'lVcllins enagments +fotes, Bu VIERA McDERmID ofMarriage S aturday The gardeîi of the Gustaf Nel- son home in Glencoe provided a lovely natural setting for the marri a ge of Miss Marjorie SLeone Fuerniann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wilbur Fuer- mann of 532 Sheridan road, Ev- anston,. and the Nelson's son, Morgan Henry, Iast Saturdav evening. The ceremony was perfornied just as twiîight was settling over the gar- den with the Rev. Charles Porter of, the Moody- Memorial church of Chi- cago officiating. A lily pool provided the.background and the only lighting was f rom Japanese lanterns hanging overbead. The bride wore a gown of white silk net, fashioned tightly to the knees with a short train and ruffled skirt and puffed sleeves, and ber long veil bung from a close-fitting cap which dipped sbarply to the right and was caugbt up witb pearîs on the left. She carried white gladioli, asters and baby's breatb. Gowns of the maid of bonor and bridesmaids were of several pale rainbow bues, set off smartly against the whiite linen.-of the usbers' suits. Miss Jane Lois Fuermann, who served ber sister as maid of honor, wore a gown of yellow lace with han- monizing accessories and carried orange and yellow gladioli and Jo- banna Hill roses. Miss Elida Nelson, a sister of the groom and one of the bnidesmaids, was gowned in green and carried pale yellow gladioli and blue delphinium, and the second bridesmaid, Miss Alice Harper, wore a gown of pink and carried blue del- phinium and pink asters. The junior bridesmaid, June Ruth Lotz, wore.a frock of blue and carried a Colonial bouquet of pink and, yellow roses and bachelor buttons, wbile tbe flower girl, joan Gilbertz, bad- a frock of ligbt blue chiffon. *Stanley Nelson. brother of the groom. served as best man, and Mar- shall Peterson of Chicago and Frank Conley of Wheaton ushered. Donald Esheinian, also in a white linen suit, served as ring bearer. Mr. Nelson and bis bride are spend- ing tbeir honeymoon in Canada. Tbev. *will be at home after October 1 at 91 .8 Linden avenue, Hubbard Woods. *Miss Fuermann attended 'the Uni- versity of Illin >ois and is a member of Alpha Gammia Delta and Gamma Alpha Chi, bonorary advertising so- ciety, andi Mn. Nelson attended Clark uhiversity and was gradupated fromff Wbeaton.college. He is a memfber of Kappa Phi. Visifors From Peoria * Mr. and Mrs. KanI Kornady of Pe- oria, Ill., fornmenly of Kenilworth, were week-end guests of Mn. and Mrs. Ira Darling who ententained some of the Korrady's old Kenilwontb friends ai. an evening bridge Satua-day at thein horne, 256 Kenilwoa-th avenue. Wearing a white embroidered or- ganza wedding dress, made witl, full beli-like slceves, and carrying an all-*~hite bouquet of summer flowers Miss Clella McKana became the bride last Friday evening of Robert F. Pence, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Pence, of Evanston. A tiara of white flowers replaced the traditional wedding veil. Large baskets of gladioli decorated St. Augustine's Episcopal church where the ceremony was performed, at 8 o'clock by the Rev. Dr. Hubert Carleton. Vases of the same flowers were placed at the altar. Miss Carolyn Cazel of Wilmette,' the maid of honor and the bride's only attendant, was attired in yellow organza trimmed in blue and wore a blue lace cap.. Her blue and yellow bouquet was composed of yellow roses, gladioli and lankspur. Mrs. McKana was in blue and white or- gandy with a jacket and wore a blue hat, while the bridegroom's mother was wearing -black fishnet and a matching,.'hat. Robert Bell of Chicago served Mr. Pence as best man. The e'ung coupfle gneeted the wed- ding guests in the 'parish bouse, and then drove to the home of the bride's parents, Mn. and Mrs. George E.' McKana of 1053 Linden avenue, where a reception was held for the families and relatives. Among the guests from Out-of-town were Mrs. McKana's sister, Mrs. JOhn Cummiskey; Mr. McKana's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Smith. and son, William, and Miss Margaret Yelland, a friend. of the bride. Ail came from Escanaba, Mich. After a brief wedding trip Mr. Pence and bis bride will live on the southwest side ini Chicago- Co-Cliairman Photo by Bloom Miss Ritti Draver of Wilrnette i: co-chairmtan of the tea to l'e giv- en l'y the Chica.go Illini club ônt September 1 in honor of Miss.Ma- ria Leonard, dean of women at the University of Illinois, and of incom- ing enrolied freshman girls. Married in July Paul Stone-Rayimcor Photo Rosepoint lace ýbordered the steck and cufs of Miss Georgianta Pow- ler': uedding gotmn,. anid the samte heirloom .lace. fashiomed- her; veil. Madonna fiies were the bride': lowers. Sit eand Robert Henry Taylor were rnarried July 21. Evansion Juniors to Sponsor Charify Sale "Benefit Bargain< Day" will be held by the Evanston junior leaguers on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of next week-August 28, 29, and 30- at 517 Davis street.' The juniors are taking over the curnent stock of five Ieading women's dress shops in Ev- anston and are manking the merchan:ý dise down practically to manufac- turer's cost., The proceeds will go to the league's chanitiès, particularly the Free Dental Clinic for Children and the library sérvice for hospital pa- tients. Mrs. John M. Scott of Evans- ton is genenal chiairman of "Benefit Bargain Day," and she is baving a corps of ten north shore g'rls eacb day to belp ber. Mns. Alfred Taylor of Glencoe is president of the Evans- ton junior league. Church Group, Mteeting, The Nortbwest circle of the Finst Congregational, church will meet at the home of Mrs. J. A., Milis, 1112 IIlinois road, Friday aftérnoon, Au- gust .24, at 2:30 -o'clock. Those at-. tending the summer gatberings are finding tbem friendly and enjoyable meetings with, fellow members, it is observed. Mrs. Burt Crowe, 234 Raleigh road, Keuilwortb, was luncheon bostess to a bridge foursomne on Monday and again onWednesday. Custaf Nelson Carden 'Cleila McKanal Is' in Glencoe Is Scene Wed oRb ec Mary, MacCaugh ey To Be Married On September 1 The Andrew B. MacCaiglîey house at 535 War-,"ick road. KeniLivorth, will be the sceîîe of the wvedding of Miss Mai-y Houston MacCaughey and John Jacob Schreiner, Satturda3- aftei-- noon, September L. The Rev. Cbristopb Keller, rector of Trinity cburch, Highland Park, will read. the service at 4 o'clock. OnIlv the families and a few friends will attend the ceremony, but other friends are being invited to the re- ception. The bride's sister, Mrs. Harry Al- len of Kenilworth, wiIl be ber niatron of bonor, and the maid of honor is Miss Sara Davis of Pittsburgh, who was the bride's roommate at Ogontz sohool. Charles Schreiner will be bis son's l)est muan, and the ushers are Harry, Allenl, Herbent, Moss of Texas. Charles Schreiner, Jr., and Paul Gil- lerlain of Chicago. Mrs. Schreiner and bis bride are taking an apartment on the south side, and will be at bomne there after. a niotor trip to Canada. DeBerard-Lindmeier Wedding Augusi I11 At a quiet home wedding for only the immediate families Miss Elizabeth DeBerard, the daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilford W. DeBerard of 802 Elm- wood avenue, wa s married at 5 :30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon to Richard Warner Lindmeier of Oak Park. A wedding dinnen at Shawnee Country club .followed the ceremony, read by a f riend of the bridegroom, the Rev. Don- ald Davis of Northwestern university. Pinks, lavenders, peach and blue werc blended in the Profusion of petunias. gladioli, larkspur and other summer flowers, interspersed with white roses, which decorated. the DeBerard home. Mrs. Winifred, Townsend Cree of Win- netka, violinist, and her daughter, Mar- garet jean -Cree, 'cellist, played for the, ceremony.- The bride wore a peach lace gown ini the Empire style, a French blue biat and French blue slippers. She carried a Colonial bouquet. of yellow rosebuds and Japanese forget-me-not. IHer matron of bonor and only attend- ant wvas, M'rs., Dale Brown of Nash- ville,, Tenn., the former Frances How- ard of Wilmette. Mrs. Brown wore a bNe lace gown which was ber owil wedding dress and carried talisman roses. Mr. Lindmneier lad for bis best man Merrilees McCann of Oak Park. The brideé and ber parents 'returned only last week f rom their summer camp at Glenelk,. Colo. Mrs. Lind meier also spent part of the summer camping in the Black Hilîs. Motoring bere froni Colorado for the wedding were Mrs. Lindmeier's brother and wife, Mn. and Mrs. Emmons W. DeBerard, who were married August il in Denver. Mn. Lindmeier and bis bride, after a brief wedding trip, will, live at' Eann- kirk, a boys' school near Chesterton, Ind., wbere botb are on tbe staff. August 23, 1934