Featured in the August Sale of i MmA Fonious for Quali fy Exclusively at Lord's in Evanston! Patricia Moody SCHOOL FROCKS Patricia M odody sirs ped brod Y Cý dotA frock. $2.95 % '. Adorable Styles for 7 -to 16 Year-Ol.ds. And Matching Frocks for Little Sister,. 4 to 6 $225 $2.95 $3.95 Lord's is irst to present these smart litle dresses' un crisp cottons for Fait wear. They'll tub to perfection i Crisp prints, plaids. stripes. dots and checks. Cunning necklines, smart touches cf smocking and trimmingo many with detachable collar and cuifs. Sizes 7 to 10 have panties. Al have a 5-INCH HEM. Children:s Section-LORD'S-Second 1,loor -Less Bulky Fi Such distinguished fabrics as Forstmann's beautiful new wealvesj cre pe are prominent in the group. Notable., too, are thï fursi wdemrippi'ed, gracefui collars-beaver, kolinzky. Persian Iamb'kit f fox. Sizes for Missesand Women. ASK TO SEE THE NEW SHAGMOORS, HERE. E) PLAIN TAILORED, OR'SUMPTUOUSLY FURRED. $29.75 Appa'rcl Section-LORD' S-Second Floor td, Julliard's wool. it ýfashion the new, squirrel, dye d blue t USIVELY. IPWARDS. Fine: Furniture at Lords: i LUXUR.1OUS LOUNGE CHAIR Rkegalarly $39.50 Buili for gamuine roexation and comfort. The. bufton-tuft.d bockc and the contrast- ing binding on the. welts make. 1* moit decorative. Choice of new tap.stry covers. LORD'S Third Floor of Fine Furrnture FuI-Fashiôned AII-SiIk CHIFFON HOSE PERFECT QUALITY 55C Thrifty women wUi supply their hosiery needs for months to corne and SAVE! Beautiful stockings constructed, for real wear.- Wel-"reinforced, dainty picot top and cradle foot.. Approved A utumn Shades Ju st look over this Iist of colors: Taupebrown, Darktaupe. Solera, Earthbrown. and Gunmetal. A shade for every cos- tume. This prkce cf 55c is the resuit of a very special purchase. Don'f miss this eventi Hosieri-LO RD' S-First IIoor M ail and Phone Orders Filled on 2 Pairs or More It's Time to Think A bout Your Fali Permanent Wave! $5050' Croquignole, Permanent *With new. FaIl hats perched, at such anglles, your haïr is an integral part cf the picture. On. cf thes Croqu9 igel wayes will be:rmost flattering Th*!s price, s very special. $2.50. m4anicuring, 35e Eyebrow Arch, 35c Oil Shampoo and Finger Wave, $1I Shampoo & Finger Wave,,75c Hair Cufting, 50c LORD'S Beauty Salon-Secontd Floor LORDS-»FOUNTAIN SQUARE- Phone Wilmette 3 700 WILMETTE LIFE AUGUST 13, 1934 BERETS BIG ONES Little Ones Ail Kinds at Lord's $3.95 Up in. back to show you r curis, yanked 'way foýrward over your eyes in a brimn-1ke, fold--that's the Fail beret, as presented by Lord's. Theyre outrageously large. and outrageously smort. Black and brown are smarfestl LORD'S-Second Floor MU" AUGUST 23, 1934 WILMETTE LIPE, .95