24 WILMETTE LIFE September 27, 1934 PLEDGED TO FRATERNITY john Slayton, son of Mr. and Mri. C. H. Slayton,. 607 Forest avenue, .Vilmette, who. enrolled in Hanover tollege, Hanover, Indi Sept. 10, bas been pledged to Phi' Delta Theta. a niational social fraternity on-the cam- ptus. He is a member of the freshmaia class and Is registered for regular col-7 lege work. Miss Kathryn Benson, 210 Meirose avenue, Kenilwortb, will be bostess. at a hos iery shower and bridge tea îîext Wednesday ini honor of Mrs. Stan ley Coffey of Chicago wbo was niarried on August 28. Mrs. Coffey is the former Jane Johnson of' Wil- mette. LIDERTY LOAN Auto CORPORATION Personal TeL Greenleat 1863 Furniture 150 Sherman Avenue, Evanston OPENS "MIAMI BEÂUTY. SAL.ON Manley Drake, Father of Mrs. P. McBride will leave thibL' m -M.Drake, Dies: week for Miami, -FIa'., to supervise zyii M the operation of Van Duerm's PeautY The deat 1h of Manley Drake, father Salon ,at 1849 Biscayne boulevard, ino L that clty.' The Van Duerm Beauty. mi .Daeo imte c Salon at 1135, Central avenue, wil- curred' at Green Forest,. Ark., on mette, has gained a widespread Moniday, September 24. repijtation on the north shore anî Mr. Drake was bornl on June 17, the Miami salon is being opened. to; 1842, in Sharon,. Mass. He came to accomimodate north shore reidents'J Chicago in 1860 and married Mary who winter in Florida. Elizabeth Tucker on July 1, 1863, He, was descended from Colonial ances- Theo B. Robertson, Jr., of 215 tors, anid was a member of the Fourth street who bas been convales- Massachuisetts Societ%- of Mayflower cing for the past four weeks from an, Descendants. Siîîce 1910 MLr, Drake automobile, accident, will leave this made bis home in C&oloraclo Springs Saturday to resume bis studies at. and also Tucson, Ariz. For the past Knox college, where he is to be a two vears lie had been residiiig in junior this year. He was 'elected Arkansas, president of his fraternity, Phi Sig-'.l3urial sert-ices took p)lace at Oak- ma Kappa, and also stage manager! .%wood cemeterv in Chilcago on Wed- of the Knox theater.r nesdav of this week. MNr. Drake is 1o.-0 survived by thiree children. lymiani M. Mrs. J. W. McClinton and her luinWîlnmette: Mlarlon H. Drake of daugbter, Margaret, of 1612 Highland \e%% York Citv; and Charles S_ avenue, returned last week from a Drake of \Wiciita. Kans.: and a two montbs' visit with relatives in grandson, Lyman M. Drake,, Jr., liv - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. ý.ing in Glencoe. mli q CALL STAte 3000 PHONE ORDERS. TAKEN Friday ....UtIpm Satsrdoy... .9a.m. *o 9 p.. SuÉnday. a.10 a.me tb 5 p... Monday . .8 a.m. tb 9 p... F ROM a smnall store-wide feature oed ne October day a, dec- ade or so ago, this Sale of Sales has becomne a CMv*c Event - eagerly.anticipate,1d by al' shrewd- minded shoppers. Neyer have we failed to make each Netcher D ay ritem THE outstanding. Value of' the season from the sfandpoint of QUALITY, FASHION and VAL- UE. Wifh Ibis record, behind us we offer you, *he GREATEST SALE 0F ALLI BQsIl SoIU STATE. MADISON AND DEARBORN STREETS Logion Auxiliary Wilmette Post No. 46 Installatitn'Diiiner Dance Mrs. Frank Dowd, Seventh district director, wilI instali the newly elected officers of the American Legion aux- iliary, Wilmette, Post No. 46, at an installation dinnër.and dance whiçh the auxiliary wilI hold jointly with the legionnaires at Shawnee Country club Tuesday evening, October 2, at 6:30 o'clock. *Mrs. Gertrude Johns"" will succeed hierseif as president of 'the auxiliar%- unit, hecauise of her outstanding ability, accomplishments and service in the past year. Other officers to be installed arc: Mrs. C. A. Peterson, first vice-presi- dent; Mrs. A. WV. BerÉcli, treasurer; Mrs. D. C. Leach, secretary; Mrs. A. Rodenkirk. chaplaimi; Mrs., Frank Dowd, historiait, and Mrs. J. R. Mc- ('ne. sergeant-at-arms. A popular orchestra has been eni- gaged for the unique program which is being arranged. Reservations can V,, made with Mrs. A. W. Bersch, social chairman (telephone Minmette 3050), not later than Saturday, September 29. Coumiitee' Meets Tonight The monthly meeting of the sewiing committee will be held Thursday eve- ning, September 27, at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Howard J. Hickey, 350 Oak circle. Disabl('d V eterans Grateful Mrs. T. L. D. Hall wishes to express her appreciation to the. wonien- who contributed in any way to the birthday party at North Chicago hospital last Wednesday. Thle boys are very grateful for the 165 decks of playing cardsand the refreshnwnts and entertainment furnished by Mrs. .Hall's committee. Tfhe disabled veterans look forward to these monthly parties and we hope to have a large, crowd of women go up tliere with us next month. Dessert Bridge Part y We owe a debt of gratitude Io our wvays and means chairman, Mrs. Nor- man Deno, who so capably managed the dessert bridge party at the Masonic temple last Friday. It wvas a tremendous success. The prizes were lovely, and nearly everyone received something. The stage was piled so high with beau- tiful things that it wvas difficuit for one to make a choice of awards. Mrs. Ruth Wilson was a-warded the quilt which the niembers of the auxiliary made. The U-shaped table was set in buffet style with auîtumn colors'*and flowers. Mrs. Winifred Bersch, social chairmnan, served delight fui. refreshments and candies. It was an afternoon well spent and will be long remembered by the women in Wilmette. The proceeds of. the party wili be used for community service work, child welfare, and rehlabiitat ion of disabled World War veterans. RETURN, PROM TRIP .\Ir. and Mrs. Sanford S. Holden and their daughters, Jane and Helen. 57Warwick road, Kenilworth, re.. turned Wednesday of last week from a 1 uqe-day motor tour iin whicb they covered nine states and Canada. Their itinerary included Cleveland, Albany, Ithaca, Boston, the White Mountains, and. Peckett. They ferried Lake Champlain to Syracuse, then to Niagara Falls and, down to Canada, to Detroit, and home. Herbert A. Gould, Sr., i130 Lake avenue, is leaving on Sunday by imotor for California with bis sister and brother-in-law of Glen View. He will spend the winter in Los Gatos. A GREAT EVENT THAT TELLS THE THRIFT STORY-QUALITY AT SENSATIONAL -SAVINOS! SATURDAY US COURTFSY DAY MONDAY US $eptember 27, .1934 24 ý WILMETTE LIFE