Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Sep 1934, p. 38

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iNEWS.,0OF.. THE HRHLý Methodist Charch Rev. esai' Thomas OIsoni, D.D., minister The iniilit..r ivill »reach at the' I1 o'clock orshiîi service this Stitd:îi> inorn lng. The inîisie for- Sund.iy norniing ivill he a-, follows: Organ Prelude-"By the? Waters of Babylon" Karg-Elert "Adagio" (111 Syniphony) ... Vierne Miss,- Marie Bniel AnthenPi le.v the t' Quatette-*"Tlie T'ath of rye"Voris Otfertory Solo Organ Posi lude- "Overtture Tiniphilale" ......... ... . Ferrata The Fourth Quanterîs Coniference nîeets tonight, Thuirsda,.%, Septeml>er 13, at 8 o'clock, Dr. Aubrey S. Moore, tb" district superintendent: pnesiding. A Il members are ungeti to be linesent at this Important meeting, and the presidents of the varnus organizations are asked to have their reports reatiy. The Church school will resume its esIons this S,ýunday.% monning at 9 :30 o'clock. There are classes for ail ages froni the nursery to the aduit depart- ment. It is hopeti that ail membens of the (hari s,'-hool will reennoîl and that nîany new memibers may be atideti. The Woman's Foreizin Missionary so- ciety meets totiay (Thursday), at 2 o'clock at the home of M,%rs. E. L. Wal- dor!, 941 Sheridan roati. Mrs. R. L. Marquis, hranch presitient. wiiI give ani enthusiastic addness. Mrs. Haroldi Shernian will sing, aveoîpanied bv Miss Marie Brie]. Mrs. Waldorf will con- duct the Installation service for the newly elected officer. The Friendiy Circie wiIl ineet Sunday mornlng at 9 :45 in the Woman's rooni. Memnbers are invited to bring frientis. The sul)jertcf ztiid3, and discussion will be "The Bible." The* Fourth div-isioniv ili meet Mon- (Lay, Septemnber 17. -lutnc-heoni at "The H-ear-th--tone" at 1 o'clock. Following the luncheon, membens will go to the home of rs . H. Darst, 831 Central avenue, for the afternoon meeting. MNiss Petty ivili give t book review. The' WVonîani'.--Hoiùe Mîssionary so- After the dev«tionai meeting, refresh- îîîents and. social fellowship wiil follow at the parsonage. The Sunset club, college age group, starts its season Sunday, September 23 at the-.home of Miss Winlfred Dingle. St.A ugustins l1ev Hubert Carleton, D).C.L., rector. Sunday, Septenîber 16, ivill be the sixteenth Sunday after Trinity. Thiere will be Holy Communion at 8 A.M., Churcb Schools andi Bible Classes at 9 :45 and àMorning I'ra yev with. Sermion at, Il. Friclay, Septemlber 21,. %vilI be St. Ma it- thews' 1 - ay. There wiII he Holy Coin- ilitiflion at S .A.. St. Augstine's chu reli Su ndaîy school wil I re1"frn for the autiiiian season Sun- rlay, Sept. 16, :t 9 :47). The primiary c(hoo(l ilnîeet ln the (club) bouse to the north of the chutrclî, and the junior anti senior seliools Nvill meéet in thie church. The Womiani'-, Guilti will niceet on Thursdays this -yar. The first nieeting wlll be on the last Thîîrsd;ty in Septeni- ber., Examinations for ten young miý studying for the mnsr of the Chtar-1 were helti ail day yesterday in St. Augustine's Panish House. A large party froni the Woman's Guild drove to -Chiwaukee on Lake Michigan and were entertalned by Mrs. E. A. Kaumeyer at ber summer home. The vesteti boys' choir will sing ln <'hurch next Sunday. The first practie wiIl be held in the Parish House on Fritiay nlght at 7. Boys 8 years of ige and older are eligible for miembershil. New boys desiring to join should be brought by the parents to the Friday. nighlt practice. The ret ton uxpectsto îîreach inext -Sundai' at Il o'clock on the subject. "'Chistianiiziiag tbe Anierican flomie."* St. John's Lutheran t Wilmiette a nd Park avenues, Wilmieiýt(te 11ev. J. H.. Gockel. tiator. firmation class for the. ensu ing year.,He ivili be glad to confer with anyone eon- cerning this matter of religlous instruc- tion. This church opens wide lier doors andi in the name of Jesus bitis you a hearty WELCOME. Kenilworth. Union Keniiworth avenue and Warwick ro:îd. Dr. Herbert L. Wiliett, minister. a ges of 3 and the high schooi 'are cor- diaily inivited and uî'ged to visit aînd become regular niembers. First Con gregational ,John G. Hindley, initer "The CL the subjec sermionl n siunday lu The mm follows: Prelude: The services of the church will beSo: nesumeâ Suntiay, September 16. Dr. WVi- 1'ostlude: lett's subject wvill be, "What Youtb . Faces." The church service is at il mr. Carmu o'clock. A cordial invitation is extendeti to The ('hi those flot attentiing cburch elsewhere partmients- to conte anti worship wvith us. This is intermedîs a union chureh. Its mrnbership in- Suntiay is cluties people fromt various denomina- shoulti be tions. It proclaims the esseîitial truths anti to nie of the Christian faith. It desires to provide for the community the service The -Neil of worship, relîgious education anti so- day afterr cial fellowship. It welconîes the co- the homte olieration of ail people o! good will who Central. av wish to promote the welfare of the neighborhood,, the realization of ef- Cub Pac fective methotis of philanthropy, andi' tht' ing on Sa extension of the Gospel into aIl the' chut-eh.A worlti. of age are Girls' et The Sunday school will mneet at 9 :45. Thursday. îvith tiepartments for ail ages-thé Boys' iwininary tiepartmente, inclatiing pre- Thurstiay. sc»hool kindergarten anti first andi sec- Girls' th ontl grades; the junilor . depa rtment, in- Saturday. eluding third, fourth and fi! th grades;. Boys' el the senior department,' including sixtli. Saturday,. 'ýcventh and eighth grades Ihrough 1ht Senior C, bigh school. -Al hildren l)etween t1t'Thurstiay. GUEST FROM INDIANA Miss Beth McIlraith, 1127 -Chest- îîut avenue, recently had as lier house guest, Miss Rosamond E. See- iirt of South Bend, Ind., a ciassmate of hers at Connecticut coliege, New London, Conn. Miss Ml\cIlraith xiii leaveSuniday to enter her sophomore year at Connecticut. Her older sis- ter, Janet, return.s on September 19, to Randolph-Macon coliege at Lynch- I)urg,XVa. ciety ivili holti its first meeting*of the year Thirslay, September 20, at 2 SERVICESATN EDN i<'cl,,ck. This is guest anti dues paying 9 :15-7)a.nî-First serv'ice. 1ATN EDN day. The sîîbject for the day is "Lt'at- 9 :30 t.n-Sundia. -scbool at Hnc Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Hens and i esi."The guest speaker is to be Dr. ainti Intermiediate Bible classes. daughter, Betty Jane, 1415 Maple Robent Stephenson of Haîsteti Street 10 :00 a.n.-Senior Bible class. avenue, motored to Shebovgan, Xis ., Chunuh. lie wili talk on "Wonîan's Il100 an.S,,t servive. I.abon day week-end to attend the Leadership ini the 'Chureh." Al nieili-I bers are urgeti to ie present to start off The suîbject of Snayssermn oti ri- xedding of Mr. Hens' nepîexv, Josephl1 the nlew year. giîîaliy anniunceti for two weeks agi>. Balmes, Jr., of Northfield to Miss l ivili be "Redeeming the TI'inie ln Days Irene Schmidt of Shebov ian. The i o Evl."A review of conditions in the edigtoIpae h - tra e B a~ist ?huch i"f vl."andinithe church, anti the chai vclin oo laeth atra be -Ra tis C urc legewhieh these conditions l)Ieseiit 1,> fore Labor day. Wilmette andi Fores t avenues Christians. 11ev. George D. Allison, pastor j Th , enir Wathe Iegue 'o(iet 1 )r. and Mrs. David J. Davis of 721 Tonîorrow, Friday afternoon. at -21 ilThe en Fir Wthe pn.laueStiYEimwood avenue, returned Friday1 O'clock the Wtoînan'.s sotiety holds the iiiîîe ndya >"fnom their summer home at Frank-1 finst mreetin'z o! the sfeas(>n iuthe'»mr- 'ro tasses bave been çmr-gan)ized.fori- fort on 'Crystal lake in Michigan. songegaren Anineretiîg rorani the Christian education of thiltiren. Their sons, Dorland and David, wili bas been arrangeti anti ail wom)llen of nmeeting on Saturdays at 9 :30 a.mi., antid tr h n f h ek hre the congregation aie *'ordiaily .invited i onTuestiavs at4 îmni. rThe tfiedrstte classhrls to be present. Plans for, the year xiii is <omposeti o! chiltiren o! the thirdi, Kremer of Wiimette is visiting thee le î>esenteti andi an offt'ing for, Miss fourth anti fifth grades; the second, o! boys. Emmia Bnodbeck our missionary on chiltinen of the sixth, seventh andi eighth West China ivili be receivei., Books grades., The chief p)arts o! Christian0 ,,iii be on sale anti others for free docttrine anti the more important Bible Dr. and Mrs. Hubert Carleton ;indc lentilng in the reading contest. Mrs. A. stories are taught. their daughter, Phyllils, 1103 Forest I V. Gruhn is presitient. anti wili presitie. avenue, left Monday to, motor to' Toniht, hursa .y, te inmber The choir has resumeti its 1egular ne- Greencastie, Ind., where Phyllis will the Board o! Religions Etiuîatiom o! ne eaw_,nvriy h a the chunch willi meet atý the. home of! graduated from New Trier, in Jutie. Mrs. G. N. Lamb, 115 Wootibine avenue.,L!,- <p2._;T-».--.---- * toîopete the 'plansfo the s'chool ' n ts iýrea year, unden the direction of Earl Carl-i Seventh street' at Greenleaf son,' chairman, and Z. ,A. Parkhuî'st, "-A, House o! Worship"1 supenintendent. The rt'gular vlass m-i>k The. Rev. Davidi R. Kabele, Jiastor.. .o! the sehool begins on Sunday at 9 :30. SUNDAY SERVICÉS anti ail member-s ait' urgeti to be' Santia school ............... 9:45a.ni. promt A attndace.Morning worship ....il.. 1:00 a.m.. promt inattntiace.Choir rehearsal Fniday exening at Dr. Ailison preaches Sunday 'morning 7 ~:30 o'clock. at the Il o'clock service, having the subjeet, -Changeti Men for, a Changeti Duning the Sunday school hour next Wonld." The chorus choir, directed byS unday wiIl be shoxvn the concluding MisLydia Koch bas, already begun the I )ittunes On the life o! Jesus. Ail are new season's work. The public is cor- inviteti. dlially invited i o the dignifieti, lnspirîng wvonship o! this Church. The Wonian's societv %will holtilits Septenîben wonk meeting at the home The Young Petopie's Union holtis Its o! Mrs. E. B. Knutitson, 1141 Chestnut openlng >service at 6 :30. The Fellowshlp avenue, Wilmette, Thursday afternoon, comnils-41n. Jlm Lamb, chainman, ils In Seîtember 20. charge and an Invitation 19 extendet to ail high school students to partielpate. Th lastor is now eliroiiing the Con- Betty rnyllis ot vvumette accompati- ied theni. She, too, 'is enrelled at De Pauw as a freshman. 0o Miss Marjorie Wedeli, 1721 Wil-, mette avenue, entertained a dozen of lier friends on Wednesday night of iast week. She entered Wheaton college at Wheaton, 'III., last Tuesday, having graduated last June from New Trier. -o- Hattstromn and Sanders, opticians, who now have . stores in Evanston and Oak Park, have-'Iéased the store at 1119 Centrai avenue for their third unit, fromn Alfred C. Wolff. Fred Breffling was the broker. aims o! The Church" wvill be ýt o! the Rev. «Mr. Hindley's Lt the il o'clock service next norning.' isicail progran for this sri, "Caintabile"... Cesar Fri-mlk "Scherzo yihnqe' ... . . . . . . . . . uiliant mn Learin---Soloist. tu'ch schoo ti netvts ini a l de- î-beginners, primary, jnns. ates, andi seniorsit '9:301. iPromotion I)ay. Ail lîc: present for their grada t imn, ýet tixeir Rîeîvte.iéheî s. glborhood circle îiieets Tue'îs- rxoon, Septeniber INS,;kt 2, ilt of Miss Alice. Wheelork, N'30 .enue. ck 63 holtis its first faIil Uhmt- aturday at 9 :30 A.«iM. at tht' Ali boys oft(). 1) and Il years ýinviteti. -oir nehearsal at 3 :30<l~. choir ictxr: '~ îoirrthaaIat1 31A.. hoir neheirsal ait Il A. M., choir rehearsal att 7 :15 I1M. A. C. Burglund Takes Honors in Snipe Race By R. D. H. The Wiimette Harbor Snipc Fleet under the command o>f'rom johaîîesen. \innetka, sailed the first officiai race since the fleet xvas organizcd. ini a strong wind, Lahor Day. The North Shore Boat club spon sored the race and members of thie club acteti as crexv for the skippers, on a triangular course set just, off the Olti Coast Guard station in Eastî.A meceting is eing held Friday cvening ini the club)s tjuartcrs at the station for the purpose of axvarding 'the prizes, for, the xinners of the race. Burglund's "Olie" First A. 0. Burgiund sailed lussîi. -Olie 513," to victory witli Bart Pnice's 'Gladiator 417" close hehind for a close second. A. E. Britten's. "Siopoke 926," placed tliird anti C. R:' Iittig's "No. 4" crossed the lune fourtlî. Williarm Pavcy's "Valkrie 827" was disrmaste(i earlv in the race ani C'. R. Littig's "No. 4" capsizcd just aftcr he crosse(l the finish uine. Trhe "Nor'- easter 927" xvas dismnastcd early' last weck in a heavy sea. Lt is planned to sail four nmore ofil- cial races this season so the w'înn.îng boat can he given the honors duc lier. Miss Lundahi and ber brother, Her- bert, Jr., 224 Raleigh road, Kenil- Worth, and Miss Archa Anderson of Winnietka spent the week-end visiting Miss Jane .and Herbert's brother- in-law and sister, 'Mr. and, Mrs. J. Allenî Pearson at, their home in Gosben,Ind. Evan J. McIlraith, 1127 Chestnut avenue, and bis two sens, Evan, Jr., and Donald, arnived home Thursday from a three weeks' trip ta Seattle, and the Pacific northwest, -o- Mn. and Mns. Sidney B. Meyer and their daughter, Jane, of 1029 Ashe- land avenue, left last Sunday by mo- tor for the east to enroli Miss Meyer in Connecticut college. September 13, 1534 WILMETTE LIFE

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