Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Aug 1934, p. 1

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ILMETTE LIFE Pmbliahed weekly by LLOYD HOLLWrEI hc., 1232-1236 Central Avenue,.Wulmeteliiu Subscription prioe $2a ye. Entered. as second clan. matter March 13, 192,4, at the post ofice at Wil1mette, Illipois, under the act of March 3. 1879. VOL. XXIII, NO., 16 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, AUGUST 23, 1934 PRICE FIVE CENTS CONSTITUTION WEEK WILL BE OBSERVED HEREl Legion Post Enlists Co-opera-1 tion of Civie Groups for Paâtriotie Programf Rtsponding 10 anl invitation froin Wilmette ]Post No. 46, American Legion, the Wilmette C hamber of Commerce, tht WilmetteRotary club ani tht Wilmette Optimist club are joining with that organization of WVorld war veterans- in a patriotiç observance of Constitution \Vtek, which begins on Monday, September 17, and continues through tht week. Preparatians are now under wvav for a rou>ing-ublic meeting on the evtning of Monlday, September 17, wbicb is tht 147tb annivtrsary of the adoption of the constitution by tht tonstitutional convention. Locally. it s expected that set observance of tht week wili be limited to, this meet- ing. Efforts are being made to secure for Ibtis occasion a speaker of na- tional reputation, whose knowltdgt of the constitution and its history. as wtli as of tht ,events wbicb brouglit it mbt being, is complete, and whose address will be fret of an,, tinge of l)oitics. Nation- Wide Observance It. vas tbrough tht initiative of National Commander Ed. Hayes of the American Legion that this na- tion-wide observance of Constitution ,Veek was arrangtd, and the local program is part of that observance. Wberevtr there is a Legion post ont or more meetings during tht week will mark tht event. Reports are that. Legionnaires the country over are entering with enthusiasm mbt tht preparations, and tht success of tht anniversary celebration is already as- sured. A joint commiblet of tht local or- ganizations wiil have charge of tht preparations bere, under tht direction1 and wiîh- tht assistance of Wilmette9 Post No. 46, of which D. J. L.1 Walther is commander. Tht person-9 nel of tht, commitet is as foliows: 1 Name Committees Chamber of Commerce-AI Jensen, Aramn K. Mestjian, Albert A. Mc- Keighan. Optimnist club-E. IH. Kerr,- James. Magili, E. C. Cazel. Rotary club-AI Jensen, Aram K. Mestjian, Paul Rensch. VISITORS FROUW CALIFORNIA Mrs. C. R. Lion. and ber. two sons Bill and Jack of' Hollywood, Cal. arrived in- Wilmette last, Sunday for a two weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Burns and family, 1302 Wil- mette avenue, and ta ste A Century of Progress. Mr. Lion, who was not able ta came, and Mr. Burns were boyhood chums. Tht former moved ta California from Evanston twenty- seven years ago. Vacation Reading Club'Mem bers to B oard Get Certificates Certificates for tht Summer Vacation P Reading club will le awarded at an'-- informai party 10 be- lheld Monday eve- niig, August 27, aI 7 :30 o'clock. Ail Your Pici boys and girls who have been members of'tht Travel Reading club during tlhe One sumrmer and have read ten or mort WIL.\Ie'rTe LxVE books wili bt guests of. tht Wiimetîe lar for tht privi Public library. Anl intertsting prograin any picture wJv has /~i rangd, and it is hoped that bring ini and w as~ ~ n mayspsie of tht club mem- general inttrest bers whoare receiving certificates wilf If you haveà be present. grapb of tht hal Due 10 the nature of the pragrain. tht party %viil bt iieid in the Childreni's room of the library., rather than on tht iawn, as lias heen dont in previotis years. Thtis, simîce space will be I imited. invitations havt been issued 0n13- to full-fledged members of the Reading club, and admission will l'e bv ticket. This is the fourth successive. vear that a Summer Vacation Reading club bas l)etn conducted at tht library, and a number of those to whom certificates wiil be given Ibis ytar have been intm- bers of tht club for tht past three years. Three New Teachers to Join New Trier Staff 'rhrtt new faculty appointuients were announce(l Ibis weetk at New Trier Township, Highi school., Miss Doris Clement and 'Miss Pauline Ranes will beach history, and Miss Marea Vlasto will be an instrucbor -in the English deparbment. Miss Clement and Miss Ranes were graduated f rom North- western university in June. It was also annoünced that Miss Margaret Stuits will he in tht high school office to take tht place of Miss Martha WVilen who will study at Northwtstern univtrsily this faîl. Miss Stuits, a tnember of tht New Trier Ciass of '27. is a grad- uate of the University of Illinois. Odd Fellows Prepare Season's First Dance Members and guests of A. T. Sher- mnLodge No. .892, I. O. O. F., wili enjay tht initial autumn dance in the lodge hall on Wilmette avenue Thurs- day evening, August 30. Music will be by Frank Cbristtnseni's orchestra. Elaborate preparations are being made ta insure tht success of this season opener. In Tis Issu e Pages Amusement Directory ..38 Aviation.... ......14 Book Comment ........ 32 Boy Scouts............. 12 Church New&s ........... 8 Classified Ad ........ 40-43 Editorial-News-Comment 24 Home and Garden ...... 36 Society Pages.......26-30 Wilmette Parks .... 3,34-35 Yachting News ......... 44 Moves. to Aid in >robe of Phone Rates ture Worth Dollar VE Will iiay one dol- ilege, of publishing -hich readers may which it deems of tto the public. an "unusual photo- aby-of children at play-ot tamlly pets-oi individu- ais or groups-in commemaration of important events-of local bis- toric value-of old-time residents or scenles pass it along and if it is publishied we will pay you anc dollar and return the picture in perfect condition. Wih yaur co-aperation we hope tb create ýa record in pictures of our village. Do flot delay-bring in your pictures at once! You will be paid anc dollar in cash-for each picture.accepted. Purehase Inhalator for, Use at Bathing Beach 'l'lie \V ilmiette l)each Thursday )f: Laist \ý-eek installed aninhilalator to be use(l for emergencies, ini conj uictioa Avitlh tht prone pressure mnethod of artificial respiration. Lifeguards at the l)eacli are lieing schooled ini uperating tl'ue iihalator wvhich onteiman cani carr% ini a %-alise to the sceie o)f the tmerg- enlc%. The inlhalator, tequip'ped with tNwo oxygen taniks. is regulated to pre- Vent thie oxygcnl fromn hurning thte luig tissue. -'1'wo extra tanks of .oxygen. contained in a sinail valise. were pur- cliased with the inhalator. Rotary Governor. Wil Visit Wilmette Club WVilliam Phillips of Rock Island, Ill., governor af the 40th district. Rotary International, wh ich enconIr passes the northern section of 1111i- Mois, wiil make his officiai visit ta th.e Winmette Rotary club Wednesday, August 29.- Governor. Phillips Will address tht Rotarians at their regu- lar lunchean meeting Wednesday at tht Shawnee Country club, and will later hold a confernce with President W. G. Huggins and other officers and committee chairmen af tht club. Will Review Overstreet Book at Union Services "Civiliztd Loafing," latest book by Prof.. Harry Allen» Overstreet, head of tht philosophy department at the College of the City of Newv York, will lît reviewed by the Rev. John G. Hindley, minister of the First Congregatiainal church, at tht union services in tht Wilmette Baptist, church Suniday morning, August 26, at 11 o'clock. Tht services continue for ont hour and are participated in by members of the Baptist and Con- gregational churches., 'Adopts Resol ution to Assiet C o m m e r c e Commission; Rent Three, Squad Cars Action taken at a brisk session of the Xiimette board of trustees Tuesday night involved a variety of considerations inciuding telephoje rates, police transportation, higbways, and street lighting. In line with a letter received front tht Illinois Municipal league by C. 13. Cochrani, chairman of Wilmette's public service committet, the Village board passed a resolution ta help the Illinois Commerce commission in tht I)rocttdings 110w being undertaken in tht investigation of belephone rates charged throughout tht state. Will Rent Pofice Cars A current probiem of police trans- portation was settled when the board decided ta instruct tht Village attor- ney ta draw up a cantract betwetn tht Ace Motor company and the Vil- lage of Xilmette for the hire and rentaI of three cars at $7.50 per week a car plus two cents a mile per car for gasoline, ail and upkeep. Wilmttte's twenty-six remaining gas lamps, uised for street iighting. are to go as a resuit of tht baard's dJecision Tuesday ta enter into a con- tract with tht Public Servicecamn- 1pany to replace thése lights with electric. bulbs and also ta put new liits ailonig Illinois rôa.,:Tbe motion 10 replace the gas lights was passed, subject to cancellation of t bê.fë reselt conitract wiîh tht Weisbach -Lighîing company. In a* communication, regard- ing tht problem, it was stati-d that the Village may save $265 per year hy replacing tht gas lights with edec- tric li.ghbs. Expedite Traffic Flow A thoroughfart that will permit a swift flow of'traffic between Milwau- kee and southern Illinois maved .a legal, step nearer campletion when the board of trustees passed a reso- Itition approving Plat 6-B, sbowing tht dedication of tht proposed S. B. 1, (State 1ond Issue) Route 57. as submitted hy tht counîty superinten- dent of highways ta tht president and board, of Wilmiette. A copy of tht ap- praved resolutian will' be forwarded to tht county superintendent of h.ighwaysand tht board of commis- sioners of Cookcounty. SW"*&t Village to Pay J. W. Nemoyer, resident engineer for Pearce,, Greel ,.S& Han sen on construction of tht wattrworks, ad- dressed a. letter ta tht board iu which.he asked'that thté Village pa>- for medical treatment made neces- sary because -of -impairment ta his hearing sustained in making under- wattr inspections of the -work. Ht assertëd that such inspections were not usually undertakeji by bis coin- pany, and that he had consented to make them ulnon tht request of Pres- ident Dubbs. and unider Protest. President Dub bs had formerly re- fused toa ~uthorizt oayment. Tht (Continued on Page 5)

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