Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Aug 1934, p. 40

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a àETE iFE ioeîsit L &193 WANTE 10RNTr-FrU N. Hou*"S WeAiqUDff OR CLIENT-FURNISHED b oquse in WInnetka, lot week In Sept. to Oct. l5th'. 3 master bedrns., 2 mids' rms, Not > over $150 per inonth. 1MRtS. MULLER:& WM..PICKARD 740 Eim Street Winnetka 3603 101L16-ltp F.URN. ýXOUSE, 6-S ROOMS WITH .g9r. 'Oct. lot to May or June lot. North Shore, near transp. Roa. rent. Rets. Write A-149, Bo* 40, Wilmiette, 111. 10LTN16-ltp FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES STORE 15x55 NEXT TO WOOL- wortlVs five and ton, in Wilmette. Good retail location. Phone Wilmette 1724. lO4LTNl6-ltp FOR lsALE-HOUSESD ENGLISH BRICK UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE IN~ architectural design as well as in in- tenlon arrangement. SPECIAL FEA- TURES: Step-down living rm. witli beam, celling, flagstone screened terrace, 4 bedrms., two 1% baths, sowing rnt, oil bout, attached garage. Large corner irregular lot with 200 ft. of frontage. Out-of-town ownen wants sale thiis month. Price reduced to $25.000, which la below reproduction. Oal MNrs. Mead. THE BIL4LS REAI4TY, mnc. 529 Davis St., Evanston Oreenleaf 1166 Wilmette 3740 l11LTN16-ltc A RARE HOME B3UY $15,000 Modern White Brick & Stucco, Easi Winnetka--4has 4 bedrooms (large owne's with priv. bath; two others; maid's rm. & bath separate but on 2hd t1oor); liv. room is large, fias fineplace, and largo adi. sunroom; sleeping porch off owne's bdnm.--oil heat, 3 bathsa heated garage., This offering ls frankly a distress sale and should be Investi- gated at once. 1HILL & STON«\TI*L 53Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 1544 111LTN16-lte INSPECT THESE BEAUTIFULLY RECONDI- tioned homes ail ready for your occu- Pancy: 299 Vernon Avenue, Glencoe English brick, 10 nms., 3 baths 717 Greenleaf Avenue, Wiimotte 7 noom brick, wooded lot Attractive prices and spocial terms BUY LIKE RENT Shown by appointment or open Sundays 3 to 8 QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc. 1571 Sherman Avenue University 2600 __________________11LTN16-ltc FRESH PAINT 1S HARDLY DRY ON THIS NEWLY renovized East Kenilworth bouse, and it is ready for a new occupant. 10 eromfontable nooma, 3 baths, extra lava- tory; sun parlor and open porch; mod- ern plumbing; hot water oil heat; 2-car garage. Beautiful wooded lot, 100x175. Close to grade and high schools. 2 blocks transportation. Priced to sel under Present market conditions. NORTH WESTE RN REALTY & BUILDING CO. 5328'Davis Street University 9560 111LTN16-Ite 10 Rooni Georgian Home A STATELY COLONIAL,, OWNER- built, of brick and stolle, tule roof, practically new and modern l iiial a»- pointments. SPECIAL FEATlJREýý Panelled library, solariumn, 5 bedrms., 31/ baths, breakfast rm., oi1 heat, -a gar. Beautifuîiylatidscaped, ini eboie east Kenilworth., Priced at $40,000(), sub- ject to' offer. of'cash for equity. Low mortgage. Caîl Mr. Brown. THE BILLS REALT, l hc.1 529 Davis St., _Evanston Greenleaf 1166 Wilrnette 3740 ____ 11lL'j'N16-1t(- VERY UN-SUAL V%"ALUE . Strictly rnod. bnk., 10',rms., 3 b's., 2 Lx. T. L., large lot.. Near ail conven- iences, genuine bargain, $25.000. Other good values $5,000 up, ail sizes B. H. BARNETT 526 Centen St. Winnetka 965 11ILTN16-î tl> WILMETTE BARGAIN 7 room atucco. Hot water heat., East, fl eur "L.11 Garage. $8.500, terms. Muet be sold by Oct. lat. R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. )PP. "J.I Terminal Wlimette 444 I11LTN16-lte B~AIRD & WARNER, Inc. LEADERSHIP SINCE 1855 OPEN EVENINGS 522 Davis Street, Evanston' cGreenleaf 1855 Hollycount 1855 523 Park Drive, Kenllworth Kenilworth 4785 Rogers Park 6151 346 Park Avenue, Glencoe tGiencoe 1554 Briargate 1855 l11LTN16-ltc 457 ASH STREET CORNER SHERIDAN RD. - BLOCK from lake. The outstanding offering on the North Shore today. 10 rooms, 3 baths; solid brick tile-roof residence. 2-story dotached garage with 4-room apartmnent. Large grounds, attractive landscaping, fine trees. Clear of ln- cumbrance. Wiil be sold at less than haIt cost to ownor for quick sale. Shown by appointmcnt only. McGUIRE & ORR (EXCLUSIVE AGENTS) 40 years of dependable service 530 Davis St., Evanston Gre. 1080 316 Park Ave., Glencoe Glencoe 13 404 Green Bay Rd. KenlNnrth 228 111LTN16-lte Modest Cotintrv Home TWO-STORY ZMISSION ;TYPE 6-IROOM bouse with % acre of ground. Studio living noom, 2 tile baths, oil heat. att. garage, awninged. In Thornbury Vil- lage ni*. Libentyville, bouse cost $22.000. Owner will sacrifice for $9,500-$1,000 cash. NORTH WESTERN REALTY & BUILDING CO. 528 Davis Street University 9500 111LTN16-ltc ALMOST AN ACRE BEAUÏTIFULLy landscaped.. Charming house noar lake. 5 bdrms., -3 baths, hoated slpg. porch, library, recreation room, oil ht., 2. car garage. $30.000.. RentaI $125. A lovely English Brick, 5 bdrms.. 51 baths, brkfst. room, library, oul ht., elec.1 refrig., 2 car heated gar. $32,000. Ren- tai. $200. Mrs. Lang Wînnetka 11941 l1lLTNI6-ltp EAST WINNET'IK.-x COZY AND COMPACT SMALL HO USE. 3 bedrnis., Ige. lîv rm., oil ht. 2-car1 .htd. gar., Wooded: lot. $11.000. SMITH & GOSS l 725 Elm St. Winnetka 3500 111L1ý6-ltp CUT TO $8,500 SO R M ER LY $21.000. MUST' SELL. Most ttttrac. 6 Ige. rmns., Sun pch. East side. Great bargain. MRS. FULLER& WM. PICIkARD 746 EIm Street Winnetka 3722 c 11ILTN16-lte IN NEXT 30 DAYS I MUST SELL AT big sacrifice or, exehange for amalen NJorth Shore. My 8 rm., 3 bath, new, brick and atone, 2 car gar.. 176 Fuller Lane, Winnetka. Ph. Winnetka 1048. ___________________ 11LTN16-ltp MODERN 5 ROOM COLONIAL HOUSE and sun porch. Gas heat, refrigena- tion, garage. $6.000. 1.,000 cash. Write A-146, Box 40. Wllmette, 111. 111LTN16-Itp OPEN FOR INSPECTION 731 BLUFF STREET, GLENCOE 2 TO 6 SUNDAY, AUG. 26 TfRUE BRICK COLONIAL Owvner-built, 5 bedrms., 3 baths, sun and slp. pchs., recreation rin., oil heat, 2--car gar. HaIt acre superbiy wooded, landscaped grounds. Rare formaI and rock gardon. Near schools and transp. Priced to seli. HEINSEN REALTY CO. 660 Conter (W. R. R. Ave.) Winn. 254 IlLTN16-ltp $8,500 Justthe smaîl comfortable home you have been lnoking for. Nice yard, lots of trees, low taxes, economical to main- tain. Located in east Wilmette, 6 rooms, 2-car garage. Also for rent at $75 per mo. Caîl Mrs.. Hollister. THE BILLS REALTY, hic.. 529 Davis -St., Evanston Greenleaf 1166 Wilmette 3740 IllLTN16-1teý ONE 0F EVANSTON*s REALLY FINE brick homos at a barEzain price. 10 lovely rooma, 3 baths, llbrany, recrea- tion room, oil heat, 2 car gar. About y acre. Will accept smaîl trade. SMART & GOLEE, Ine. 1564, Sherman, Ave. University 0283 __________ 11LTN16-ltc <i-X R0OiM, STUCCO BUNGALOW corner wooded lot, 3 bedrooms, 3e porches, near, transportation, no assess- monts, needs painting and decorating, pnice $6,500-call at 718. Vernon Avenue, Glencoe. 111LTN16-ltc 7 RMS., 1 BATH, TOI. AÂND LAV.-ON1 lst floor., Convenient location. Easy terms. $7,000. L. C, ODH REALTY CO. 933 ILinden Avenue Winnetka 115 111L16-1t 6 ---- ROO ýMS-$7 ý,5010 ý t Nôrth, Evanston. In very. good condi- tion. Slping. porch, sun porch, H. W. H., gar. Close to achîs. and transp: Mn. Flood, Wilmette 608. 111LTN16-1tc WANTED TO BUY-HOiJSES WANTED) WiE HAVE INQUIRIES. FOR MOD- ern homes, 6-8 roorus, ranging in pnices up to $15.000. If you desire t6 selI your pnoperty, please sce us at once. Il.McGUIRE & ORR 530 Davis St. Gre. 1080 .04 Green Bay Rd. Kenilworth 228- 316 Park Ave., Glencoe (1ipnene 12 113LTN16-Itc p* FOR RENTr-SUMMEJR COTTAGES FOR RENT BEGINNINO SEPT. 2nd. Lake Beulah, W.18. 4 nm. furnlshed- cottage ' $10 week; screened ln porch; 11replace; nowboat. Phono Wllmette 824-J. 116-A-LTN16-ltp FOR SALEL-HOUSES North Shore's BEST VALUES Priced to Sel!, EVANSTON Weil built 5 rm. bungalow, price. $7,000. EVANSTON New lovely 7 room brick, 2% baths. Investment $29.000, price $20,000. KENILW'ORTH Attractive 9 room brick,* 3 baths. Investment e~0,000, price $32,500. WILMETTE 6 room brick- home on. quiet woodod street. Investinent $15,- 000, price $9,000. WINNETKA Charming brick 7 rm.,2 bath home. Must sacrifice. Invest- ment $24,000, price $13,000. G LENCOE 'White brick and haif tiniber, 5 bdrms.. 2% baths. lnvestment $45,000, price $28,000. HTIGHLAND PARK New home, 8 large rooms, 2% bathq. Investmnent $35,000, price $25,000. ALSO MANY OTHERS. ALL SIZES & PRICES FOR SALE AT ONCE-VERY CHEAP. Entire ivony bdnm. furnishings; washing machine; floon lump; single white mron bed complote; davenpont; carpet; porch chairs. Caîl at 619 Cen- tral Ave., Wilmette, betwoen 4 and 8 P. M. 129LTN16-ltp MAHOGA-NY -DINING ROOM TABLE, Adam design, $10. Smali mah. oc- casionai table $4.50. Other misc. hou.9ehoid articles., Phono morning.4 Davis 7625, 915 Dempster St., lst. apt. 129LTN16-Itp FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD FURN. IN- Scluding bdrm., dining rm., and a few liv. rm. pieces, also Minneapolis heat rogulator. Phono Wilmette 1693. 129LTN16-1 te -Beautiful aIl hand-miade INLAID TABLE bya noted Swedish maker. No dealer. Write A-148. Box 40, Wilmette, 111. 129LTN16-ltp EASY WASHING MACH. AND ICE box, infant crib, swing, scales and stair gate. Chîldes crib, reed stroiler, and highchair. Ph. Wiimette 1774. 129LTN16-1,tc LIBRARY TABLE Mahogany. Colonial style.. Vory rea- sonable-4. Caîl beforo 9 a. m., Winnetka 2516. 1291,TN16-Itp ICE BOX, EXCELLENÎT CONI).--15 cubic ft. Weil insulatod. Cost $400, sacrifice, $15. Winnotka 1586. 129LT16-ltp ;IVING. DINING, BEDROOM,,KITCHÏ- on and porch furniture, Laundry equipment, clothing. Phono Glencoe 1935. 129LTN16-îtc 2 GREEN METAL BEDS, CHIFFO-, robe- and sun parlon furniture. 326 Oxford Road, Kenilworth, 111. Ph. Ken- i'lworth 3647. 129LTN416-Itp BILLIARD TABLE $10. ALSO RUGS, dess, haischest of drawers, ec Phono ite 1056. 129L'PN6-ltp FOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL KROE- 1er Davenpont and chair. Phono Wil- mette 3216. ______ 129LTN16..îtp F'OR SALE-ALL KIDS FFRI tuno. Caîl at 545 Main Street', Wil- nette, Ill. Atrnoon.,s. 129LTN16-ltp BED DAVENPORT WITH. SLIP COV- or $10. Wainut Occasional Chair. $8. Phone Wlimette 2777. 129LTN16-Ite BABY GRAND7 PIANO FOR SALE. Cheap. Phono Wilmette 4144., 129LTN16.itp WTD. TO BUY-HSEOLD. GOODS SINGLE BED, COMPLETE. MUST be ln good condition -and reasonably Pniced. Phono Wilmetto 5037. 13OLTN16-ltp FOR SALE-MISCELLAN4OUS FR<» SALE-6 BURNER GAS RANGE. Choap. Telephone Konilworth 2051. 131LTN16..lte FOR SALK-HOUSE SACRIFICE. AN- ENGLISH BRICK RES. CONTAIN- ing livingroom with English plank floors, Ige. dinlng roorn, recreation roorn with fireplace, ýlibrary, Scr. pch. adjoin- ing living room, kitchen, lavatory, four bedrooms, two baths,. attached double garage and dock above, brick and lime- stone with slate roof, copper gutters and downspouts, Rockwool insulation, steel casernent Windows with violet ray glass and roll screons, vapor (o11) heat wil h concealed radiation. Large wooded lot With house facing east about 82 feet from curb. Inciden- tals: Refrigerator, Elec. ventilator with reversing ýmotor, temperature regula- tor, massive limestone fire- place with wood bin, hot water storage tank, 1,000 gal. oul tank, bathroom "Standard," fixtures acid resisting porcelain, royal Copoenhagen blue. A thirty thousand dollar house must now be sold for $16,000.00, large cash payment necessary. CaII at 718 Vernon Avenue, Glencoe, 111. lI1LTNl6-ltc MODERN SIX-ROOM CLAPBOARD Colonial house in Wiimette, on beau- tiful, wooded lot 50x200. Hot water heat, 2-car garage with concrete aide drive. Foreclosure complote; no legal entanglements. Will take $2,000 cash and egsy terms for balance. Investi- gate! NORTH WESTERN REALTY & BUILDING CO. 528 Davis Street University 950 llLTNl6-ltc t Fou AECEEETLOT$ CHOICE 4 GRAVE LOT, IN MEMO- rial Park Cemetory. Owner nioving to Florida,. w111 sacrifice. .Writè A-147, Box 40,. Wilmette, Illinois. I2OLTNl6-ltP BUILD OR RENOVIZE! WE HAVE ARRANGED FOR FED- oral financing on aIl remodeling work. payable on easy terms. Consult us on any romodeling problem from tearing out a partition to complote intenior and exterior changes, NORTH WESTERN REALTY & BUILDING CO. 528 Davis Street University 9500 127-A-LTN16-ltc XVe Desire Applications -FOR $3.000, $5.000 AND $6.000 FIRST mortgage residential boans for lmme- diate requirements. Owners must live on promises. McGUIRE & ORR 40 Years of Dependable Service 530 Davis S1t. Greenleaf 1080 127-A-LTN16-lte 1ST MORTGAGE LOANS 3 TO 15 YEARS We are* in a position to represent you in obtaining Insurance rCompany Loans at very low rates. SMý,AR'FI & GOLEE, Inc. LOAN DEPARTMENT 1564 Sherman Ave., Evanston University 0283 Rogers Park 0271 127A-LTN1O-tfe FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODU 1 SPC. WAL. DININO ROOM SET. 7 PC. __redwa. bedrm. suite, Pullman day bed, tea cart, Spanish desk, printing press, sun lamp, drums, projector, matched golf set, mise, articles. Leav- ing city. For appt, tel. Winn. 2067. Auizust 23.' 1934 WJ LKETTE L . IFE

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