~nIUlImftIfq CIAMt Furred Tweed Suits in Rich Fall. Thsswnytwe 28 Thisswaky teedwith its flatter- ing1 raccoon or wolf coller is an important foundation for tihe col- loge or business wardrobe. In suzes for misses. Note the long prac- fical coat, the novolty weave, the pret ailoring. Misses' Frocks. 0f SiIk Crepe Adorable one end two-piece models, these, in smart Feul colorings and fab. ~ - anic. Interesting coller treatments, occasional jeunty peplum. hare ond thore à* uit skirt ... end à defi- nite unanimous chic. Sizes 14, to 20. WooI Dresses. Go To Class! Tone 1-,, ML J.ý y'l $5.95, Fascinating colors and exciting new w.av.s fend add.d interest te toi- loed frocks. in wool fabrics. On. and two-piece types. in misses' si los. Wear. P eplum Swea ters' $195 Slion sweaterstake lo a dressy indi- viduality and soft lacy weaves.' This clever fri-ton. model with puff leeves is typikal of a vast ýand, varied, assort- ment in~ Fali shades. Szes 34 to 40. led. brown, neii,' ted or green . te match or contrast With your-swoa- fer. checks. plaids end tweed effects. Sizes 26 to 32. Young Evanstonian Shop- For Sportswer-Street Floor W1EBOLD[T S -VANSTON On Davis Street DO YOUR'FALL SHOPPING *WITH A CHARGE ACCOUNTr Wilmel'te 1100 SEPTEMBER 6, .1934 Apparel Shops. Second Floor Warm. Flannel Fashions Skirts . , 13 $2-95ý