Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Sep 1934, p. 36

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6tctivittes Son c cial GC les: By JEAN TEN BRoECK Cradle Babies, to Benefit by Ball at Stevens. The Cradie society announces an unusually« early date this ve ar for its bail, the twelfth anmual bail to aid the happiness and care of Cradie bab)ies. This affair, alwvays a inost outstand- ing social event of the fail sea- son, is to take place Monday evening, October 8, beginning at 9 o'clock, with continuous sup- per service during the evening. In accordance with its custom of obtaining "the best dance music in America" for the Cradie baIl, the so- ciety announces that Jan Garber and blis orchestra will play. Anticipating that the number of dancers this year will exceed the crowds of pre- Vious years, the committee has se- cured the Stevens ballro om for the evening. Table reservations are already be- ing. made at the Cradie, Greenleaf 5800, or with the chairnian, Mrs. Augustus W. Eddy of Chicago, whose telephone 'is Superior 1644. Mrs . Frederick H. Scott of Winnetka and Mrs.- Louise DeKoven Phelps are Mrs. Eddy's co-chairmen. They announce the usual imposing ist of %vomen acting as patronesses for the Cradie bail: Miss Cornelia Lunt and the Mes- dames Cyrus Adams, Edwin M. Ash- craft, Jr., Gustavus Babson, Rose- crans Baldwin, John Aiden Carpen- ter, Edward C. Crossett, Albert B. Dick, George B. Dryden, J. Horton Fali, Jr., Calvin Fentress, Henry Gardner, Howard Gillette, Charles F. Glore, Charles B. Goodspeed Edwin M. Hadley, John J. Hagey, Thomas R. Hair, Huntington Henry, H. NeW-- ton Hudson, Francis Johnson, War- ren Lamson, Cyrus H. McCormick, John McGibbons, John J. Mitchell, William Mitchell, Sterling Morton, Howard C. Phillips, Gordon Pirie, George Ranney,,Kersey Coates Reed, T. Clifford Rodman,. C h a r 1 es Schweppe, Arch W. 'Shaw, Harold C. Smith, Sulas Strawn, John Stuart, Alden B. Swif t, James Ward Thorne, Robert Thorne, William Waller, Jr., Albert H. Wetten, Leslie Wheeier, Robert C. Wheeier, john Wilder, john P.. Wilson, 'Walter B. Wolf,. Robert E. Wood. House Party Guests Mr. and Mrs. W. J. King, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Culien, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Webster , ail of Wil- mette, wili spend the week-end as guests atthe bouse party which Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Seibold will bave at their summer home at Guli Lake, Micb. The Seibolds were residents of Wilmette for many years. Pours ai Tea Photo by Bernie Airs. Cou ger. Reynolds of Ken- ilzL'orth, as prograni chairman of the Mfary Cranle league, U-i11 pour at the »wembership tea fthe group is sPonsoring Prid03',alleritoo;i of this uwek ini the .spacimus honte of Mfrs. Burt J. Dennian, 21 !.iidi-i ave'll'e Ut'. J! ?ette. Dinner and Program for Woman's Club On Thursday evening, October 11, at 6:30 o'clock, the flrst evening party -of the season will be given at the club under the auspices of the ways and means committee of whicb Mrs. Clifton L. Darling' is general chairman. For this opening affair a (lightful dinner is promised after wvicli a three-part program is being planned with enough variety to appeal to the entire family group. Details of the prograni will be given.,later. Mrs. George D. Coniee is chair- man for the evening and Mrs. Edward Meier bas charge of tickets and res- ervations. Assisting on Mrs. Conlee's committee are the foiiowing: Mes- dames W. W. Baer, Pierre Bontecou, John Campbell, G. Mf. Christophel, C. W.. Cozzens, F. O. Ebeling, A. E. Gebert, Walter Gough, William Har- ridge, George Jiff, Stanley Johnson, H. C. Kinne, R. J. Lascelles, C. H. Lawrence, Walter H. Magner, Evan J. McIlraitb, Fred Parry, Paul Rensch, ýR. H. Rice, Walter Schur, WV. H. Scott, A. C. Schwarm, Elmer Young. The date of'. this dinner was incor- rectly given as October 2, iii last week's M'iNf eTE LiPE. Please be ar nii mind that the correct date is 'Octo- ber Il. the committee stresses. Give Cocktail Party Mr. and Mrs. John O'Connor eni- tertained at a cocktail party Saturday at their bomne, 149 Kenilworth avenue, preceding the Harvest Home dinner dance at Ecmoor., Garden Club Announces October 30 Set' Program for O.ctober 5 The Xilmette Garden club will i net on Friday, October 5, atý 2 o'ciock. at the home of the Misses Nourse. 1137 Greenwood avenue. Assisting then wili be Mrs. P. B. Wagner. W. F. Christman of the Northbrook Gardens will speak, bis subject being. "Late Perennial Pianting." Mrs. Charles Van Deursen wvill speak on the Chicago Plant, Flower and Fruit guiid, stressing its work in Wilmette. Mrs. A. E. Gebert wli talk on some phases of a book selecte< from the garden ibrarv. The newly eiected oficers for the season of 1934-35 are as follows: Mrs. Frank J. Scheidenhelm, presi- dent; Mrs. Henry W. Drucker, first vice-president; Mrs. W. A. Kendrick second vice-president; Mrs. J. H. Mathison of Kenilworth, recording secretary; Mrs. E. H. Burge. corres- ponding secretary; Miss Ida Nourse, treasurer. Theretiring officers who served the club with distinction are: Mrs. C. P. Berg, presidenit; Mrs. Walter U. Clark, first vice-president; Mrs. John F. Weedon, second -vice- president; Mrs. Edward L. Scheiden- helm, recording secretary ; Mrs. Chiarles Van Deursen, corresponding secretarv; Mrs. C. G. Smiith. treasurer. Mrs. Donald M. Gailie is the new imhlicitv chairman.1 Is n .Goodspeed Lectures l'o Benefil Junior Scimool The, North Shore brancb, Friends of Chicago Junior scbooi, "takes pleasure in announcing" a series of six lectures on the New Testament by the renowned scholar and popular speaker, Dr. Edgar J. Goodspeed, progressor of Biblical Greek, and chairman of department of New Testa- ment and early Christian literature at the University of Chicago. These evening lectures are for the. benefit of the school and ivili be given in Community House, Winnetka, the first one occurring on Tuesdav, Oc- tober 9, at 8 o'clo.ck. Mrs. Gordon Smith, 274 Ridge ave- nue, Winnetka, and Mrs. George S. Channer. of 81Z Greenwood avenue, Clencoe, are ini charge of tickets. Buffet Supper for Guests Mr. -and Mrs., Lewis McMasters of St. Petersburg, Fia., were recent week-end guests1-of the 'A. R.. Peter- sons of 227,Raleigh road, Kenilwortb, who entertained sixteen guests. at a Sunday nigh't buffet supper in their honor. Mr. Peterson's brother and, sister-in-iaw,. the G. N. Petersons* of North Judson, nd., were guests over the week-end. Supper Dance Miss Evelyn Pardee of Evanston, formerly of Wilmette, entertained tbirty-two guests at a supper dance Saturday. for Settiement Style Show,, Tea Ail the menibers of the WTin- netka board for, the Northwest- ern University settiernent ar-e p)luu1ging into preparations for their animal style show for the benefit of the settienient. They- have' sectircd the big hall uf Christ chutrch l)arish house for the show, and have decided'up- on1 Tuesdav afternoon, October 30, as the (date of this important fali funictiov. Mrs. John P. Hooker, president oi the board, is acting as co-chairmian of the show with Mrs. Edward B. Hall and d Mrs. Evereit Graif. Slie re- .turne(I last 'veek fromn a suinmer at lier faruî in Virginia, and is calling ;j meeting of the executive commîttee and the exhibitors committee for Tlîursdav mnorning of this wveek at lier home. 600 Berkeiev avenue, WVin- netka. .Mrs. Donald Defrees is iîeadiî,g the exhihitors committee and is as- Oksisted by Mrs. Hugh Foresnian. MNr.. WVarren Lainson, and Mrs. LCslie Cook. Selecting the mnodels are M rs. Chester Sargent, chairman, Mrs. Fred W. Fairman, co-chairman. and1 the mnembers of their committee: Mrs. Edwin Price, Mrs.. Nathaniel Hox-. ard, Mrs. William D. Truesdale, Mrs. James W. Prindiville, Mrs. Frank' Bersbach, and Mrs. Oliver M. Knode. Mrs. Bruce MacLeish 'is chairman of the committee arranging dressing rooms for the modeis, and bas as her assistants Mrs. John Ott, Mrs. Charles Strong, and Mrs. Herbert Butz. The stage and lighting will be manî- aged by Mrs. W. W. Darrow, chair- man, and Mrs. William S. Warfield III, Mrs. Ernst von Ammon, and Mrs. Frank Payine. Mrs. Martini Lindsay and Mrs. Harold Wilder are co-chairman of the important ticket committee ani have helping them Mrs. Richard Aish- ton, Mrs. Edwin S. Clark, Mrs. Rawieigh W a r.n e r, Mrs. Arthur Walsh, and Mrs., Robert Laird. A pleasant feature of the afternoon will be the serving of tea in the guild room after the fashion review. Mrs. Robert Butz beads the tea committee- and is asking the foilowing women. to assist ber: Mrs. Dorothy Barteime, Miss Edith Kohlsaat, Mrs. George Booth, Mrs. Richard Y. Hoffman. Mrs. George T. French, and Mrs. C. R. Jacobs. Serving on the music committee are Mrs. Ryland Wolcott, chairnian. and Mrs. Ralph Sargent. and Mrs. Hill Blackett. Mras. William Ogden Coleman is chairman of the program icommittee. The othersý in this group are Mrs. Austin Jenner, Mrs. Alexander Pat- terson, and Mrs. Thomas Octigan. Meeting Day of Spoke Spoke Nine of the Wilmette Pr 1es- byterian churcb will meet, Tuesday, October 2, at tbe--home of Mrs. Walter H. Magner, 219 Dupee place. Septeïüber 27, M, ,WILMETTE, LIFE

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