Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Sep 1934, p. 33

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Septemberav6, 1934a WILA. &TA-LIFi Student. Handbook at New Trier Put in A ttractive Porm. The New Trier High school student handbook for 1934-1935, just off the press, lias been comnpletely revised and is mujch more compiete that any pre- viouslyprepared for New Trier 'stu- dents. It is an 84-page booklet, with.an attractive cover done in gray and green. the school colors. This years handbook is divided into five main sections, as follows : orgac.- i zation. administration and general ini- formation: departments of the schiool- faculties.. courses and departmental notes: clubs and other special studeint organ izattions: scholarshîps, p r i z e s, itonors. awards and tropliies, and tradi- <lotis andl scliool songs. For the convenience-of studfents anîd <tler-tsing the handbook a tlîree-p)age index is ais(. included. 'l'lie handbook wvas printed intIi_ planlt of Lloyd 1-ollister hic. RETURN FROM CANADA Mrs. John D. Kinnear and lier son Kenneth. 2241 Chestnut avetne, re- turned last Mondav~ frotn a ten weeks' motor trip to Canada. M ri Kinnear met thern in Torotnto wlî-Iere lie attended the animal reuniotu of Canadian Xar Veterans at the Na- tional exhlibition on August 25. Fhitiancienc1 Whahes "Christ Jesus" was the subject of the lesson-sermon in ail Churcehs of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, Sep- tember 2. The golden text wvas, "Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that lov- eth hlm.that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him" (I John 5 :1). 1Arnong the citations which com- prised the lesson-sermon was the following from the Bible: "But thou, Bethlehemn Ephratah, though thou be littie anong the thousands of- Judah, vet out of thee shall 'he .corne forth tinto mie that is to be rider in Israel ; wliose goingsý forth have been from of oHd. fromn everlasting" ( Micah 5:2). The lesson-sermnon also included i the following passages from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Kev to the Scrip- ttrs"by Mary Baker Eddy: "Jesus i was born of Mary. Christ is the true idea voicing good. the divine message from God to nmen speaking to the human confsciousness. . . . The corporeal man Jesu'. %vas hutian" (1). 332). _ _ _ _ POINT TO FALL, $3 to -$112ý50 A French inspiration that is captivating everyone. Prices that we know will 'Captivate you. Fine fur. feits in glorious A u t u mr n colorings a nd black. Many other refreshing styles, too, from exag- gerated berets ta cushion brims. Ail headsizes. WOMEN'S SHOP-Shermau and Chat-ch EVANSTON PEN WOMEN MEET The Northern Illinois Branch of the National League of -Amer-ican Pen Women* will meet wîth Mrs. William- son Willett in the Spanish garden of her penthouse home at 2130 Lincoln Park, Wiest, Chicago, Saturday after- noon, September 8, at 3 o'clock.. The program will be in charge of Mrs. Franklin Miller, chairmàn of drama., Mrs. Ross Beatty of Highland Park is president of the Illinois branch. Willis Butler, Jr., 718 Forest. ave- nue entertained a group Qf boys at luncheon and movies Tuesday of hast week in honor of his eleventh birth- day. Mrs. Judson Large, 1942, Thorn- wood avenue, will be hostess.to her bridge club Wednesday. GUESTS IN VILLAGE M iss Virginia Johnston of Bloom- ington, Ill., and Miss jane Harrison of Kankakee returned to their homes. Wednes.day of, hast week after spend-, ing, several days as the guests of Miss Betty Murdock, 2111 Birchwood ave- nue., Miss Murdock was graduated in June ;rom the University of lli- nois, and her guests weire her sorority sisters. Mr. and Mrs. William Siegel and Dick have returned to their home, 2032 Wilmette avenue, after a two weeks' visit with Mr. Siegel's brother at Wisconsin Rapids and with friends in Appleton, Wis. 0o Miss Elizabeth Swan, 932 Lake ave- nue, recently returned from a trip up the St. Lawrence -river. MARTHA.WEATHERED AS USUAL SETS THE PACE FOR THE COMING SEAS0ON The Tunic Afternoon Gown which cornes in ail the new Fait sdlej of Matignor Crepe trinimed with metal rings. The price is $y.oo, and the Black Feit, Featherhtimrned Hat is $z8.5o. Miss Weathered's Skl lections mn both shops contain the rnost fascinating pism she hu ever shown. Srnall sizes are carried in her Misse Shop. Larger sMmes up to "i MARTHA WEATHERED SHOP-TH E DRAKE September 6, 1934 ýWILMETTE LIPE

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