WIL ETE IF Auts 2, 93 W>eicins &qaement-+ Notices By VERA MCDERMID Alil White Setting Ma ks ùtley-Hulbert Wedding August 1U In the presence oniy of rela tives and a f ew close friend Miss Mary Alice Utley ain Bruce Walker 1-ulbert, the seý of Mrs.. C. E. Hulbert of Kenil wortb, were married Saturda- evening at 8:30 in the home o the bride's parents, Mr. and Mr! John Butler Utley of 605 judso- avenue, Evanston. A background of ferns, flanked 1) white Easter flies, formed the settini as the service was read by IDr. A. E Prichard. The bride and ber attendants pro vided a lovely pictune, aIl being gown ed in white. Miss Utley wore lustrou *satin, made along tailore( l nes witl an extreme boat nieck in front fallîni away to fonm a collan iin the hack an( fashioned with a four-vard circulaj train.> Sbe wore a tulle lace veil hel< in place by a sced peari band of leaves forming a balo effect. It hung just t( her bouquet, whicb was a sheaf oi calla ilies. Miss Patricia Oliver,. of Evanstor and Miss Betty Howland of Beverly Hilis, cousins of the bride, served as ber only attendants. They werc gowned alike i'i heavy roug.b white crepe, tailored witb bigb cowl necks and revers over the slionîders follom- ing the low V-cnt of.tbe back. The%, carried deep pink Killarnev roses, larkspur and baby's bneath iin the form of garden arin sprays. Stedman Willard of Kenilworth served Mr. Hulbert as best mnr, and Jack Utley, a brotben of the bride, andl Richard jobiîston. Jr.. of Keiiil-,votrth usbered. Mr. Hulbert and his bride left iii- mediately on an eastern l onlevmlooiî, planning to go by boat froiniDetroit tri Buffalo and from tliere on to New~ York and Long Island. retîirning by way of Saratoga and Lake George Tbey .will be away for a fortnit., Miss Utley a t t e n d e d Evaîîstoil scbools and finished at Marlborough in Los Angeles,. and Mr. Hulbert studied at the Univerçitv pf f i-hitaiiî He.is,a member of Phi Delta Theta. Among out-of-town guests wbo( ivere here forthe wedding wvere : Mrs. 'George D. Eddy and Mns. Harry E. Parker, the bride's grandmotlîer and aunt, from Hollywood. Mn. and] Mrs. James D. Harden, Mr.* Utlev's cou- sin, frein. Minneapolis, and Mrs. Jo seph, Flangan of Fagle River. \Vis. World Peace Day August 27 T he International CoÔper atio n Study group calîs attention to the Chicago World Peace Day Commit- tee which is celebrating the sixth an- niversary of the Kellogg-Briand pact on Monday, August, 27. The group wiil preste Gerald T. Nye, senater frorn North Dakota, who is chair- man of the senatorial munitions iin- vestigation commttee, iin an address at the Illinois Host House at A Century of Progreçss in the evening' at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. Donald Williams Dorces Branson Will Be -Bride on Friday Tbe marriage of Miss Dorcas Bran- son of Wilrette and Rohert Jeromne Nickles, Jr. of Madison, Xis., will take place at 8 :30 o'clock tbis Friday eve- ning at the bomne of tbe forrner's, par- ents, Mr. and Mrs.. Foster Branson, 817 Central avenue. Mrs. William Jar- vis Worcester (Florence Branson) wil be her sister's only attendant, and Clyde Redeker of Elgin, a Delta Tan Delta fraternitv brother of Mr. Nickles, will be best man. The Rev. Hubert Carleton of St. Augustine's Episcopal cburch in Wilmette will officiate at tbe wedding ceremonv. An informai recep- tion for relatives and close f riends will follow. Mr. Nicklýs and bis bride are going on a boat trip on tlhe Great Lakes to Duluth, and will he at home after Sep- tember 15 at 318 East Gorhami street, Madison. A number of friends of the bride-to, be bave heet entertaining for ber before ber departure. and- among the. partics this week wvere anl afternooù bridg_ given by Mrs. 'William Searles of Ev- anston on Tuesday; a supper party last Al Sunday eveming with Mr. and Mrs. Frcdenick Leisch as host and hostess, and a lunicheon given hb- Mrs. T. C. Banghart of Evanston last Mlonday. Last week Mr. and Mrs. D)avid F. Hall cf Wilmette gave a dinner bridge; on August 16 Mrs. Charles 'M. Ilortb of q vaniston andMrs. A. J. Bermiîîgham of Wilmette were hostesses at a lunch- eon at the. Cradle; Mrs. Gerard S. Norenberg of WVilmette gave a luncheon on Aupust 15, and Miss Rose Flentye ~ of Wilînette entertained at a bridge luncheon on August 13.- Mý%offett-Ru.*ieII Photo> ve,~'cha,,uq bride, of earl Auliglst was .Ifiss Caitiii;e Klot.z of I<eili'orih, fln ' i rs Ionald Lloyd Williamis of Mlimea polis. J'Ier niarriage took placeïn uthe gar- feuk of lier parcnts' home. M'r. and JI!r.ç. Chiarics Klotz, '5.50. kidqei Wilford DeBerard Is ,Wed to Denver Girl rhe marriage of 1IMiss. Marjory Moore, dauighter of the late Judge and Mrs. jülian Moore of Denver,, Colo., and Emmons W. DeBerard, son of Mr. -and Mrs. . Wilford W.' DeBerard of 802 Elmwood avenue, Wihinette, took place in Park Hili,.Denver, on Satur-, day, August 11, at the home of the hbride's uncle and aunt. After the cere- monv the bride and bridegroom left by motor for Wilmette to, attend the wcdding of tbe former's, sister, Miss Betty DeBerard, which took place Iast Tuesday. They will return shortly to Denver where Mr. DeBeraird is with thie United States Bureau of 1keclairna- taon. Fete Bessie Weiss. Preceding Marriage Miss Bessie Weiss, the dat ghiter of Mrs. A. H. Weiss of 1045 Linden ave- nue, bas -been f eted at several parties the past week, preceding ber marriage on Septemnber 1 to Scott S. Smith, Jr., the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Smith of 525 L.ake avenue. Those wvbo have already entertained for Miss Weiss include ber aunt, Mrs. V. H. S u hr of 722 Twelfth street, wbo gave a kitchen and pantry shower Tbursday of last week, and Mrs. C. A. Reeb,- 723 Eigbth street, who enter- tained at an afternoon tea and personal sbower last Saturday. Saturday eve- ning Dr. and Mrs. Reeb gave a sur- prise dinner party in bonor of Miss Weiss and Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith and his fiancée were guests of honor Sunday at a party given hy Miss Marion Cook of Wilmette and William Siater of Evanston lat Mr. Slater's summer borne, at Cary, III. To Be Maid of Honor Miss Sara Davis of Pittsburgh ar- rivçd Tbursday of last week to be a guest of Mrs. Andrew B. Mac- Caughey, 535 Warwick road, Kenil-, worth,-until after September 1,' the date of the marriage of Miss Mary MacCaugbey and John Jacob Schrei- ner.. Miss Davis will be the maid of honor. Aithea Northamn Weds Theodore W. Schuler at Ravenswood Church Miss Aithea Janet Northam, daughiter of the late Mrs. Lilliati D. Northai of VVilimette, be- camne the bride last Saturday evening of Theodore Walter Schuler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Neivton Schtiler of Chi- cago. The ceremnony was read at 8 o'clock at the Ravenswvood Methodist Episcopal church by the Rev. Allison A. McCracken, and bx' Dr. Charles' Keinp of Stratton, Maine, brother-in-law of the bridegroomn. Miss Northamn was given iii inar- niage by ber brother, Canleton Dnury Northam.' A reception followed at the residence cf Mr. and iMrs. Lercfy Barklev -Hamnmond, 14-n Scott ave- nue, Hubbard WVoods, brother-iii- law and sister.-of the bride. Miss Nonthaiin wore a white satin wedding dress made on prince~s's unes .wiîth tigbt-fittiniz sîceves of net, puf- fed at the shîculden. A net voke fash- ioned the wvaist. Her tulle veil wvas the sanie lengtb as the long train of lier we'dding dress and hung froia cap triimmied wvith pearîs. a tiara ef- fect framning the' face. She carried a bouquet cf, white roses and babies breath. Turquoise blue înoss crepe was worn by the maid cf lionor and, onlv attendant, Miss Dorothv- Klu-n-der cf Wilmette. Miss Klunder's accessories wene brovvn and so'was lier small Vel- % .et bat. She carrie(l a b)ouquet cf tea roses and babies breath. Phvlfis Hami- miond. the bride's niece, as flower girl. scattered rose iietals and orchids and wore*a dness cf pale peach crepe. 1Reginald Sclîuler senved bis brother as best mani, and the -ushers were Frecierick S. Northanî cf Chicago, the hride' s brother. Leslie Larson and Elmer MoIl cf Chîicago and Jack Mc- Kay cf Evanston. The young couple are in New Eng- .]and on their wed7ling trip wbere they ,-ill stay for a timer before returning to niake thîeir homne in Chîicago. Legion Auxiliary Day .Tomorrow will be known as Ameni- can Legion Auxiliary Day at A Century cf Progress. Th'e, national president, Mrs., William H. Biester cf Penn- sylvania, will broadcast a "Fidac" mes- ,sage over an NBC bookup. A recep- tien will follow at the Legion building at 4 o'clock.> Dr. Beatnice Hawkins and Mrs. C. B. Cochran' of the Wil- mette unit bave, been invited te assist a t the reception and te join other .auxiliary ,efficers at a dinner at one of the villages ini bonor of Mrs. Biester. [o Have House Party Mn. and Mrs. Frank Kechain, 40 Devonshire lane, Kenilwortb, will en- tertain at a bouse party over Labor day at their summer home at Land n' Lakes, 'Wis. August 239 1934 Wl LM ETTE'LIPE