Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Aug 1934, p. 41

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UY.- u lP r -rv ip yy ___________________________________________________________________________________ .v = - LYS - a a j FORAL-MScLA<EUS Popular'Film. Team GIRL'S BICYCLEatVeniThtr for sale tV ln i h ae Ph ne Wimete1940 .On for the whole family. '3LN16ltp That ', "Change of Heart" sched- Becker Pi;nLy-Pdng: Table. ulcd by the Valencia theater for CALL AT WILMETTE BOWLING AL- Thursday and Fridày of this week. ley, 1159 Wilimette Ave., Wiimette . III. Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell' 131LT'Nl-ltp ' prove they are stili a great film team HOUSE TRAILER, FRUIT JARS, ini this story about their' experiences radio, gas plate, dog basket, man's wt w olg hmGne overcoat 38-42. Cali at. 366- Ravine wt w olg hmGne Drive, Highland Park MI., Saturdaysa. Rogers and Jimmv Dunn, ini the big - ____131LT16-tp town. FOR SALE-VICTOR ADDING ýMA- Saturday, August 25, will provide chine, in excellent condition. Caî>ac- 1letv fss ity., to 1,000,000. Telephone Wilinette p.nyofssense, chilis and action 1891. 13LTN16-ltp with "Murder on the Blackboard," starring Edna May Oliver in a hum- -WTDý- TOBUY-MISCELLANEOUs - orous female Philo Vance role. She (~oI1îiin-juk Deler is superb-.and she receives capable Hihs rcspi o~junk.ae support from Jimmy Gleason, Regis Wimette 5417 Winnetka 3720 Toomey, Bruce Cabot, Tullv Ma- _______132LTN$-tfp shall and Gertrude Michael. WANTED - TWIN BABY CARRIAGE "Now Fll Tell" on Sunday and in good condition. Phone Edgewater Mon day, Augu st 26 and,27, features 9364 _ - _______A~3~N16ItcSpencer Tracy ini an interesting ac- $ 0$,r) CI4OTHES $ $ $ count of the life of the famous gamb- WillI buy men's used suits,. er, Arnold Rothstein. Hel en Twelve- shoes, overcoats; also fur eoats. tres plays the wife. Best prices. Prompt ser'vice. Tuesday and Wednesday, August A. MARTIN UNL. 0347 28 and 29, Stuart Erwin gives a-finie 132LTN%39-tfp characterization of the ambitious youth burdened by a shiftless family PtIBLIC NOTICE in the drama, "The Party's Over." Others who give capable perform- NOTlICE 0F PROPOSED CHANGE ances are Ann Sothern, William OF, BASE RATE -AXEA 1 Bakewell and Alne Judge. To Patrons of the Illinois Bell Telephone Company.,CRSINSINESRIE The Ilinois Bell Telephone Company CH yTA CENESRIE hereby gives notice to the public that1 "Mmnd' will be the subject at the it has fiied wlth the Illinois CommerceI services ini First Church of Christ, Commission of Illinois, a chart extend- lScientist* in WXilmette, heldl Sunday ing the base rate area of Evanston, Illi-- nois, to include territorjes whlch were moring, August 26, at Il o'clock formerly included in the Nules Center in the edifice at 1003 Central avenue. and Wilmette Exchanges.Sndy soo cnees t9:4 A copy of the proposed base rate area Sna colcnee t94 charts for the Evanston and Wilmette o0ok Exchanges may be inspected by any1 interested party at the respective busi-~ Miss Lois Haniawàit, 1344 Ashland ness offies of this Company. Ail parties interested in this proceed- avenue, is working with a group of ing May obtaîn information upon the college girls at the Y. W. C. A. camp matter by addressing the Secretary of at Lake Genieva. Miss Hanawalt wvill the Illinois Commerce Commission atieunt ePu uiest i h Springfield. Illinois. rtunto D au ieryearn.th Illinois Bell Telephone Company fail t compiete e senior er Dy E. G. Petry, ManagerI - Miss Mary Breslin. of Maysville, GUEST FROMEASTKy., has been visiting Miss Betty GUEST FROMEASTHarrison,. 200 Ninth streýet, for ten 'l'li Misses Eleanor and Helen days. M iss Harrison entertained Ritchie of Philadelphia were week- eight of ber friends at luncheon last end guests of the George Bartons, Saturday ini Miss Breslini's hionor. 1716 Washington avenue. Thev -o-- caine .by boat from Buffalo and stop- Ma-s. Gabe S. Wý\egenier, 36 Keniil-' ped to visit the Century of Progress. j %vorth vnie Fiiwat1 Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stewart, Niii- dred and Arthur, and Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Irwin of Melbourne, FIa.. ar- rived Tuesday to 'visit the joseph O. Converse family, 1610 Highland ave- nue. -- MisMargaret Cox of Beveriv Hill, Pa., arrived Monday to visit Sylvia Bontecou, 836 Chestnut avenue. The g irls are roommates at Ohio NNes- leva n. Wilmette's Only Fireproof Storage Warehouse Offers Security Eficiency Responsibilïty with its Moving, Packing and Storage .Services Estimates Furnishej Withoui Obligation Telephone WILM wui ri venu, r.eiLUVVLoI ii, I cLullic Saturday froni a tenl-dav visit at ber summer home at Fremont on WVolf rivcr, - Wis., where she entertained out-of-town guests. MUST SELL Sée These Cars Today 1934 Chrysier Imp. 8 Sedanî AlrfIow (sllghtiy nsed) Big Savlngs 1934 Clîev. 4 Dr. Sedan (used> Big Discon t 1938 Poninle Spt. Coupe.$52à 1933 Chrysier 6 Sedan ....... $64i. 1933 Chev. 4 Dr. Sedan ... $525, 1932 Studebaker Sed., 6 w. w. $095 1932 Chev. Coupe............ $315 1932 Nýash Coni'. Sed., 8 w. w. $375 1931 Buick 4 Dr. Sed., 8 w. w. $44i» 1931 Pontiac SPt. Coupe ...$275 1930 Nash Conlv. Coupè ...$5 1930 Nash Rdstr.,, 6 w. w.. $19â 1930 Llicoln Lino. 7-pass. 1Sedan, 6 w. W.... ....... $525 1930 Chei. 2- Dr. Sedlan ...$1759 1930 Packa rd Sedan ........$25 1929 Packard Coliv Cpe., aW. W . ............ :....$295 1929 Lineoîn lineton (tonneau wlnd shield) 6 w. w .. ..% $295 1929 Frankîlin 7 Sed'., 6 w. w. $250 Down Payments,.as iow as $160 Balance 12 ta 16 Months. 11NORTH SHORE BUICK.-PONTIAC CO One-Haif Block South of Davis Street on.Map! A venue EVANSTON, ILL M * I~ IAE~~43 and save money each week. ADVERTISER Blook -Nooli .. . .... ... .. 82 lBraun Bros. 011 Co...44, Cover IV <'ha ndlerfs . . . . . .. . . .32 ('hicago Aeademny of Fille Arts 29 Coffey Auto IRepuir ..10 (",.,,The 32 Evithston UAadeni> of Fine Arts.... Evaîston IBusiness.toIIesre Evanston -Nash (Co. Everetts ... Feltian & caurine First. (hurch of Christ, Selent.lst. ............. ]Foturth Strept iutgb Se-rvI'e (iooud»àai fros. . f.ordiali Book Simolb <rea.t.Atlantle Paitefie Tea ( o. Rouasehold inance Conb. llx is eill Telepione Co 1latla-ilana Safe.Wàay iaaies lredle (-storage. ,eel Foodl stores Llberty Lon(,orp .... Llaadstronils Lork Silo[> Loaagiieailow Flirz, .... Lord's ............ Ijuxàîx Pharmue>...... Marshxall Field & Co. MilIen Hardware ........ b IMueiler, F. . ... . .. . . .. .S Mfurine Co. .. ... ... 32 PAGE ADVERTISER National College of Education 18 North Shore f uleik Co. ...... .4s 011 of Salt . . . . .. . . . .. .l5 Pabst Blue Itibbon Beer .....37 Pagllarulo, D. ...........8 Peaeork Tee@('ream. :...........0l Peansylvanla 011 Co.....8 Personal Financ* Co. 10 Publie ServIre Co. ........S ouiiilan & Tyson 36 Renneéekar I>rug Co ... ... Itefsch Wa.rehouse ....... .43 21 Ridge Avenie Pharmecy ... lu s SankPedro, The..............21 Sehloesser.'s ... .. . ......7 $cott, lVni. il. ......... over TV Seibert', F. W ...... ....il Sharlb Corniers inn ý.......44 sinart & Gole ............... 20 Snlder.ÉCazel Drug Store.... '4Spanishl Kandy Kupboa.rd...O Sport, silop ........ .......... 29 25 Standard 011 Co.... Co ver T11 21 Stevens, Edgar A. ... 27 Valencia Theatre . ... ......8& 13 Van Teuse 'à Varslty Theatre.............. 88 .10 .5 WeaJuietoasing Hotel .......1 Wieboigt's... 16, 17, i8, 21, 2 22,23 WîînietteJIeanty $hop .........5 89 Wliiette Coal& Materiai 'Yard ........ Cover TV 19 Wilrnette Con fectionc.ry........ Vognle schools............... Wiliette State B ank .. Cover il Wlimette Theatre .... .....8 W orthen's ..... . . . . . ... August 23, 1934 521 Main Street, Wilmette Phones urnE 32 UNIVHISITY 7317 this to be so, and they offer you bargains each week in Your. Home Paper that are really bar- gains, for low price is not a bar gain unless qua lity is there too. Patronize Our. Advertisers -a 1 a PAGE

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