uiw m lav rv w imuSpebr6 94n8 . a=a ~=- ________________ MAKE TOUR' 0F STATE Mrs.. S. M. Singleton, 1104 Forest avenue, and Mrs. J. Melville Brown, 99 Robsart road, Kenilwortb, reéent- ly comnpleted a mnotor trip, to several beauty spots iii Illinois. Tbey drove, to Sycamore, and then followed the Rock river through Byron and Ore- gon. Miss Eva Hall of Sycamore ne- turned with them to-be Mrs. Brown's güest for several days. GO W SeIl It now for va- , e ation moneyt IVe b ave a government Iliecise to buy old gold, platinuni andl si]- ver. No nccd to go elsewitre - we wilIlpay yon ln cash or traite for new Jewelry. D. PAGLIARULO 1166 Wilmette Ave. WiL 1061 K Locksmithing E of ail kinds yAUTO KETS Made from Nu.mbers S STAN LINDSTROM'S LOCK SHQJ O 1222 Central Avenue WILMETTE 3212 I A WAIT SUMMONS, TO ArENNEL CLUB SHOWI The ;,solier <of ihest, liveli f,îlI-blooded Irish Setters zil 1w shwai'O!lihe .ortiibrook Kennel club Do.y show to be held at thUiii-triss-Reyniold.ç airpori September 8 and 9. reside.s ithe' jdfjiny of te various breeds, Iraipied Dobermani Piiwhers and Labrador Retrieve'rs will give i,'xhi bitionis. Miss- I.iimilv Switzr. 1241Wa.kyaîroadl. Northbrook, is secrctarv of te club). wèëek-end and Labor day visiting his mother, Mrs. B. P. Owens.. 714 Elni- wood avenue. First Ohurcli of CrsScientist Tenh Street end Central Avenu. Wilmette, 111. SUNDAY SERVICES-il A. M. - WBDNESDAY-TESTIMONIAL MEETING-8 P. M. j SUNDAY SCHOOL EXERCISES-9:45 A. M. SEPTEMBER 9, 1934 Subject: "MAN" READING ROOM- 1148 Central Aveue * Open Daily (except Wednesday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wedneuday 9 A. M. to 7:45 P. M. Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. The Rible sud Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and ail other authoriîked C Orioetimn Science Literature may bc rend, borrowed or purchased ut à te Reading Rooni. = THE PURIM IS COBDIALLY INVITHD TO ATTEND THE CHLJECH SERVIE AND VISE? THE READING ROOM Attention Milady! 'L£eo ypur Hairdresser IS HERE! Recently of 5th. Avenue, N. Y., and the Georgian Hotel . t*Eîna $nlmecII has just contracted with Mr.ý Henryad is here to stay to challenge the fine work Mr. Henry does. They wvill specialize in the latest. Contour 'Per- manent Waves, Chic Coiffures, and Hair Cuts. A single trial will convince you that they 'are pro- fessional hairdressers. They shalt be glad to style you. HENRY'S & MARTHA'S BEAUTY SALON 547 Chestnut Street Winnetka 119 TEA FOR STUDENTS The faculty- and re-entering stu- dents.of the National College of Ed- ucation will entertain ail of the ini- coming students and their parents at tea in the College building from 2 to 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Septcm- ber 9. This will provide an opportun- ity to the girls enrolled from this vicinity to become acquainted and for the incoming students to see the college, building and meet the faculty. Registration of new students at the college is scheduled for Friday. Sel- temfber 14. CHRISTIAN SCIE NCE SERVICES "Man" will be the subject at the services in First Church of Christ. Scientist, in Wilmette Sunday morn- ing, September 9, at Il o'clock, hield in the edifice at 1003 Central avenue. Sunday school convenes at 9 :45 o'clock. MNiss Jessie Robinson, 1026 Ashl- land avenue, left Labor Day by mo- tor for Los Angeles, Cal., ta visit friends. Will tour through Oregon and Washington ta Seattle. Miss Robinson will visit relatives at Mukil- teo, \Vasli., and, expects ta stay three M r;. Hugh Crawford af Sali Frati- cisca. Cal., ar*rived Tuesday. to spend a month visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Mark Hale, 1051 Ramona road. III ON -BATTRIE 1207 WASIIII40ON AVE. w UauO s.pw . IVIL. 3D4 SCHOOL 6"KIDS"!. Enjoy a Tasty Lunch Milk Shake and Delicious Toasted Sandwich 25c. Pupils of Edith Young Give Recital at Studio A group of pupils oi Edith Ray Yoaung, piano teacher, 1resente(l a prograin at her studio, 1133 Central avenue, Tuesday evening. Septeiner 4, at 7 :30 o'clock. At the close of her ptipils' recital Miss Young plaved several ilumbers. The program fol- lowvs. Dancing Lesson ... ...ti A Littie Waltz ....cu rti s Tom Hall Old E,,gli.t,1 Melody . unrtiez i Neditatin iCurtis 'Mary Kutten The Anvil Bull Frog The Wind in the Pîies Barbara Barrett Lullaby Windmill .. ... Tom Hall A Curious StorY Vientiese Refrain V alse ... .. .. .. Frances huk Spinning Top' !The Beils .. .. .. Waltz ... v u e Butsy Bee, March of the Goblins. Donkey Ride -..:-. Barbara Barrt Passing Parade Prelude . >-t.. .. Gertrides reamWnValtz Frances Dahncke Cu rtis- Cizurt is ( 'uitis Folk Song 1uikowis 4 urtis Curtis . .. .Erb Brett Chopin M*r'> and Mrs. E. H. Burge. 924 Forest avenue, entertaitied rccîtly ai an evening bridge in lhonar o.'f Mrs. D. J. Hoskins of Columnbus. Ohio, wvho . i visiting relatives ini wilrnette. Miss Alison Burge, 924, Forest avenue, is leaving Saturdav, Septeni- ber 15i, for Aurora, N. Y.. where she will enter Wells college. transferring f rom Obenlin. --o- Mr. and' Mrs. George H. Rodger-, 928. Oakwood avenue,. are- returning today fnom a two-week visit at Sant- gatuck. Edward .Howards, 1055 'Vilmette avenue, is leaving Friday for the University of Illinois, r>» September 6, 1934 wit-up-ir-rp-, Liipip-