\August 23, 1934 Wl! M~1T~ I ~ other things Simonson 'tells us. that "oply ini Soviet: union *Was it evident that contemporary stage settings were considered'worthy material for. aMuseum. Almost every theater mainitains its o wn Museum, where models of its Most important produc- tions are preserved in chronologi'cal order." .The story of the theater of Soviet Russia' is too long even, to sketch briefly bere. These Russian models reflect every phase of modern thea- ter expression, fromn cubism, futur- ism, pro-unism, expressionism te con- structivism. Match Play Tourney at Illinois Club Aug. 25 'ruesday was. Ladies' Day at inois Country club, due to the fact that the men took over the club in a big way on Wednesday with their annual stampede. And it was a real stam- pede, for every golfer of; any repute, and some with none, were there in a turnout that began before sunrise and lasted until long after sunset. Saturday, August 25, will occur the match play tournament against par. l3acb contestant will be allowed bis ilIthandicap. Sunday, August 26, prizes will be awarded for îow gross and low net in the morning play. Taken aIl in al. these are busy days for Illinois Coun- try club members. BACK FROM CANADA Cy MacKinnon, 321 Leicester road. Keniîworth, and jack Byrne, 150 Ox- foard road, *enilworih, retu:ned Sunday from a vacation of six week 's in Ontario. They took a 600 mile ca- noe trip to -Sioux Lookout and Fort Francis, and also visited Duke Child's camp at Baril lake. After they had been in camp about a montb they caught a caîf moose and later gave it its freedom. They took their canoe up with them by motor. Sunday, Au- r gust 12, they met Cy's parents at Eagle river. ON CANO£, MOTOR TRIP Tom Cruttenden, Val Smith, and Paul Corneil, ail of Kenilworth, mo- tored recently to Winton, Minn., go- ing from there by canoe to Lake Raney, then Superior National Park, and thence to Owakonze camp. They traveled for ten days and remained in camp for a few days. By the time they return t.hey wiII bave covered about 260, miles, some of their«por- tages being from a quarter to one and three quarters miles. The boys will be gone for three weeks. ENTERTAIN BRIDE-TO-BE Mrs. iniîy bru..î<er and Mrs. Le- land V. Pierson, 112a Mohawk road, were hostesses at a bridge luncheoni last Tuesday in honor of Miss Sally Clark, who- is to be a bride this Sat- tirday. Mrs. Harold Johnson 1ai-d dauglbter, Barbara, of Oînala, Neb., have :beeni visiting Mr. and Mrs. Staver Mould- ing of 934 Oal4vood avenue. Mr. J ohnson w~as 1lIére too b ut returned home Sunday. Mrs. Moulding and Mrs. jolhnson are sisters. Mrs. Moulding ,a4lsoias as lier .guest an- other sister, Mrs. E. B. Martineau of Nlariiiette, Wis. Frieîids of Mrs. Leslie Mý\cArtliiur Of JBridgeport, Conîii., forimerlv of Keîliiworth, xviII be sorvý to learn (1 the deatlî of lier mnother, Mrs. 0. H. Osborne, wliich occurred où~ Wedines- (Iav, August 15. at the home of ber son, Gordon Osborneiii Sheboygan, Xis. Mr. and 1\rs. MacArthur at- tended the funeral. 0o- Mrs. Grant Ridgway, 207 Cumber- land avenue, Kenilworth, entertained ,Madame GilderoyS&Ott Takes -College Positioni Madame, Gilderoy. Scott, well knownl Chicago. contralto, will become head of the voice department of thé Frances1 Shimer college at Mt'. Carro% ll., this: fail.- Madame Scott bas been music director--of the Wilmette Baptist churcli for several years, and in charge of the voice department at Mount Mary col- lege, Milwaukee. Madame Scott will maintain ber studio in the Fine Arts building, returninz, to Chicaffo f rom Frances Shimer collegye everv fortnight. Mrs. George Rigler and ber sons Robert and Thomas, 706 Cummings avenue, Kenilworth, returned las' Tuesday from a ten days' visit.wth the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cox, at their summer home ait Detroit Lakes. Minn. Safe Way BUS DEPOT' or North Shore NW - Di fferent - tup . 't.f.-Mnr. gremfgbrt*ble NEWYOIK $14.0O Ouly 27I Heurs ilT Sxa.ço Idame the point - Cali. write or phone Mr. Allen, hell tel Yeu bow best t. get there. Pie ere WA DASFII 611 TravelSrvc-vaso Friday and Saturday Only *,UTTIER-FLAKIE ROLLS Somethixîg new mD dinner roi. *b .o ... . . .. . . ... . . ASSORTIED LAYER CAKES Delicious M-ayer cakes ........... ..... 115eC FRUI!T PECAN BUTTE i ..... 3eRING......E e CINNAMON SHORT BREADS And a variety of other butter cookies.. Lb.....A *AKED CABBAGE ROLLS9 Stulfed with chopped round steak.....9 JELLIED FRUIT SALAD Generous portions. Each ....... C Bakc Shop-Street Ploor VI[EDO)LDT'7S-EVANSTON On Davis Street Wilmette 1100 ýAugust, 23, 1934 WiLmp-Tirp-. iLipp-