Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Sep 1934, p. 23

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September 6, 1934 WJLMETTE LIFE 23 PIANO>.ECE iiss 1 Iiiliýie.l<iilî'çepiallist. is res iii i~lîchliq <onl lhe'orili Shore. j,, uîldillon iilier zokn Ferrvli/I iii LakeJ:î,(.zl" eh i.s1 lic<ilI ofth li iino iqii i .1! I.s luul e iws Illeie <isl)iju <If iii~lz <f tl Z I l lZC' <ii< e ai ilîîsesîl. ie irsila àirde</ de/n I nC /Ill. 11<?flicseceondîl asolo, *îhpecncîneeç~ît!hi- ('hl*Iili)p vîî tlio'~ ~rc/c'.l a 1111er l~eici c:î<c Women Voters Announce SVote, Issue Radio Talks Amid cchoes of .some rapid-fire gunsý already going off in tbe cam- paigns 1for' the November' lection, the Illinois League of, Vonen Voters announces tbe beginning of, a pre-. election radio series of talks designed to be of assistance to citizens, in 1resefting important issues* froinia non1-partisan standpoint. This is part of a joint prograin spOnsore( bv. the Universitv of Chi-~ cago and(lthe league. ov-er station WJJD (1130, Chicago; and Nvill be! ol)ned bv a talk Septemnber 10, by: Mrs. \V. W. Ranisev. vice-l)resjdelit of the league, on an analysis of the, ne(l for a constitutional convention 111 Illinlois. On Septenîber 17, WValter IF. 1)odd, autlîoritv- on conistitutional lawv. ill speak on the constitutional convention referendumn. to be votcd il1poli in Novemiber. On September 24. another referen-ý (lun of great inmportanîce. tlîat on the Enier<gency- Relief Bond Issue. wIîlI l)e Iresellted and, explained by Nirs. -Mitchell Davvson., co-chairnian of the Departnient of Goverument and( Econoinic \Velfare for the Cook County. League of Women. Voters. which bave .necessitated this bond Tbe representatives of both major issue will be carefully, set -forth by political parties in the General As- Mrs. Dawson, Who bas a wide and sembly voteci> for this program, -andi unugual grasp of the whole relief sit-, endorsemen t of tbe bond, issue bas 1uation. since been nmade part of tbe. party Subsequent prograrns iili be, an- plIatforms. The background reason sinoun.ced later. M Ilier piano< work in Chicago lia-, beven 1111(er thce eiiiiient teacher. Howard \ll.and. in FAurope she liad a veur and a liali*fs intensive studv y witli tlic (;erilian nmaster. Artur Sclynahel. FNi. thic past ive years M .is anicliester- hia> lwen ini chargre f rlhythinî and muii- -wc at the XI ontessori schW < n i V îta anl ilI continue lier \vork tler< this x car. Slîe is enterimglier tliird vuâr a> directo r of the piano departnient 4t -rrv hall. It w~ill libe relfleiierc(1thiat NIiýý NlIaîcliester gave a joint recital witlh Miss Katlierine Hamîilton, \Vinnetka violinist, at Kinihali hall ini Chicago in Fehruary. under the, auspices oif the Chicago MNusical guild. aiffl tiat ia Januarv she*,àpieare l in recîtal at the Wilnetka Corrmmuîiity 1-fluse as a mciiii- ber oif the Swigart Trio. and inia,'- <itio n appeared hefore clubs ~and (or- gaiiiza *ti< <lini Chicag< andI411 th~e n rtlî shore. A îîew 'feautre iîînI 0iss Manclesters teaching *plan this year for privaie pupils will bie the inclusion of f rec classes ini rhythm and ear training fur littie children; classes iin nîusic histore and harmony for the 'i pternmediate group ; and classesý in solo p'ýayig andl iiterpretation for artist stundints. She also is organizing classes ini rhvthni. 1 games and songs, and elermeîtary iai work for very small children. Mable Lewis Howaft Offers. Free Scholarships Always, looking for new talent, Mable Lewis Howatt of Chicago .Musical college, 64 E. Van Burenî street, off crs, four absolutely, free scbolarships in. *dramatic art," or I ...public speaking and. vocabulary ' building." One group is for club and business wornen and one for bigb scbool age girls. Auditions will be lield Saturday and ..Monday, Septeni- ber 8 and 10. Mrs. Artbur Bonnet, 157 Rob sart place, Kenilwortb, entertained at a bridge luncheon Wednesday in honor of Mrs. Harry Timmons of New York. formerly of Winnetka. Tbe Timnîons famuly bas been at tbeir summer home in Nippersink, Ais. OI1L COMPAN.Y WiIIow Roud, West' of Skokie BIvd.. Winnuelka (Plant No. 6) Wilmette 900 PHONES Winnetka 85 5 NOTICE - NEW PRICES No. 1 Grade ................63/c Gai. No. 2 Grade......... ?.........6½/C Gai. No. 3 Grade .....................6c Gaia No....4..Gr...de........5cGai No. 5 Grade 51/c Gai. No'. 6 Grade .4¼/c Gai., The above priccs for grades No. 1, 2 a ed .1 are for deliverics of! 1.50 galluit8 or »inorc. SIX PLANTS LOCATED FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE EXECUTIVE OFFICE AND PLANT NO. 3 PLANT NO. 5 P LAT NO 1 PONEYARD 3 .100PHONE RIDGE 98 PLAN NO i HON YADS 100Northweet 011 C.' 1801 Fullerton Avenue 140 West 43rd Street Park Ridge, Ili. PHONE DIVE.RSEY 2700 ____ (AUl D.pts.) PLANT NO.O6 PLANT NO. 4 POE5WLET 0 PLANT NO. 2 (PHONE-.) 1 WINNETKA ai55 PHONE ROGERS PARK 13300 PHONE GREENLEAF 20.0Wiilow Rd. (WetO<f Skoki. Rlvd.) KinibalmadT.mky Avemm.. 7112 Kimbail Avnu ...tk L IKE A PERSON equipped'with a good education - your advertising stands a better chance for suc- cess if it received a good Iayout, good copy and good typography LLOYD HOLLISTER INC. PHONE WILMETTE 4300 _______________ il Seýteniber *:6, 1934 . 23 WILMETTEý LUE

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