Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Sep 1934, p. 42

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Five minutes withe Want'oe Ads will help you 'CLASSIFIRD AD VER TISEMENTS ,General Notie- C fsiied adv e'tsemefts wtllbe charged ofly Glencoe* inclusive, whoae nines appear ln the telephone directory; or who are regular subscribers to elther WILMETTE LIFE. WINNETKA TALK or GLE14COE NEWS. Rates- 25 cents a line. Advertlsements run ln 1i three papers. R ~~-MINJIMUM CHARGE ONE DOLLAR. ve e of five worde to the lino. No black face type. used. 20% diseounýt Aeal cash advertise- ments when brought to our office at 1232 Central A >e.. Wlmette, or 561 Lincoln Ave., Wlnnetk& 10% discoint on ail a4ve C menits run four consecutive tssues. Deadline for Jflsertions-cepted up to Ten;ta.l9iP. M o WILMETTE LIFE or ail three papers; Wednesday 9 P. M. for WINNETICA TALK and Thursday 5 P. M. for GIJENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wllmette 4300, Wlnnetka 2000 (Wlnnetka 500 after 6 P. M.), Greenlleaf 4»0 or Sheidrake 1216-1217. LOST AND FOUND LOST-WHITE POODLE DOG, FR1- day night. Answers to name of "Smi- lle." Rem-ard. Phone Winnetka 322. LOST-GRAY AND WHITE KITTEN. 7 months old. Caîl Dick 'Major at Winhetka 2135. 3Ll9-ltp PERSONAL MOTORING TO TAMPA, FLORIDA, first week Oct. Will take man, woman vrj both. Phone Glencoe 1160 or write A-166, Box 40, Wilmnette, 111. BUSINIESS SERVICE FOR SALE: HARDWOOD FIRE- place logs-spllt and eut in 2 ft. lengths, other lengths by order. Sanîples to be seen at 514 Birch St. $8.00 ton de- livered. A-i Black sol-$5.00 3 yards-samPles at same address. Compost manure $8.00 4 yards. Rotten cow manure $ 10.00 4 Yds. E. G. HAGLUND PHONE WINN. 2108 16LTN19-ltP FURNACE AND SHEET METAL work. 25 years' experience. We clean and repair ail makes of furnaees. Agents for Watermafl and Waterbury furnaces. SIMCOX BROS. 6021 NORTHWEST HIGHWAY Chieago Newcastle 1290 16LTNl9-ltp HARDWOOD, $8 TON, DELIVEREIY; black dlrt, a yards, $5; sud, 4c a sq. foot. GUST ANDERSON1 435 RIDGE RD. Wilmette 452 16LTN18-4tp Rats, Roaches, Etc. P. J. UEDELHOFFEN, EXTERMINÂT- Ing engineer. Ph. Wilmette 3U67. 16LTN15-tfC Plastering and Stucco GEORGE A. TH1JRSBY 1716 Highland Wilmette 3387 16LTN17-4tp UPHOLSTERING IN YOUR HOM01E. Davenport rewebbed, $6. Chair $2.50. Best references. Write A-169, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. I6LTN Ltý-5tl DRESSMAKING COLLETTE SOEURS DESIGNERS AND MAKERS Gowns-Wraps-Suits--Coi1ts Orgnlýoid'R.;ye-lee 833 EIm St. Winnetka 1011 22LTN19--4t1) GARDENINO PE TER VOLE WELL ROTTED COW MANURE, SOL), .black dirt, and garden work done very reasonably. Phone Highland Park *3233. 27LTN1 9-4tp LANDSCAPE ' SERVICE .BLACK SOIL, 3 YARDS $5 PLANTS 'PREES 1,SHRUBS Leroy D. Durni Kenilworth 4797 27LTN19-ltp NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR lawns and fiower beds remade for next season. Also.have black eoil and wëll rotted nianure for sale. Phone Winnetka 3690. 27.TN19-tl INSTRUCTION WANTED-NEW TRIER OR ýNORTI- western University boy at least 5 ft. 8, in., who is an excellent dancer, to instruct young matron in modern baIl- room dancing at inoderate rate. Write A-168, Box 40, Wllmette, I111. 30LTN19-ltp) PsIANO TUNING Pianos Tuned, & Regulated, S 1 WORK GUARANTEED Factory, Dealer, Acoustic Laboratory experinceý; good references. E1 . VAN' HARLINGEN Wilmette 1323 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 2744 Chicago-4218 Lowell Ave. Kildare 8642 45LTN31-tfp WEARING APPAREL FUR COATS LEPT WITH US FOR storage and repairs, but uncalled for; Black pony coat, $18; brown caracul, $24; gray caracul, $28; leopard cat, $32. American broadtail, $26; black caracul, $34; raccoon, $34; Hudson Seal, $58; genuine mink, $150; and. many others worth four times their price. Also 20 jacquettes at $13 and 38,fur scarfs at $4. Ee-ionm Sec-ti,>n, M.ijller Fur (Co., 166 North Michigan 'Ave., Chicago, open evenin gs. 9IN9-t FOR SALE 12-YEAR-OLD BOY'S dark blue suit, black leather sheep «linied coat, shirt, galoshes, batlirobe, underwear, shirts, high boots 61/z2, foot- bail pants. helmiet, raincoat and hat; also woman's brown eloth beaver trim- mied coat size. 36, leather coat size 40. Holland temperature regulator. Phone Wilmette 29.12. 59LTN19-1 tp TWO KNICKER SUITS, ONE TAN, one gray, two knickers each. Excellent condition, il to 13 years old.' $4 each'. T'el. Winnetka 2572. 59L119-1tp LOAN5 LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Conridential service,. legal rates MOTOR. LOAN CO.. State Bank Bldg., Evanston. Gre. 3200 65LTN36-tfe SITUATrION WANTED-FEMALE COMPETENT HELP NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER Efficient Service for North Shore Homes WE INVESTIGATE RFDPERENCES WiE ARE THE ORIGINAL Pauline's Emp. Agency 'WJLMETTE 2171 F'ourth and Linden Opposite "L"e Ter. 68LTN47-tfe -,FXPERIENCED HELP WE SPECIALIZE IN HIGH- GRADE domestie help, ail nationalities. No charge to employers. References In- vestigated. Under State supervision. Reinhart's Empi. Agency 748 Elm St. Winnetka 3399 68LTN25-.tfc Carlson's Empi. Agency 804 ELM STREET WINNETKA 3328 RELIABLE HELP l4 domestic positions NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYERS 68LTN18-tfc GERMAIN GIRL, AGE 26, WANTS'I-rO- sition, cook and general. Excellent refs. Reasonable wages. S-H-A-Y EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 109 E. Oak St. 14 W. Washington Superior 6608 Central 9800 68LTN1 9-1 tc EXPER. GERMAN GIRL, 9 YEARS ref. one employer, wishes general housework with or without laundry. Not too far from Hubbard Woods church. Don't cali before Saturday. Phone Win- netka 1815. 68Ll9-ltl) THOROITGHLY EXPER. COOK WITH lat floor or laundry w:çork, desires situation by Oct. 1. North Shore ref. Write A-171. Box 40, Wilmette, Ili. 68LTNl9-ltp NEAT, EXPER. COL. LAUNDRESS MlNon-,, Tues.,.- Thurs., Fmi. Cleaning. Refs. 5 years last place. H-ours 8-6. $3 and carfare. Phone Kedzie 5635,eve. 68LTN1I9-1t.p RELTABLE, EXP. WOMAN WANTS laundry or day work. Exp. girl also wants- work mornings or afternoons. Good efs. Phone'Glencoe 1004. 6SLTN19-Itp INSTRUCTION ÏIEMEDI AL TIt-T( )RiNG BY EXPEFIl- enced te-ii(-heî'* lElementary and high sehool pupils brought up to grade and taught how to studyv. Miss Mae Schriber, telephone Winnetka 3303. 3O-LTN19-4tp MUSICAL INSTRUCTION ANNA WV. CHIN1UND TEACHER 0F PIANO In studio 'Mon. and Wed. 2-6.; Sat. 9-1. 627-îlth St. Phone Wilmette 3612 _________31LTN19-ltp EDIH IAYYOUNG 'ieacher of Piano. Private and class ln- st4ruction. Children accepted as young' as 5 years. Studio 1133 Central Avenue. Phone Wilniette 3651. 3ILTN1fl-4tp PIANO TEACHER. AMERICAN CON- servatory graduate.. $1 per lesson. Miss Elsendrath. Winnetka 479. 31LTN19-4tc LAUN DRY EXPER. WOMNAN WANTS. LAUNDRY to do at home. Will cali and deliver. Phone Wllmette 2623. 34LTN19-ltc EXP. LAUNDRESS WILL TAKE IN washings. Caîl and deliver. Phone Wilmette 1351. 34LTNI19ltp WASHING AND IRONING TO TAKE home. Will caîl for and deliver. Phone Wilmette 4444. 34LTN19-Ilp MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.,-, FOR SALE - FINE TONE OLI> violin, $50; %rega concert banjo, ai- most new, with case, $35 ; 'C" saxo- phone, silver, perfect condition, $20. Phoné Wilmiette 2260. 4OLTNl9-Itip NURSING PRACTICAL NURSE H-AS MODERN new home, quiet, excellent food and e-are. Special1 diet when wanted. Will take as boarders oir patients. Reasonable. Phone Grays Lake 237 or write DeLong, Glrays Lake, 111.' 41LTN19-Itî) PAINTING AND DECORATINQ Paint, Paper 5 Ri-s.., $31.50 CEILINGS CALC., $1- UP SANITAS AND CANVASING WORK. Rm. wallpaper cleaned, $1; bathroom, enameled, $5 Up; kitchen painted, $6 Up. 5 rm. tirs. washed, varnished, $8. Stucco finish, outside painting, porches $15. Windows, 50c. Refs. Free estimates. Materials furnlshed. MELVIN Wilmette 3413. 42LTN19-Itp DISTINCTIVE PAINTING DECORATING Old floors made new with Electrie ma- chine. Special summer rates. Broberg Briargate 1061 >42LTN16-4tp FOR SALE - PEDIGREED- WIRE haired fox terrier puppies. M. R. Sherrill, University 4287. Kennels at 600 E. Euelid Av'e., Arlington Hieights, Iii. Tel. Arlington Heights 77-M. 44LTN19-ltp PEDIGREED SRNIR SPANIEL pulipies, 2 months, Avondale blood lines. Reasonable to good homes. Well îinarked, healthy. A. M. Bail, 730 Laurel Ave., Des Plaines. Phone D. P. 127-M. 44LTNI 9-lt p For- sale-pedigreed Cocker Spaniel Puppies Champion blood lines., Winnetka 1218. 144LTN 19-1tli> EXP. COLORED MAID. EXCELLENT PIANO TUNINO Cook. Wilmette refs. Phone Wil- EXPERT PIANO TUNING $3. RE- mletteý 497. 68LTN19-It> pair work guaranteed. 22 years Chick- JNW RIER GRAD. DESIRES CARE erlng, Boston. H. C. Thomas, 517 Fair- of children by the day or week. Phone v'iew, Park Rldge 699-R. 45LTN17-4tp Glencoe .555. 68LTN19-Itp SI.TUATION wANTrED--FE.MALE NURSEMAIO ýNE-W TRIER GRADUATE WANTS îur.semnaid position in refined homne. Reasona hie salary. Capable. Experi - ence(1. Best of referenceâ. Write A-172, EXPERIENCED WIHITE * WOMAN wishes general housework. N. S. ref. Also young girl to help) with general ivork. Ilhone Xinnetka 2356. 68LTN19-ltp RES1>ONSIBLE CAPABLE WHITE wonian would'like day work, good cleaner and laundress $2.50 day. VBest N. S. refs. Phone Winnetka 1530. 68LTN19ý-Itp 1-'UACTIICAI, NURSýE. INFANT oF Z children under 5 years. Exper. and best of ref. on Sheridan Rd .$15. lli'hone Winnetka 2844. STH-t COMIPETENT COLORED GRlN' cook, desires cooking and Ist tl(boi. work. No laundry. Phone Uni. 1735. COOK. GC>OD, CLEAN, COMPETENTr, permanent. (Chicago and north shore ref. $15 or more. Tel. Delaware 1191, roorn 52. 68L19-111) YOUNG WOM.%AN WILL CARE For srnallcid by the houî- or day in her home. Phone Wilmette 25ý'2. SITUATION WANTED-MALE Garden. and Housework WA1NTED BY EXP. MAX BY DAY or hour. Phone Winnetka 1552. 69Ll9f-ltp YOUNG 'MAN WANTS GEN. WORK as houseman, painter, drug store, dish %vasher, short orders and hotel work. Refs. Phone University 3073. 69LTN19-] tl CARE 0F F1URNACE. TAKE DOWN TREES. Experienced nman. Price reasona hie. WINNETKA 1813. YOUNG MAN 23 YEARS 0F AGE wishes to get position as chauffeur, houseman and gard(:ner. Inquire at 988 Lake St., Hubbard Woods. Phone Winnetka 2837. -1 ' Wh 69LTN19-Ilp RELABL, i I'E YO Ü-.'M; N licenSed chauffeur, exp. al-ar<und houseman. Take care of gardexi.l-oet willing. O'ood N. S. ref. Winnetka 24180. 69LTN19-Itp CHAUFFEUR,, GARDENýER ANI) 1houseman.. 15 years' experience. Good references. Phone Kenilw&-crth 47947. 69L1TN19-1 tp BUTLER, HOUSEMAN, EXP. ALSO exp.. driver. Cali evenings after 6 P. m., ask for Larson. University 8854. 69L1 9-1 t l EXP. COLORED CHAUFFEUR, H SE.- man and butier. Winnetka refs. 6 years one place, Phone Davis 8195. 69LTýN19-1 tp BIT. VWT.-MALE AND FEMALE NEAT EXPERIENCED YOUNG GER- .man couple, 32-36 years. Wife, cook and general. H&sband, chauffeur, gard- ener, housework, and serving. 4 years each in last 2. places. Good ref. Phone Winnetka 345ý. 701,19-l1 11IGHT COLORED C'OUPLE. NORTH shore reference. (.oo(l 4ook. AIl- around man. Phoqî Greenleaf 6103. 70LTN19-1ti) WHITE COUPLE WITH LONG EX- perience wishes position. $100 to start. No laundr.y. Phone Spaùlding 3762. 7OLTNl9-1Itl HELP WANTEO-FEMALIE WAN TED SEWING APPRENT1Ic E Phione Kenilwoî'th 4226 71 LTN 19-1 tp WHI-TE QGtiRL ORWÎOMAN TO HELP with housework and care of vbjîdreji occasionally. $2 day. Ph. Glenhcoe 1499. ______________71LTN11#-lkp WANTED-GEiRL OR MIIDDL,-AG;ED woman, co<>k, housework. Good home. Room with private bath. Glencoe 1415. 71LTN19-ltp, WANTED - YOUNG WHITE GIRL .for gen. housework, small family, small home. 1217 Mapl Ave., Wilmette. 71LTN19- 1h'e YOUNG WHITE WOMAN FOR GEN. housework. Plain cooking. Home night!a. Near "L." 4 In family. Phone Wilmette 1772. 71LTN19-Itp WHITE GIRL, GENERAL HOU SE- work, no laundry. Ref. required. Phone Winnetika 1814. 1 71L19-ltl) MAID FOR GEN. HSWK., 3 ADULTS in fanîîly. Phone Wllmette 1510. 1~ ý- 1 -z SISTERS WANT DOWNSTAIRS WORK or general, together, or separately. Good cooks. Experienced with children. Winn. references. Winnetka 2444. 68L19-1 tp STENOGRAPHER, T Y P I N G AND shorthand. 1 year's trainlng as nurse. Write A-1'67, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. 681,TN19-Itp 1 1 September 13j 1934 WILMETTE LIFE

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