WILMETT LIFE eptembea6,Jl% Everytling, s Grand (Including the, price) about these coats in our September Fur sale Sale ends September 29 FUR COATS The right style, the right q u alit y. You simply can't afford to delay ini making your e selection. So reason- ably priced from Up A smail deposit holds any coat. Fur Trimrned COATS S Iî's the rgbt unes in these- new collars and sleeves and the slim silhouette that counts this year. See them, and you'Il know that last year's coat sum- ply won't do. In sizes 14 to 46. $29.50 and up Remodeling, Relining. Repairing-Saving of 35% for this month. Special Lot of FURRED COATS in 12 to 18 sizes that selI for only $19.50 BI 1. OKIEAN,, FURR-IIERS, IN C. I 546-548 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka 2752 I~I ~ ~jCkM 1U hi ~~AIC I I~~~ UTL LUU [4IV3 I GREAT EVENT (A 41 lidilo rial) championship -at Comiiskey park Fni- day, August 31. The scouts report tlîat' the games The annouricement of the First were very exciting and that they en- National Jamboree of otir rnoveiefft joyed them immensely. More than to.be held ini Wasbington, D. C., iext 5,000 fans saw Cumberland emerge summer bas stirred the imagfination champion after 30,000 junior teams of every scout and scouter ini Our hiad played for three. months. country. A wave of anticipatioli lias startedwhich wvi1I mount stealdily as O frM r rie we approach this great event, the of rM r rie most outstanding undertaking ini the Aboard "AIbatross" hisorvof he oyScots îîîr- The Sea Scout schooner *Alba- ica. tross" of the Norih Shore Area .At the time of the National (Good counicil is rouin(ing out a verv bus), Turni broadcast froin the White esnlivgbe o tewar Houseon Fbruar 10,1,resie- and "'on the go" siîîce julv I. More denît Roosevelt, hionorary rsdn thani sevenltyS-five' different Sea of the movement. extended anl invita- Scouts have enjoye(l *'lonig cruises" tion to ail the Boy Scouts of Amnerica on this b)oat, the cruises ranging in to corne to Wîashington. 1). C., ii leng-Itii from five to twelve days each. 1935 for a unique celebration of the Everv Sea Scout lias gaînied many Silver Jubilec of the Boy Scouts Of îe xeine n noe h Anerica. l'le invitation was re- tîîrilîs of the "big adventure" of Sea ceivd ~ithgret ethuias a ! Scouting. The boys have encoun- %vork iimediately started for a gatli-treaikisofvategoad ering of national significance. l)a(l. but in spite of the rougli and The National Jamboree ini 1935, the 1 ram w %eatlher that the. boat may first iii our country, is bound to be hiave been throughi, thev- enjoyed ex'- anl exceptional a(lventure. It is'ex- 1 eri, moment of, it, and are ail look- pecte(l that 30,000 Boy Scouts will inig forward' to the sailing seasoin gathier ini Washington. The great lie.ýt sunîmiier. nîajoritv will be froîîî our own nîem- At present the "Alb)atros,»" is on a berslîip, butt besides, aIl foreign coun- niiine day cruise and will return to tries affiliated with the International Chicago- Naval Reserve' armory b Boy Scout mnovenient wîll l)C iiivited September 13. to joi us %Nîtlî representativ'e troops After September 13 thiere will l>e a of. tlir o0 n scouts. series of short cruises. overniglit and week.-eiid cruises for the local Sea Local Boy Scouts. S eScouîts \Nv1îo imWht b~e interested. Cumberland Win Series. tic cruise' nth od hp 'la A îîunber of north shiore BON, tross" is requeste(l to get ini touchi Scouts attended the basebail gaies with Gerald W. Shipinan. Sea Scout of the Amierican Legion junior (irector, at Scout hieadqruarters- iii Xorld's series for the charnpionship, Highland Park. at CorniskeN park anîd Cubs' park ]n OM FOM MIHIA Chicago. pie series wvas wvon by HOM R IC GA Cumherlond. M[d.. 6 to 1, over Newv Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Herlocker and Orleans ini the third anîd deciding lesosWlim and, Frederiko gaine for the Americaii Legioîî 119 Tudor place, Kenilwortlî, re- turnied on August 24 froni Spring ___________________I Lake, Nlichi., where thev lied been MABLE Drarnatie A rt luet of Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Walsh cEIS(ourses toward de- lat thieir summer home. Miss Prîscilla Wheelock. 89) Rob>- sart road, Kenilworth, is leaviiîïg September 13 for Austin, Texas, to enter ber sophomore year at the Uni- versitv of Texas. She will stay at the Gamma Phi Beta homse durin., the w i nte r. IPatricia Gerould of Sumnîit. . J. is leaving Saturday after a visit withi lier graii(parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor, Jr., f 431 Essex road, IKeîîilwort.1. Patricia hiad speîît the sumuiler on a ranc i in Cheveniîe, -o- Mir. andi Mrs. Heniry 1Taylor, Jr., 431 E ssex road, KenilNorthi, will en- tertain at diniiier Fridav ini luonor ot Mrs. C. K. Blackwood ofPasad,(ena, whio is visiting ini Keuiili%-orthi, -- Mrs. VictorSanborîî, of Lake For- est, fornierly of Keîillwortih, enter- tained. ber luncbeoîî bridge club Iast Tuesday. c HILDREN'S SHO of the NATIONAL COLLEGE 0F EDUCATION A program balaicing creative activities and thoroughiy scientifi r methods. 4[ You start your boysanid girls on the rîght track when you enroilt hem in the Nursery School, Kindergarten or Elementary Grades of this, nationally recogniged educational center - an integral part of the culture of the North Shore. «[ Fireproof buildings, medical supervision, automnobile service, bot noon lunch if desired. «[ Viit the, ichool, Write or telephorae for a catalog. Greenleaf 0221 Rogers Park 1807 CLARA BLLE BAKER, Director Evanston, Illinois AtOKEANIS I Umm mqw gree. Publie Speak- H OWATT ig itoPr Building, Play Production. ('HI[CAGO ' MUSICAL COLLEC.E 64 E. Van Buîren Studio 1106 COMMUNJTY TI'IEATRE WININETKA FRIDAY - SATURDAY FRANK BUCK'S ""WILD CA&RGO" TUESDAY-WENSA SE>.11-12 WILL ROGERS. &&DAVID HARUMi" 'ilveiiiigs ut 7 & 'I P. 31. l)Ittliae-Sat. *3:30 Ad nits 25< ('Illdren .10r' MOT SPRINGS NATIONAL PARK ARKANSAS Septeinber 6, 19â4. WILMETTE LIFE