Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Aug 1934, p. 14

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Augus t 23, -1934, .n1,T IMM 14 WILM.n 11 flLIFE ,~ AVIATION , Air Line Officiais. .Like Our N. Shore The north shore is beconinge a mec- ca for air Iline executives, particular- lv those of United Air Iiues. %vhose nation-wide air transport systenit. is directed from the Chicago headquar- ters. Ainong the morth shore residents front liiited's execuitive l)ers()Ititel are: \V. A. Patterson. president (if the company,. in \iliette: 1). B. Colver, vice-pi esîdent. living Iin Vl mette; C. C. TFhonîps 'n. isecretary. Russell Cunningham,. (irectoir ot .oenmutîcatiotts and radio, K. A. Ken- nedy, general trafii manager and Thoinas WXofe, district traffic inani- ager, %vlho byie Ili Fvanstoti. M.iss* E'dna Truce, agent for Liiite<l Air lines, at 1003 Orrington avente. Evanston,' reports iiîerease<I air mmd-(1 ediiess on the p)art of i 'ortît shore residents. pàrticuîarly silice th%! in- auguration of thiree-îuiile-a-iiifltite iiulti-iiotoredl plane service. wvbîch has miade north shore points *just aroun(l the ýcorner" froin distant points. "'Recently we hiad two itortit shore business men* %vho left at the close of the business day and(ihad break- fàst iin Los Anigeles," said L'nited's agent. "*It is quite conîmon for people on the north side to drive froin their honmes in tthe nmorning to the niunici- pal airport and flv to New York. ar- riving there shortîy after lunch.. Tihis illustrates the speed of nmoderm-dav travel."e Charles Lehr Stops at 'Curtiss in Travelair Charles Lehr,, forinerly located at Curtiss airport and iio% a pilot for the Monarch Air service at the Chii- cago municipal airport. dropped iin at Curtiss field iin a (' -place 'rrav'elair with a load of passengers Wediîesday nighit of last Nveek. I.ehir roughit the Travelair in during the heavv rain- storîn that struck tihe mortît shtore that night. Flying Club Ship Has Second Major Overhaul The Sky Harbor airport shop Iast week compléted a major overliaul oit the Szekeiy miotor of the National Flying cluib's Amlerîcan Fagiet. This is the second tiiine ini recenit montlhs that the engine bias undergone a major overbatil. t is the aimi of the flYinlg cîub's officers to keep the ship in "tip-top" shape at.ail tintes. New Hangar Customers ait Pal-Waukee Airport AI Sprague. solit of the weli-knlown Chicagoan, Col. A. A. ;Prague, is now keep)itg is plane at Pal-\Vaukee airport. Sprague owns a Stinson S. Another. newhangar customner at Pal- NýVaukee is Lloyd Laflin of Lake For- est,:an officiai of thic Elgin Watch companiv. Lafi iii las a itew \V.aco zabin job) Texaco Representatives Arrive in Two Planes Two aviationt represeittatives of the Texaco compalnv arrived at Curtiss airport lastý Thursday Ili different planes. Aubrey Keif came ini a \Vasp povwered Stearmani and J. D,. "Duke" Jernigan arrived iii a new Waco cabin plane. Keif had just returned front a flight -to Codv. \Wvo. Standard Oil'Co . Wins Italian Silver Medal Officiai recognition by the taliail govemnment was extended Standard Oui comrpany .(Indiana), August 15 iin thel formi of a silver niedal presented to John Porter, head of the compamîy' aviat ion departmient, for except ional eficiencv and cooperation in refueling Italy's fleet of twenty-four seaplanies during its visit to A Ceniturvof Progress last sîiinminer, following ait epochal flighit from Rome to Chicago under the cnt- nmand of Gererai Balbo. l'le medal wvas presented by the Italiait goverît- mentt tlîroughi a ccîninuniication to Allani Jackson and Amos Balil, iînevers of Standard's hoard oif directors, frorn Majo r E. E. Aldrin, luiropeait repre- sentative of the Stan'avo Specificatiits b)oard, whicli bad complete charge i refueling oi)erations over the entire fliglit of the Balbo flyers froin. Roilie ti) Chicago ant(l lack to Roine agaiit. Lee Milés, Winner in Omaha* Races, Is Here Lee Miles, racing pilot, (lrol)led iin at Curtiss airport ast week after re- turixing from the Ontaha Air races wltere he w'on a numl)er of prizes. A white Stinson belonging to Cliff and Phil Henderson, prontoters of the National Air races, will be flowit hy Miles ta Clevelantd for this year's Na- tionial Air races on August 31 anîd September 1, 2 aitd 3. The ship bias been ini dead storage at the Curtiss field hangar silce the International Air races there a year ago. FIy to Factory to Take Delivery on a Stinson D)aniel Peterkiît, Jr.. and Itis failier- iin-Iaie, Xaldon Shaw fleý,%, te I De- troit Iast Friday front Curtiss airport in Peterkin's Stimisoît to take deliverv on -Mr. Shaw'sne Stinsoit. H. Sý. Darr, president of the Chicago Avia- tiomi corporation. operators of Curtiss feld, and Dean Owsley also flew to the Stinson factory last week. Thev made the tip, in a Stinson Reliantt. Lieut. Paul Blanchard S Visitor From. Selfridge Lieut. Paul Blanchard froin Self- ri(Ige field, «Michigan. flying a P2 -A, onte of the arniv's mew low w,îng Boeing pursuit planes poweredl h a super-charged Xasp niotor, was anîong. the arrivais at Curtiss airport ast week. He caille to visit relatives in E' anston. John Maxellos Flies to .New' York in His Waco Johnt Maxellos of the NMaxellos acrobatic troupe, vho had heemi keep- ing. bis XVaco F at 5Skv Harbor, air- port, while appeariig at' the College .Inin iin Chicago, left last week ii his planie for New Y'ork City. H-e lias gonie there to 611l a tlieatrical engage- miienlt. FLIES TO NEW YORK CIT Y D. N. Laux of Winnetka, %vlo keeps his Stinsoit at Curtiss fiehd, .Ieft there last Fridav ntorning o)it a fliglit to Newv York City. He planied to re- tunon Sunday. HAS NEW POSITION C. \V. Scott, wvho until recently was emphoye(l in the office at Curtiss field, is now associated with the Automatic Candv company. College Students Learn to Fly, at Sky Harbor W. ý'B. ,ElliottJ of Winnetka, a Princeton uni .versity student, has been, spending part of his summer vacation time ini learning to fly at Sky Harbor airport. He is working for an ýama- teur license. :George, Ray -of Libertv- ville, another college student, also is taking flying instruction at Sky Har- bor and is a candidate for the amna- teur license. Ray attends the Maesa chtisetts Inistitute of Technology. Puss Moth From Canada Makes Stop at'Curtiss Anlong the planes arriving at Cuir- tiss fieldl last veek iv'as a Ptiss N!oth from Canada. The ship is of the saine type as that in w~hiclb Cal)t. J ames M oll 1sotn madle bis tranis-Atlantic flighit. t is powere(l bv a Cirrus mnotor. Both plane atidiniotor are Frank Casey Leaves on Trip to Sait Lake City Iraîîk, Casey left Curtiss airport last Friday mornîng for 'SaIt Lake Citv, Ltali, takinig a passenger with hini.Caseys sip, a Stiiîsoit. %as daiage ii acrackup somnetimie ago. It ivas rebuilt iii the Cturtiss shop. COLBATHS HAVE SON Mr. and 'Mrs. Water Colbath of Evanistoni, bothi of whom attended Northwesterni university and are wel known on the north shore, announice the birth of a son and first child at the Evaniston hospital Tuesday, Au- gust 21. Mrs. Coibath is the -former VTesta Swenson of Evanston, and '.\r. Colbath is of Olympic swimining and divinig'faine. Miss Margaret Swenson, 1635 \Val- nut avenue, is in Short Hilîs, N. Y., on a two weeks' vacation visiiting Mihdred Hauglis, formerlv of Wil- mette. -o- Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Mý\acKînnioli, 321 Leicester road. Kenilworth, retuirned Tuesday f romn a two weeks' vacationi at Griswoîd camip at Eagle river, Xis I STELLAR YACHTSMEN TAKE TO AIR Recentli' a group of proinent north shi-e' yachtsiien azmade ait acrial f1iýjht ov','- the ,,orh shore of Lake Jf1ichilamiii a United Air Lines planle as a rc;d'ztard for tht'ir success in zininqii! races held by the Sheridait Shore Yacht -chl. Iiiclmifrd in the yroup accorde<I a fIight over livzantstoit, Wil- mette, G lepicoe, Lake Forest ami other sections of the north shore are tr folloinq i.: Le'ft t right : 14. B. Gathan , Charles Kiqht, L)orothy Kiqht. ,l'lrs. Chlins Knighi, Tom tIVaagie, andi Lockwý(ood Parte. Organize Snipe Fl1eet;, to Hold Series of Races By R, D. H. O-,,'ners of the Snipe clasqst6lops anchored in W\ilmette Harbor, imet last week and formned into a leet- Seven boats wvere represented at the meeting and registration, measuring. racintg, and course were among the topics of discussion. ,The newly organized Sniipe fleet has been sponsoring races every Sat- urday 'and Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock off MVinmette harhor. Thie fleet, to be knowvn as the Wilmnette Harbor Siiipe f 1 e e t, was brought together by Toni Jolian- senî of \Vinnetka, wvho, with biis brother, Ewing and Bart Price. own the snipe, "Gladliator." WV. C. Huggins (Sea Scout director of \Vilinette) has been appointedl officiali measurer and(lTout johiansen lbolds the office of.fleet commander. The boats are owîied by: 'Gladia- tor"-Bart Price and the joliansen brothiers of Winnietka; "Olie," A. Ô. Buràliundç of Glencoe; "Noreaster," \Vilmnette Sea Scouts, first mate 1). E., Hall; "No. 4," C. Ross Littig; "'Slopoke," Alfred Brittain ; "Val- kNyrie," Bill Pavey of \Vinnetka; atic "Eos," Stuart Potter. Several north shore towns are rep- resented ini the fleet and a great (leai of ixiterest and sportsmnanship lia, been displayed by turhing out fo'r the races. Sunday's race, won by the Olic. wvas the best race so f ar, since thev fleet wvas organlized. The course %va, set fromi Wilmette Harbor arotind the Twin buoys at the Evanstoni water works, east around.a govern- ment buoy and north to the pier at W\ilniette. Having a strong. nor.th wind and a pitching sea for the cri- tire race, ail the contestants hadj an interestiflg time. Doree Hammond. 1630 Xalnut ave- nue and Rosemiarie Nolan, 500 'Maplu avenue, are at Lau(ierdale lakes. \Vis., visiting I)oree*s grandparent.s. Nir. aii(i Nlrs. G. F. Haninond of \Vil- mette at their siumînier cottage.

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