Se ptem ber 27, 1934 Ticket Sale for EntersDancing Recital Be gins. Tiktswill be on sale ncxt Mn day for the Glencoe. Girl scouts betiefit at the Newv Trier Highi sclîool auditorium on Friday evening, Octo- ber 26. Atigtia Enters. cons.idercel: the ,-re atesi (lance-mime îu the world. will be presented ini a varied pro- grain of dance compostionis.ý Trhe advance sale -of unireserved seats wvîll l>e. at a price lower tliani the prîce of unreserved seats o1 iteh night of the performance. Th'le re- served seats in the center section of the New, Tri er, Higli school aud(i-! tanin are sîgbtlv higlier tlîan 111- 1 reserved seats, but thev vill assurel patrons (if a place. ,anid il is ' ug- g-este(1 that those ývlio arc IIavînzý dixîner parties l)efore th urt . rni r- anuec takec reserved scats. WILMETTE. LIPE ir READY TOHEAD SOUTHWARD I - .~--.---~ _____ .. -- -~ I Scouts Take Orders .i___________________ (Irl !Scoiit-ýof (ilencou troopý1) Vill take order, for both ty1)us of tickets . Obser:'ieî villagers zo îwere î; anîd ticket, ill also bé onx sale at tarlV ecvenînig drivecs a feu,' zeeeks ag Renmîeckar's store iii XV'ilmette, the birds cceupylli (jzantage places On tel( the - \innietka Coinmiuîit\ Iflouse, 1eonce*rninq lthe immiiinet trek sout/-iz :tind 1illmiati's Pharniacv i lencoe a vie'wof tiiese ltle flos knoz.. n ai Chîeck-. ma\- i)ý aile<l to Rn thc(a . ncar 1959 Kenlilzteort/ az-en ne. U 'i/m 1Pret zel, concert, directoýr. \Viîîîîetka kolof jtiit addreses. Co'iniiminity House. \l r;. I)unbar 1Lewis. lica(l of thle <.,ecllocGir] commnittec, js îwîîîg a- Palace Foods Invites sInîd the ticket caxilpigu lýi I) lier to Opening October 4' Vo, xice-presi(leiit fMrs. jes \bntîmt tel v ears ago Michael Nlaîî- \Vi.îl!.treasuirer; NI rs. V. Sawvcr niwhci he.stablislie(l the Palace Cash Snîitlî. Nrs. erbert l \lv Nrs. \INarket at 1145 Wilmnette aveille, .J. i e),-ardl. Mfrs. lWrms eBrei\ilmîette. as a. new cent er for qualitn n ue onxut!eNI rs. 1.t. 'o-ineats. xnac. N Is NI rian Sattuk pis- A steady. increase in patronage bias licitv 1 r . A. C. (;oiot i cessitated the comiplete reniodeling S. L . Hvpes. personnel anîd trajîli and enlargenie t of the old store. it anîd \Irs. Bt. F.N\lever.. and ~epand awrkSiict'e proueeds iroîîî the The enlarged store %vill, uipon its benetit iI make uip part of the openiiig Tliursdà-,. October 4. be Glencoe commnittee's quota ta the knoývn as Palace. Foods. Tbe new N;ew Trier Girl Scout council, 'Mrs. store Nvill ad(I a complete lhue oithte L-ewis and ber board members, as weIl hiiest in qua-lity grocenies. Irtuits. a-, the Girl Scout troops, are cager .vegetables and bakery prodiict-s. t ta s elI ont the bouse well lu advance s poitited out. of October 26. The store itselif will be a place of Returna By Request beautv and convenience and will con- .\ngna Enters ivas chosen as the tain the verv latest developmnents lun artist for the benefit because the1 sanitary food handling and preserv- Girl Scouts were aware of her world- ing. The personnel bias beèuî selected' \vide reputation as a genius and a with tutmost care ta insure efficient unique personality,, and also because land courteaus attention ta customners. xiortli shore patrons bave been askingl Tbrotigb the colunins of this iew s- for a return engagement of Miss pape r. Mr. Mannebach, who, lias be- Eniters ever since she wvas presented caine one of the most importanit fo(d at the New Trier Higb school dîstributors ini the central states--, ex- au(litoriuùm several years ago when tends- a cordial invitation ta. aIl to lier reputation had not yet been [vs aaeFoso t pnn a establishied in the Middle West. She TusaOtbr4 %vas îmmediately recognized by h 1er north shore audience at that time asî LUNCHEON HOSTAESS an artist of many great talents, and .\Irs. Gabe Wegener, 36 Kenilwvorth: it was that audienice which support- avenue. Kenilworth, wvas luncheon ed bier later in a.Chicago engagement, hostess to her bridge club Monday creating a demand for her in this of last week. Mrs. James1 Studert p)art of the country. and daughter, Miss Margaret. of A critic of the New York Herald- Houstoni, Texas, were recent guests Tribune said of Miss Enters: "She of 'Mrs. Wegener. can be tender or terrible, savage or sentim ental; she is, in effect, dancer, Mvrs. Willard Beattie of Toledo, painter, actress, andsatirical essayist. Oi a eetgetô r n There is more brilliant acting, in theNr ila .Sudr f15 sense of 'atmosphere created and nceavu. characterp ut in visua1 termns, in one1' neavu. of her performances than. in most Dorothy Jane Orr,,dau ghter of'the haîfdozn Boaday paysputto-Carey Orrs of 225 Woodbine avenue, geter. reardng he icktsis leavïng, Monday, October1: to Information eadn th tiks enter her senior year at Ogontz. inay be secured frai-n Miss Pretzel at the Winnetka Community House, or through Mrs. Lewis at Glencoe IH A I G S 638.- laI Miss Katherine Thompson, 1311 Ashland avenue, left Sunday, Sep- tember 16 for Rockford, ta enter lier sophomore year at Rockford college. -- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bonnet, 157 Robsart place, Kenilworth, enter- tained their bridge club at dinner Wednesday. ithe habit of takinig late affernoon or go zîill ha-ve noted the great flock of 'phone îvires and chattering diligent/v rd ta warner cliines. .1Herc we have 1 j>upe Moti; holding a conzventioir S te. Ptue suibmýittd bi, [ater C. Hold Educational Exhibit at Field's Parent,' wiiill)e interested mn the 'secoIu(l animal e(lucational exhibit arranged by the -University of Clii- cago in- cooperatiôn with Marshall Field & comipaniv. whiîch openis Mon - ilav on the fourth floor of Field's Chicago store. Plav materials. books, clotbi ng, and hiobbies for. children are arranged under the direction of Prof. Franîk . Freemian of the departmemît of education .\cc ompanyîng the ex- hibit is a series of lectures by -Miss Ethel Kavin. psyclîologist of the laboratorv scbc>ols of the universitv. on NIondays and 1'idavs at 2 o'cl)ck.: The dlates are October L. 5. S. 12. 15. 19. 22 and 26. Ini a special late aiternoon programn for teacher-, and students onu\Ved- nesday. ,October 17, Professor Free- mani will talk on "Howv to Make a Knowledge of Child 1)evelopment Practical. 1)urin-z tlhe secondl xeek of the ex- hibît the importance of keeping chil- dren off the streets and the value of home plaVvards for young children ivll be tlhe subject of several promin- ent speakers. This programn is un.der the auspices of the Womnan's Safety ;bureau ofthie Chicago Motor club. October 15 to 2'0, inclusive. the four newv talkiiîg motion pictur£s made by Dr. Arnold Gesel ofthie Yale-Psy- cbio-Clinic %vill be showvn for the first tinie in Chicago.' All of these pic- tures are on the subject of child de- velopineît and beliavior. WEATHERSTRIP 0. NU-METAL AL. COPPER fobr Yeaa Of Wear ID EasiIy imtalled Millen.Hardware Co. 1210 Wllmette Ave. WiI. soie IRalVICE -MCO. I oii BunerService ALL- MAKES Wlnnetlka 3%Day orNght OLIVER HANSEN c4n4oun .cing.. The CANDLELIGHT The v e r y newest TOWLE sterling pa- terr. Classic beauty in a modern setting. Th is n@w creation wil be shown here in the. very near futur. 1'ATMAN 707 Church Street Evanstôn .q glu 1.1