August 23, 1934 w 11 - mip r,r p- r ns ' on .WoOdsy-Trâils Mfiss Betsy Wilson, dangliter of Mir. and Mrs. Janies C. Wilsons, Win- ,utka; Miiss Flora Jean 1'White, dau ' (ller of Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. White, U'innetka, and .1i1ss Mlary Porter Oivens, daughter of Mrs. B. P. Owens, IlI'liiz('tte arc starting off for a ride on their favorite inotints through the z(oo(dsv ,t rails aroind Camilp Osol fop- girls, Trout lake ini northern Wiscon- sin. They trettnrneid lbis week after spe'ndinqy the sun'r at ca»I. Announce Hostesses for List Winners of College Lounge af Fair Golf Matches Saturday is Simmions day at the North Shore Golf club had'its guest Woman's College Board booth at A i day Friday of Iast wveek, with matches Ce ntury of Progress, and on .Sunday schieduled both for guests and 'for Smith college 1rovi(1es the hostesses. members. Miss Elizabeth Hinchling, Miss Theo Prizes were awarded for first, sec- Thomas, Nirs. Hugli\U, McCulloch i ond and sixth Iowv gross on nine and Mrs. Manl% S. Mumford of Ev- holes, for the best, 9 out of 18 holes anston .,Sweet Briars day is Mon- 1and for iow putts. Mrs. Draper of, day, anid Tuesday is Vassar day. Barigo o h is o rs Fou Cllcao wmen Mr. Prcialwith a. score of 97; Mrs Blake, Hart, Miss Mildred DeWolf, Mrs. XV. second low gross, with 105, and Mrs. Stephian Bailey, and Mrs. Hasel Roeberg's 109 gave her sixth low Howells, are Vassar's representatives :gross. Mis. H. R. Smith1 of Barring- that day. Four \Velleslev alumnae, 'ton, with a score of 43, had the best Miss Eleanior Wetteh, Miss PeggY 9 out of 18, and Mrs. E. B. Beale Gould and M iss Alice Jaques of Chi- of Evanston, scoring 30, won in the cago an(l Mrs. John Innes of Oakiîow putts event.. Park, %vill be 'on duty Wednesdav'1. For members, the match wvas1 play MissAdelide allof Xinneka's'for low net. Mrs. J. A. SidneY, scor- to be onie of Wells colleges hostesses Thursday, August 30. Miss Glad ys'ing 84, won in Class A; Mrs. E. Cable, Miss Genevieve Sedgwtck, and McNamee, with 84, was the winner in Miss Jane McMurray complete the Class B; Mrs. 0. H.. Warner, in group that day. Western coîlege lias Class C, with an 83. the last day of the month. Friday o)f The club championship commenced next week. and has selected as its Tuesday of this week, to conclude representatives Miçs Mary Burhaus, Friday. August 24. Miss 'Mary Farr. Miss Harriett Rice, and Mirs. Moncrieff. of Wilmnette; Mr. and Mrs. C. M. IMcDonald of Evanston, and. Mr. and To Have Dinner on Yacht Mrs. Lester Wood of HHighland Park. A group of Kenilworth and Wilmette people wilI be Dutch-treat dinner guests aboard the yacht, Typee, Saturday af t- ernoon and evening. They will' see A Century of Progress by daylight and againby moonlight. Among the guests t will be Mr. and Mrs. Burt Crowe of Kenilworth. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Page, Mr., and Mrs. Arthur Allen, Me. and Mrs. Howard. Fogg, Dr. and Mrs. Thoniaas Grisamore, Mr. and Mrs. Pierre, Bontecou, Mr. -and Mrs. Carl Zipprich, Mr. and. Mrs. Wallace Miller, and Mr. 'and Mrs. Earl Neir EV'E RETT'i s ou. et MetbWmMu* à .e wu r hi asIa a 8sLietsal t m*aeu CostCm««. 0"umm.1114hbuS a" edalimatIurode ""alst ud 40,5f et= aeamouaiaul a flI" "Mb& ' r vit. OUM. Wm.biul e1 fit élrt STonM ARRIOTT. EAOLE RIVER. %gis. FALJ. COURSES START SEPT. 4 DAY AND EVFNING B ETTER STUDIOS BETI ER' FACULTY, BETTER COURSES BETTER ART TRAINING DRAWING DRtESS DESION COMMERCIAL ILLUSTRATION CARTOONING INDUSTRIAL ART PACKAGING LETTERINO DISPLAYS STAGE ARTS MERCHANDISING AND ADVERTISING IN ART" INTERIOR DECORATION HOME IMAKI NG" ~LYCHICAGO ACADEMY OF FINE. ARTS FOREMOST'FOR TWO GENIERATIONS 18 SO. MICHIGAN AVE. Cen. 2912 *Ch ildren' s Hai r-Dressinrg ns An'Ar 1t'atlWiebold A ýFng.r+Wàv* With Every Héireuf for Any Chîid Under 12 Years 5 C for 5*0 both If is almost More difficuit te, suit the child's haircu t t the individuel age and type thon the aduit's. . . since iftlis se important ýte 9.11 preserve the. winsome youthfulness of child- hood, subtly combined with exquisite groom- ing and becomingness. And this our slilled beauticians invariably achieve. Perfect Blendinq of Mode and Personality Is Our Aim For Patrons of Any Age Beawty Saloii-.-Second Floor, West WIEDOLDT'S-EVANSTON On Davis StreetlKuWiImel1'e 1100 THE SPORTS SHOP 976 Uinden Avenue Hubbard Woods TO' CLEAR AWAY immediately ail SUMMER CLOTHES INCLUDING MANY TYPES SUITABLE FOR YEAR ARO'UND WEAR-LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F S17ZES 25 COATS & SUITS 47 EVENINO GOWNS 26 KNI1TED SUITS 215 DRESSES ALSO: SWEATERS ... BATHING SUITS ... SKIRTS ..BLOUSES ... ACCESSORIES Dresses 3.95 and, up -hat100 and Up. Reduced fo. estkanactuel cost - and far beIow replacement values. E M T