationally adver- tised items at firices you would pay elsewhere for unknown brands maire JEWEL àiiopping a pleasure. -Jewel Sptcial" DEL MONTE SLICED OR CRUSHED DIfrIDDICLge. ?~109 -Jewel Spec al" INTRODIJCTORY OFFER - JERSEY BRAND CORN FLAKES..... ".Jewel Spec'r CHERRY HOME CHERRIES . .. .. .. ... Per Pkg. No. 2 Can *Jewel Spec ai" STOKELYS FINESI COUNTRY GENTLEMAN CORN (6 No. 2 Cons 59c)> a as1-Can *ewe! S"ecai" HERSHEYS COCOÂ . . . . . . . . . . . 6c 1 Oc loc A b- 5 "Jcwel speciar' r COFFEF THOMAS J. WEBB MAXWELL NOUSE 1 Lb* DEL MONTE jCôn 9c CHASE & SANBORN> M4AXWELL HOUSI COFFE.........3, Lb. Coun 79e HILLS BROS. MANOR NOUSE THE FAMOUS BLUE BROOK COFFIE.. Sfr.onc end Fragraul -Jewel Special" AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE Per Pkg.. FLOUR lOc Serve DalIcious Waffl.s for Thot Sunday Supper OLD MANSE SYRUP . Per .Botue 1 5C "'Jewel Speasal" SALE . 31c Per Lb. 3 Ibs. Sté 21c AND OUR SPECIAL DLEND FINE TEAS Orangeý Pekoe and Pekoe Ceylon andi Indîa. .. Pk.b 29c ~j*26c NEYER sold frot the streef. where dest. dirt. son end wlnd deutroy their fresb.ess SELECTED VALENCIA ORANGES Sizes 252- 288 Ideai S;z. for Juice FANCY ILLINOIS ELBERTA PEACHES. Good Sie.... EXTRA FA NCY MICHIGAN CELERY HEÂRTS. Good Six... S EL ECTED SEETS5 RADISHES.- CARROTS' or CUCUMBERS. FANCY COLORADO CANTALOU PEU Jumbo Size... 2 FANCY WHITE, POTATOES . . .......iO Per 23c .bs 25C Sc for 10Oc for 25c l.19C. CURI SERVICE Wh.r.ver you are park.d in the vicinity of the store-our courteous storeý folks, w1i most gladly carry your parcels to your car-ask us bo help vou. Flowery Pekoe........ Basket Fired -(Green). 1 b.I7c Lbg. %L.26c **jewel Specia>" SCOTTISSUE WALDOR FRoi20 TISSUE 4 RouaI 7c LAKELAND RIPE Olives ...3 a eCa,25c PURE GRANULATED Sugar...... scx54 DOMINO PURE Cane Sugar. SNIDER'S Tomato Soup. CAM PBELLS Pork & Beans. PET. BORDEN'S OR C miIk-.... AMERICAN FAMILY - Soap .. ... FLAKES OR Chipso GRANULES carton29 c..~ 5c Cm. 5c ýARNATJON can. 6c ~5c 1~ i5C U115 Central Avenue Ail heëmh Marked -Jewel SPecial' -! n SeLE in 817 JEWEL kX)OD WOtUiUS until Wednesday n1ght. Auqust 29. Look for the yellow *"Specal', tags-tbey signify -Extra ;avings."l IBER I I e .Augubt 23, 1934 WILMÊ,TTE' LIFE

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