Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Sep 1934, p. 33

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September 13, 1934wU1 L IL -1- -je ww Ff. Dearborn De A.*R. Collegeë Club Ope'ns Ne,* Opens Season Sept. .17 Season; 'lLists CIiairmen Fort Dearborn c4iapter. of the' The n ew season of the ChicagE Daughters, of the American Revolu- College club'will ope n with a lunch. tionwillhold its first meeting to eon and card party Wednesday, Sep, *ton tenwillronMndy Sptember >*19:' Luncheon, will be serve( openthenewyea on ondy, ep-at 12:30, and play will commence a. temiber 24, at the homeof one of thé 2 'clock. Tables will be arrange( directors, Mrs. Elvyn H. McRae, for single players, according to thq 2940 Simpson street, Evanston. After club bulletin. Mrs., J. Paul Claytoî and Miss Marian Fairman are to bq a lbusiness meeting, called to order the hostesses. at 10 in the morning by Mrs. Charles A luncheon for ail members of Col. P. Reynolds, the regent, the memibers lege club committees will be helu will have a box lunicheon, with cof- at -12 :30 -Saturday, September 22,. t( fee and cakes served to them by the enable the members tô hear plan! mnembers of the social committee. -for the club activities during the coin The programn for the afternoon will ing year. Various subjects of vita include the reading by Mrs. Floyd interest will1 be discussed, it is an. Thompson of the paper on "National nounced. Mrs. Edward D. Pomeroy Defense," written by Mrs. William the presidentt, will preside. H. Becker, which was delivered bv The chairmen of committees foi lier at the state conference of the the new season are as follows : Mis5 D, A. R. when in session ini Evans- Elniora Harkness, program; Mrs ton. last March. Mrs. Becker is na- Harry P. Jones, social; Mrs. Heler tional committee chairman, being nia- J.. Masters, Art circle; Mrs. J. H tional chairman of patriotic educatioîî i Williams, Glee club; Miss Isabel for national defense. Her home is Magan,, library; Miss Dorothea in New jersey. Posey,. card parties; Miss Dorothy Mfrs. Carl Kent Grydges wilî tell DeRiemer, Dramatic circle; -Mrs of lher wvork at the Red Cross head-1 Charles S. Pratt, press; Mrs. George quarters in Evanston and of lier Packard, revisions; Mrs. A. H. Mont- work making Braille for the bliiid. goey, printing; Mrs. E. O. Grif. Mrs. Henry Paulson will describe fenhagen, finance; Mrs. Ronald J. her extensive traveis this summier,1 Chris tie, house; Miss Emily Goehst, relating some of hier experiences ii; membership; Mrs. H. W. Sanborn, Itav, pai, ermnyHolan, Nr-ways and means; entertainment to wav and Sweden, and the Britishhepoitd Isles. Other members also will tell ,oi Nuiimer travels. I Interfraternity Day to Be Observed Sept. 15 1The. Interfraternity club of Ciii-' 4--ago, in celebration of Interfraternity (laN, Satlirday, September 15, is spon- sorîng a program in the Court of States at A Century of Progress. In the evening, beginning at 7 :45 o'clock, tliere is to be a program of popular college songs, during which suchi well known artists as Mark Love, Buddy Rogers and Ted Weems will appear. The master of. ceremonies wvil be Louis. E. Leverone, Phi Ganima Delta from. Dartmouth, and president of the Interfraternity club. At 10 o'clock there wiii be a spec- ial supper dance at the Canadian club, reservations for which may be inade with the manager of the Inter- fraternity club. Ail who attend either the program or the dance are requested particu- larly to register, and for the, conven- ience of guests there are to be two registration booths-one in front of the Canadian club and the other at the Court of States. Addresses Garden Club William F. Christman of North- brook gardens gave a taik on "Iris and Peonies,' showing slides, Monday at the regular monthly meeting and tea, of. the Kenilworth Home- ani Gardeni club at the home of MIrs. Joht, Oleson, ' 240 Woodstock avenue. Kenilworth. Mrs. Arthur- Adair was co-hostess with Mrs. Olçson. 11r s. William Moulton and her daughter, Doreile, 235 Raleigh road, Kenilworth, ieft iast week' to motor east, planning to visit Cleveland and Detroit, and Bronxville,.where Dor-, elle is entering Sarah Lawrence col- lege. She was graduated fromn Ferry hall ini June. Mrs. Moulton will spend a week in New York.r d tt ie le is .1 s 3. n aT Foreign Missionary GrouF in Session ThsAffernoon Today (Thursday), the Women's Foreign Mîssionary society of the Wimette Parish Methodist Episco- pal clhurch is meeting at the home of âMrs. E. L. Xaldorf at 941 Sheridan road at 2 in the afternoon. The ad- dress of the afternoon will be by Mrs. R." L. Marquis, president of the Northwestern branch, Who is a vigorous and entertaining speaker. M usic will have its place on the pro- gram, for Mrs. Harold Sherman, accompanied by Miss Marie Briel, I will sing. The hostess is to conduct the installation of officers for the comi ig year. Those assuming office are: Mrs. Martin H. Bickham, president; Mrs. J. C. Martin, Vice- president; Mrs. Ralph Moulding, secretary; Miss Laura Collen, corre- sponding secretary; Mrs. Thomas MNoul.ding, treasurer. Return From Leland Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Harrison and family of 307 Abbotsford road, Kenilworth, returned, last Saturday from their farm in Leiand, Mich., where they had been since June. Joe Harrison is leaving. today for Mt. Vernon, Iowa where he will enter Corneli college, having *graduated from New Trier in june.Jane Harri- son1 will finish her seniior year at, Roycemore where, she is president of the Student Governiment association. Mrs. F. W, Harvey, 1035 Green- wood avenue, Wilmette, and her six children, Wilma, Kathleen, Barbara, David, Jerome, and Tad, are retur.n- ing this week-end from the east. They had a cottage at Hyannis Port. Mass., for the summer. With them was the children's youthful uncle. Bily Mcjunkin of Winnetka.- Mrs. Harvey is the daughter of the Wil- liam D. McJunkins, 151 Sheridan road, Winnetka. A~ LF~ 33 Her. for Anniversary gr. an~j Mrs. Dwight M. Simmons. left Saturday for their home in Syra- cuse, N. Yt., after spending ten days with the Fred M. Simmocns family of. 338 Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth. They came to attend thé' dinner partv given in celebration of their parents' thjrtieth weddinig anniversary. Mr. andMr.. H. Birlauf, 913 Thirteenth street, returned iast Mon- day f rom White Bear Lake, Minn. They calied for their son, H-erman, who had been spending the last five .weeks ivith the J A. Wisslers of White Bear. Can You Dance? Let ALICE STADE teach you how to entertain Ballet, Toe, Tap, Acrobatie, and Ballroom Dancin ' Special classes for Hlgh Echool pupis. Ladies' Limbering and Tai) Classes. Classes re-open Sept. llth For achedule of classes and tui-' tien rate&, phone Wilmette 283&. .Mr. and Mr s. Bruce Hulbert (Mary Alice IUtley) 316 Ricbmnond road, Ken- ilworth, entertained at a bridai din- ner Wednesday. in honor of miss. Lu- cile Stern and L.ouis Bowen who will be married Satürday. -S C-i H--0L-S - %4O/ A Real. Universty of Art: Four Units ln One cO0M M ERacIA'L ART SCHOOL, UNC. voaUac HO 0L 0 Mr FASHION A RTI AND iEN TER-Ic io R DECORATioN-.. RAY SCHOOL 0r ADVER*IslNo RAY OCHOOL OF PHOTOSRAPRHY A busineas-lake, practicul Institution speialIzing ini the professional requirements- Commercial Art, Dress Design and Styling, AdvertlIsng, Photogrmphy, [nterior Decnratlon, Fashion Illustration, Industrial Art. Incorporate Design and other subjects pertain- ing to Art ind Advertlslng ln lndustry. Personal Training. Endividual Advancement. . . . Chii- cagos Outstanding Sehooi. z5 Tears ln Saine I d eni Location. Enviroument. Unsurpasued. Reservotions Now for Sept, 17. 24-Oct. 1. S 116 So. Michigan Blvd.. Chicago. Dept. S Lakeview Building Opposite Art Instituts WILLIAM F. RAT, Pt.,. RUTS WAIIE RAT, lise.. j A BALANCED PROGRAM of, CHILD DEVELOPMENT Creauive A cIlvities - Scieutifw Mietheds Nursery School, Kindergarten and Blementary Grades afford the rlght direction te chiidreWs' lives durtng formative years. Here exceptional equlpment and the. application of ucientill yet practical Child Stuuly makes for right adjustniente and rapid a.dvancement. Heaith supervision . . . Automobile service . . . Hot lunch if deaired. is, rite or telophon. for icentadme Chie oPhone EHLDjvanSC OO tonPhn Rogers Park 1807 C I R SS IO rela UIt j - of the Nationael Coiloge of Euatioa, Evanaton, Illinois Sym phony Chased A beaufiful enrick- ment of the lov.ely SYMPHONY. On.' of the, many smart paterns car- ri.d by- TATMAN9S 707 Churci, Street Evanston Septç-mber 13, 1934 Ir, ir lu im

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