Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Sep 1934, p. 41

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September 13,m19341U1 r.LIV Irvb LW.ith .themusement SeekerI AWNING-LI PPED COMEDUN HERE Joe E. B rown Will Keep Wilmette Theater Audience Hovering Between Teans end Laughter Joe E. Brown, the famous awn- ing-iipped comedian, wili be back in town this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, appeaning on tlhe screen of the Wiimctte theater in his latest First National coniedy, "The Circus Clown." joe is nom, back to his flrst love. for he started bis career at the age af nine with a circus and traveicd with it for sevenal years before lic gave it up ta became a basebail play- er,, and later a theatricai and screen perf armer. The circus is used througbout as a background for the hilariaus stunts of the picture, which, however, has its oivin well-(ieflned plot and romance. Tlie picture deals with the intimate life of the circus folk bebind the scelles and also during the giving of ash. The tangled love affairs of the circus folk corne into play, ini whîclh Joe l)econles 50 involved that bis piight hecornes ludicrous. Patricia Ellis has the ieading femi- inie role opposite Joe while others ini tlîe cast include I)orothy Burgess, I)oîxaid Dillowav, Gordon \\estcott, Charles Wison, Ronniie Cosby, Speni- cer Charters and B'olbîe Caldwell, as wveil as a score or more.of famous cir- cusperforiners. Lew Ayres Plays Sailor "Sue I.eariued About Sailors .vill bring plent y of fast, clean comiedv to the Wilmette theater. Suniday, Sep- teniber 16. Sailors also learn about ivonien ini this picture -xvhichi show~s gol> Lew Ayres. trying ta get gav with cabaret singer Alice F'ave-and of course flnding plenty of opposition. TI'ey agree ta he just pýals, Nwhich (%ou've iguessed it !> iead: to love. But M itchiell and Durant. that screainigly funny teami, meddic in aifl iix things up plenty. And the real chiucklc of the showv is Harrv C reen as a South American. Offers Problemn of Marriage Especial appcai ta every married l)erson is said ta be-offered 1w 'Lc[,t's Try Again." co-starring Diana Wyn- yard and Clive Brook at the \Vii- mette' theater Monday and T-uesdav, September 17 and 18. Adapted ta the screen fýon ich Broadwav stage. success "Saur Grapes," it. daringiy depicts a prob- lemn which con fronts- couintless zouples: that of prolonging the honley- moon and retaining the romance throughout the years. The protagonistsof the picture are a doctar and.his wife, bath of whom tlîink that their love for each other has died with the passing of the years. Their disappointments and subse- quent discoveërv.ai their mutual love provide drama- that is studded %vitli scintiilating wit. SMystery Shrouds. Frisco 'Fog Over Fnisco," a First National mystery thriller. shows at the Xit- mette theater Wednesday and Thurs- day, September 19 and 20, with' Bette Davis, Lyle Talbot, Donald Woods. 'Margaret Lindsay and Hugli Herbert. in the featured raies. The story by George Dyer deals withi the operations of a band of international bond swindlers with headquartens in San Francisco whose thefts, arc on a gigantic scale. with .Varsity Theater. Has WilI, Rogers in Handy A ndy" Here is the picture that persans of ail ages just can't heip liking, It's "Handy Andy," starring Wilf Rogers at the Varsity theater Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, Sep- tember 14 ta 17. This time, Will is a master af pas- sive resistance. Badgered constantlv l)y his wife, the Okiahoman does mani- age to have his awn way as aften as flot. How he does it, is wvorth a trio to the theater. Cavortsa at Mardi Gras Sonie of the scenes in the picture will linger long in the delighted mcm- ary: WiIl's golf lesson . . . his antics at the Mardi Gras . . . his pigeons in the parlor. . . his basement ca- operation ini the romance of his, daughter and a fine Young man Will's pampering of bis pet cat and Wills pounding of a gigolo... .Another treat is in store for Var- sity patrons Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. September 18, 19 and 20. wlien W. C. Fields will give a classically comic, interpretation of The Great McGonigie in "The Old- Fash ioned Wav." Glorioius With Gags The uines of the play throb with- glciriaus gags as Fields and a talen ted cast-including Baby [,cRoy and niewcomer Joe Marrison-plunge in- ta this screen version of "The Drunk- ard." a "melierdrammer" laid in the \Nileties. Director Wiliam Beaudine should take a bow, too. He certainly did a great job ini making the film an un- broken succession of lauglis. LIFE LOSES GLAMOR "Let's Trv Again" is the story of a man and his wife whose life ta- gether has lost the romantic glamor of eariier vears. murder left ini their wake. Their labyrinthian net work reaches from the highest society, with its beautiful and brilliant women in their employ, (iowt through'the speakeasies with thugs ta carry out such rough work as miurder and kidnaping. SThe pictùre is said ta be anc of fast action, full of suspense and with thrill following upon thrill. in addi- tion ta its meladramatic features there is a lively romance ta give the production a touch of love interest. COMMUNITY 1Wnek FRIDAY - SATURDAY sept. 14-15 JOE E. BROWN AMke.White "A Very Honorable Guy" TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY' sept. 18-19 Richard Dix-Irene Dunne. Stars of "Cimarron" ia tise story of the A ustralian "R oblus Hood," STINGAREE@ with Mari Bolartd-Conway Tearle Aduits 25e ,Childreni 10e Evenlngs 7-9 pim.-Mat. Sut. 3:30 Joe E. Brown Stars at Community Theater Joe E; Brown, the king clown of the séreen, is scheduled ta appear at Winnetka Community theater Fni- day and Saturday, September 14 and 15, in "A Very Honorable Guy." The story by Damon Runyon, noted sports writer and short story author, is said to give Joe ample opportunity ta por- tray his laugh-producing abiiity. Next Tuesday and Wednesday, September 18 and 19, Richard Dix and Irene Dunne will be united as co-stars in "Stingaree," the romantic .story of the Australian Robin Hood. From the pen of E. W. Hornung, author of "Raffles," "Stingaree" is the story of a mysteriaus adventure- loving highwayman who terrorized Australia in the Seventies, a crook with a bent toward thc esthetic. Be- tweeni crimes he composed beautiful music. As the opera singer -Irene Dunne has her first apportunity ta exploit her beautiful vaice. In "Stingarce" she sings bath operatic and popular sangs. Costumes of the Seventies in Aus- tralia, together with the appearance. of historicai characters of the pcniod in London., Today (Thur&.), Last Day 0 LESIE OWAED in "0'F HUNAN BONDAGE" Fr1, Sat., Sua., Mon., Sept. 14-15-16-17 WILL ROGERS lu 'Hndqy A9279 (Fromn the Play, "Merry SAudrew"), with Mary Carile P.ggy. Wood Aiea Popeye thse Sailor Cartoon "Shiver Me Timbers" Doru open Bat.-San.-IoIIIays at 1:80 P.m. show ait 2:0 p.m. <Conutoinus) flueorOpen week Bars nt 4:4dé P. M., show at 7I:0»P* .. Box omeie closes hon ]ROM. to Fr1. at 9:46 p..Sat. and Sandm.ys 1t 0:00 pin. Aduits, 25c-îidem, .10c Thurs., Fei.. Sat.. Sept. 13-14-15 JOE E. BROWN in, Set. mat.. "Th. Lost Jungle" Sunday OnIy. Sept. 16 LEW AYRES-ALICE FAYE ABOUT s AL OIRS"II Mon., Tues.. Sept. 17-18 Clive Brook-Diane Wynyard "6LET'S »=Y AgAIN"q Wed.. Thurs.. Sept. 19-20 "V11OG OVER PISCO"11 with Bette Davis-Donal1d Woods Margaret Lindsay Fr., Sat., Sept. 21-22 EDNA MAY OLIVER Sun., Mon., Sept. 23-24, witl, Hal Leroy-4uy Kibbee Rochelle Hudson COMING SOON. "Her. Cornes the Navy' James Cagney "Midnite Alibi". . .Dick Barthelmess "Of Human Sondage". L. Howàrd....B. Davis Tues., Wed., Thur*., Sept. 18-19-20 W. C.,VIELDS ftu "THEOLD) FASHIOE with Baby LeRoy Jo. Morriso.s Jusdith Allen-jack Muihal Sepýember 13, 1934 w 1 LM ip ir lir p y y in 19

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