Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Aug 1934, p. 5

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Amn~ust 23. 1934 WILP4ETTE L1P~ t * .1 Board Moves to, Aid Phone Rates Probe (Continued from. Page .1) commiiuficatiolI.was beld over for iur- ther consideration. The petition of business and pro- fessional men and women, presented at the previous meeting of tbe board, asking the reinstatement of Charles Brautigani as a police officer, was or- dered 1aced on'file. CeCeck From RFC 'l'le Village attorney reporte(l that the Village had received a check f ronm the Reconstruction Finance cor- poration, in the amount of $609.99, as a rebate on interest on the water- works construction bonds. Commissioner of Public WtAorks C. C. Schultz reported that flfty federal relief men are now employed hy the village. They are engaged in con- structing new curbing along Green- leaf avenue. Tihe Sewer and Water committee, to whom bad been referred the dlaim oi Philip Hoffman, Jr., against the Village for damages to property due to overflow of the elevated water tank on Ridge avenue, recommended that damnages in the amount of $175 be allowed. However, no action was taken on the -matter by the board, pending further consideration. Objecte to pavement A letter to the board from W P. Robertson, 518 Greenleaf avenue, compflained of the bad condition of the ýpaving on that street between the tracks of the Chicago, North Shore & Milwaùkee railway. He asserted that because of the rough, unieven pav-ing an excess ive vibration was ielt in homes along the thorough- fare. The mnatter was- ref erred to the cômmittee on streets and alîcys for investigation. T lie board referred to the zoning commission a letter from Mrs. Helen R. Rohrer who asked that b'er prop- erty at 1234 Wilmette avenue be re- zoned from residential to commercial c la-;si fication. 0. K. Vegetable Stand Subject to cancellation at the u)leasure of the board, a permit wvas -grante(l to Frank Psenicka, 813 Hib- bardl roa(l, to seil vegetables at Sko- kie b)oulevard. Mr. Psenicka's letter, refquesting the "permit, stated that he raised his own vegetables and that lie ivas going to sell them to pay bis RETURN FROM EAST D)r. and Mrs. R. H. Henderson, 2710 Blackhawk road, have returned from a two weeks' motor trip through Canada and the east, stopping at Monitreal, Quebec, Toronto, passing through the White and Green moun- tains and coming back by way of Buffalo and Detroit. While Mr. and Mrs.' Henderson were. away Robert was at' Camp Koocb-i-ching near Ranier, Minn., and Howard was visit- ing on a fanm near Cintonyille, Wis. Robent will be home Friday of this **eek, and next week the -Hendersons' will motor to Clintonville to bring Howard back. During the' Hender- sons' absence, their bouse was occu- piee by Mrs. Hendenson's ister and a friend, Miss Lois Swain and Miss Stella Ma4dux wbo are retunning the. latter part of this week .to their home in Shenandoah, Iowa. Lo u i s e Hamiilton, 205 Abingdon avenue, Kenilwortb, -bas been spend- ingthe past two weeks visiting Mary Rotary Club Plans. Itgpirst Roundup The Winnetka Rotary club will hold. its first roundup'Friday, eugust 24, starting at 1 o'clockin the after- nloon at the Elmgate Golf club on S berme?, avenue, a short distance south of Glenview road, Glenview. The club plans to make this*an an- ixual event, and bas invited ail mem- bers of Rotary clubs f roni Waukegan to Evanston to attend with their guest. The Winnetka club, acting as bost, will change its meeting time on the day of the rounidup. Instead of the usual noon hour session, the meeting wilI be in the evening, with dinner at 6 :45 o'clock, it is announced. The prograni. for the roundup will include golf, basebaîl and borseshoes. Reservat ions for the day can be made with Abe Fell, it is explained. The- price is to include golf, dinner and prizes. Working on the committee with Mfr. FelI are Ed Anderson and Lee Rosberg. GOLF CLUBS values s. $315 TENNIS, RACKETS Values Do $1»00 49c GYM SET 4-play set $6.15 Vaine $4.95 PLAY HOUSE Log, Cabin Style $1495 Vaine $7.95 GOLF SET Ba«, 4 Clubs $8.95 Vaine $5.95, CROQUET SET $1.15 vaine. $ 1.29 BEACH, UMBRELLAS Vaine$"s. *$.00 $2.95. Playground É;AL'LS 29C lane 18C. TRELLIS vaines go $1.00 29c Mother of New'Trier Dean Taken by D)eath Frederick A. Kahler, Jr., 435 Haw- thorn lane, Winnetka, dean of boys at New Trier High school, returned Monday. from, Buffalo, N. Y., where he was called by the death.'of his mother, Mrs. Margaret McNair Kah- ler', who passecI away ini that city Tuesday, Aug'ist 14, at the age of 86 at the. home of ber daugbter, Mrs. J. W. Henrich. b Mrs. Kahler, the widow.of the late Dr. Frederick A.'Kabler, is survived by al ber cbildren: three sons, Hugb. McNair, of Princeton, N. J., Henry C., of New York, Frederick A., Jr.,, of Winnetka, and two daughters, Mrs. J. W. Henrich of Buffalo, N. Y., and Mrs. C. C. vonPaulsen of Wash- ington, D. C. Since 1880 Mrs. Kahler had-lived in Buffalo, N. Y., where her husband served as a Lutheran minister for more than flfty years. Dorothy Nelson, 621 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, left Tuesday for Spring- feld, Ohio, where she will visit ber atint and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Lafferty. LEAVEI FOR NEW YORK,- Stoddard J. S8mall of 411 Maple avenue, E dward Ryerson of 210 Sixth" street, and James Clicketts of Chica- go left last Saturday on a motor trip to New York. Tbey plan to spend most of their vacatio ns in Westches-. ter county. En route, tbey will make stops at various cities and visit sev- eral former New Trier High school clas smates, among them being John Ilijif and Frank Gilcbrist. Tbey will return September 4 over the scenic niôrthern route tbrough Canada. BEAU JX5HOU' Finqer Powderý' Wavi.ng Blendini IBeauty Culture in A ifs Branches 1137 CENTRA LAVE »iRS IAO SAURi 'J $1.00.Blockies Dollar Dish Washer ........... $ M5 1.25 Bey-Aid, Aluminumi, quart Mze.5 1.00 Bacon and Egg Skîllet, HeayAunnm .» 3.75 Advanced Croquet Set .................195 8.00Par Pen Desk Set.................. 3.95 LAWN LAWN CHAIRS Vaines s. S7.95 MOWERS $4095 $14.95 Ecipse ...... i-i.. size $11.48. 17.00 Ohio ....... 16- a.. sz 12-98 17.25 Eclipse ......18s-i.. size 12-98 19.00 ýOhio ........18B-in.. size 14.38 20.50 Bartlett.....-i. size 16.50 $12.50 Rain King SPrinkler ... $7.95- 6.75 50-EL. 3/4,1Hose .with couplunfs.......5 1.25 Ho. Reéi............ .79 1.00 Lawn Master ..... .78 .95 Ho.. Hander ...........38- PHILCO RADIO $M500 Value... close out prie $18&50 42.5 Value. close out price .29-95 115»0 Value..... Close out price 74.95 0W ENLISH BOY SCOUT iqt. N.Rub Polith Cap tfs i cam Upholstery I$1.95 Values I Clemem $1 .1 Hamilton Beach MIXER $10095 $825 Parker Pen an d Pencil. . 3.95 .29 Bird Garden Stakes, 2 for .25 .45 Clothes Line, 100 ft....29 1.95 Mothmaster Outfit...1.19 1.00 Bird House........... .59 SAVAGE VALSPAR WASHER ENAMEL Floor SampIS $1.80 qts.. for $1.35 $119.50 Valne $i.Om Pte. for .75 $89.5jeS 3-pts. for -AS FURNITURE HORTON, POLISH WASHER "Lady Hibbard" Floor SaMpI& 39e Vaine $99.75 value 28c $95 ENOZ CLEANERI FLY SPRAY Graybar QXaty $24.50 Value, $ 19.75 Sprayer -ana Spray 23e TOASTIMSTER TOASTERS S Single *.1.50 val"e $140DVan $11.48 nu.., Voflrth Enaoelware - close out items reduced as much as......, i Limited Quantities -A4Il Sale Finél Rarely-if ever-do you have an opportunity to make sucli savings on regular stock merchandise. No Refund . .. No Phone Orders.. Limited Quantities MILLEN HARDWARE COMPANT 1219 Wlmtt. Avemmu ..Pl~...WÎIh Oet3m WILmElrTE LIF9 Auizust

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