BUTTER ia:r b. 29c Finest imnt Mason Jar Caps ...... .doz. 25c JELLY 6ounces.... c.lOc Assorted stock. Supply very limiteci. f'!D DEhI UTCA filling CRAPEN T * e*ebreakfasts TEA Salada Orange Peko. Black TEA . e e Fne for icing. 1/-1b. package, GELATIN $OAP 5 for 20c Baby Stuart White Naptha. BOY BLUE Concentrated laundry 19c bluing. WESSON ..... .pt. 25C For salads or cooking. ANGEL CAKE ....-.25c Grennans fresh daily. Pipe r'sBread .. ilb. 10c BORAXb1 5C Twenty Mule Team, I OAKITE. .. 2 for 23c RicF GRJ RicI W. Bab', SP"? TOI Diew TOI Rîch Rich .4 lORE 54c. -w. .17c .19C helieu tre. ripeneci Raggedy Ann. APEFRUIT .......2 c"3 kelieu selecteci wholo segments. JIT COCKTAIL .....2 No: 39s helieu diced assorted' fruits. APEFRUIT JUICE .....'o217 helieu. sweetenecl with sugar. lITE CORN ..6. 57s.. iy Stuart fancy., Limited stock. .helieu choice clean pack. M1ATOES ....... . .. ***4c"> 2431t w-Kist red, ripe heavy pack. M1ATO COCKTAIL ...... ,e.2 helieu packec.ian boffles. helieu. Four large apples. CHERRIES .. .. .. .. . .. .2 .FOR19 Richelieu 3-ounco, Maraschino. BROADCAST HAS&H 17c Corned beef. 16-ounce cans. M PEACH.ES Richelieu sliced extra fancy yellow clings. 3 asý 67C Leg of Lamb Armours *Stamý" iLb. 28c PERCH FILLETS . lb. 28C SMOKED'BUTTS A b. 34c FRESH TONGUES. lb. 25C RI ROASTI standing ...... lb. 22c 6th and lth b MEAT for DOGS.A.b. 12c Hamburger, bearti or kicineys. SHRIMP SALAD POTATO SALAD H AM SPREAD From our oton kitchen. Colorado39 Russets......pk.39 LEMONS. Fancy. doz. 29c ORANGES e. e.2 doz. 49c Assorted Wafers One-haîf pound package of fanc' plain and1 August 23. 24, and 25. 23c fillet cookies. GRAPIES .I..Ibs19C PEAS ...... ...2ZIbs. 25c Fresh sweet tel ephones, Cent rai and APhones Tw.fth lq S 510-514 WILMETTE LIFE COFF E E ichelieus, .ý . ý 5 fine blond ..........l.3 CHOCOLATI Richelieu '2l.I8 MARSHMALLOWS frs led ...... b. 17c j -C