WJLMBTTE LIFE September 27, 1934 PeonyCulture Will Be Subject .for. Lecture The regular meeting of the' Mid- west 1-orticultural Socie4v will be held Friday evening, September' 28, iii the board room 'of the adminstra- tion b)uilding ini Garfield Park, at, 8 o'clock. W. F. Christinas. emninent authority, wilI give an illustrated lec- ture, using autochrome slides, on "The Peony and Its Culture." This is an opportunity for home gardeners tc' learn althere is to know about this popular, and useful perennial flowering plant. The speaker will show slides of the best kinds to grow, its location of the plant to the garden, something of the.history of the group, and other valuable ini- formaton. There is no charge for admittance and everyone is cordially invited to be present. Fr1,- Sa, Sept .28-29 Do... Open Sat. ai 2 P. M. -CIARLIE RUGGLES UNA MERKEL "Murderma the Privai. Car" Sot.. Mai. OnIy "Sure 'Em Up Bernes" Sua, Mom.. Sept. 3-Oct. 1 Myrna Loy George Iren* l"STAMBOUL QU EST"s Trues. OnIy-Oçt. 2 us.rtEvanston Showingi "Notorious Sphi.Laug ftM 1Dn FrHT National Leaders to, Give Lectures. on Timely Themesý "Six Views of, Tomorrow -a series oflecture and symposia presentitn recognized authorities iii the fields of politics, literature, foreign affairs, modern social prohleins, industry, and phi losophv-havc been ain ouIlce(l l)v Northwesterin un iversitv for the zeii eral public. 'l'lie scries of prograins is tind(er ilit- auspices of the University college. McKinilock campus, and wlII 1whein iii Thorne hall, ,ake Shore drive ani E ast Superior Street. Chicago, at 8:13 onl six evenings, accomding to.1tie fol- lowing schedule: D)onald R. Richberg, couinsel for tli.-- NRA,- and, Senator L. J. Dickinison. chaimînan of the Republican miiid-vest conmittee, will participate in a politi. cal syniposiumn on Tuesday eveîîiin,, O1ctober 9, to open the series. "Amer- ica's Choicec: Indîvidualisin or Plan - iîed Society," will he the theme. I GOrLFING. 36 YEA RS A GOj R. W. ChiiId on ProgramI Clîristopller Morlcy, novelist and Ipoet. will speak on "Streanilines lukin _____________________ j T.terature" Noveniber 8 Rchr I Xashl)urn Child, appointcd l)y Prcsi- JFine golf eourses were nt Pic> dent Roosevelt as envoy-at-large to but t didnt prevent a grou/' of IV Fthird lecture in the series,,Noveniber rIiorse'n, Frank Plîillips, Theodorc 27. "Personal Experiences ini Europe R4i oM Flynn. George Busch.er, Edi with Mussolini, Fascisni, and Hitler" V. ( rtie) Tlwrsen.PI oto providei is the topic he wilI discuss. avei;'l innetka. T'rîiole of science in the solutiosi of modemn crime pmoblems will be <le- Abbott-Flatia nd. scrihed by J. Edgam Hoover, head Of De Kruif-Seven Iron Men. the Bureau of Investigation of the Gregg -Shorthand. Department of Justice in Washington, Rorty--Oiur Master's Voice. and Leonarde Keeler. of the Northi - Streetor--Construe»tive Letteming. Lamkln-Good Timnes for Ail Tin,-«. western univemsity crime detection Lippmann-Meth .od of Fmeedom. labomatory, lu a joint lecture and demi- Interviews, Interviewers and Interview- onstration Thursday evening, Decemn- ing in Social Case Work. bem 6. William Green, president of Cottier-Careers Ahead. .Sorelle-ýGregg Typing. the American Fedemation of Labor, Drew-Modern Novel. wil'l discuss with a prominent indusl- Priestly-English Journey. tialist to be announced at an early Miller-Camel-Bells of Baghdad. date the subject, "Where Is the Coin- Anderson-In Eastern Seas. Henri-Hitler Over 'Europe. mon Gound for 1.abor and Capital?" Marsh-Wrhite Indians of Darien. This analysis of the problems and (101- O'Connell-RecollectIonq of ÇSêenty flicts of labor and capital will 1w hield Years. as the fifth event in this series on . ani- Üamy 15. Pasit and present econoinic thouglhî WiII Durant Coming Te Siclude Tio ry 2why\XTil he "Six iewof Tomomro2 w w \ill Durant, philosopher and author. 1-11 topic will be "Is Civilization Dying?ý" Tickets for this series of lectures may be ohtained hy the pub>lic at the office of the University college, WVard Memorial building, on the McKinlock campus of NorthWestern univemsitv. NEIOOS The Wilmette Public library has added the following new books to its collection: FICTION Cole-Death ln a Quarry. Cox-Mr. 'Pidgeons Island. Graves--I, Claudius. Kellafid-Jealous House. Lorimer-Men Are Like Street Cars! Marshall-None But the Brave. Parkei'-lmpersonation of a Lady. Walpole-Captain Nicholas. Lesle-Puil Flavor. Littell-Candles ln the Storm. Marshall-Splendld Quest. Norris-Malden Voyage. Runyon-Blue Plate Special. Tunstall1-Long Day Closes. Walsh-Romantic Adventurers. NON-FICTION Krkpatrck - Fundamentals. of Child Study. Burns-Horizon or Experience. Austin-Can Prayer.Be Answered Fox-Greek and Roman Mythology. Soule-Coming American Revolution. Minehan-Boy and Girl Tramps of Amnerica. Richmond-Social Diagnosis. Richmond-What is Social Casework? Butterworth - Parent-Teacher Associa- tion and Its Work. Pitkin-New Careers for yuh may he fouI9d in books at the XiI- mette Public library. Here is a list .aunesoifnth Smith, Adam-Inquiry inté> the *Çature and auss oftheWealth of Nations. (A landniark, in the history of, econornies written in the 18th "e-ntury.) Taussig, F. W.-Pminciple.s cf Econ- omics. (A good book wnitten In the older British tradition.) Slichter, S. H.-Modern Econômic So. ciety..- A recent survey of Ameriean economic processes.) George-Progress andI Poverty. (The Bible of single taxers, fir.st published in 1879.) Ma rx-Das Kapital. Shaw, G. B.., Intelligent Womaîî'. Guide to Socialism and Capltalisni. (A pungent exposition of the author's vlews on defects of the present day.> Bellamy, E.-Looklng Backward. (A picture of the world 2000, whicli was written In 1888.) Cole7-A Guide Through World Chaos. (A dlear explanation of our economic tangles.> Chase-Men and Machines. (The effect of. machines on our modern life.) Berle, A. A.-Modern Corporation. and Private Property. Tugwell-Industrial Discipline. (A phil- osophical analysts of the changlng relations.«f tovernment and business.y East-Manklnd at the Crossroads.. (An attempt to show that the Maithurian spectre Io a very live danger.)- Roosevet-On Our Way! Chase-Economy of Abundance. Mrs. E. H. Burge, is again at hem home at 924 Forest avenue after a ten-day visit at Thmee Lakes, Ais., at t.he summer home of Mms. WVilliani H. Berger of Evanston. 0o- Miss Minnie Hughies, 1006 Central avenue, aftem a two weeks' vacation ini thé mountains of North Camolina. is again in Wilmette. i/if id on1 he uîoîilzshore 30 czsuo "innieika s-uaiizs frontî orgaiiziy ci clii r natches. lu this group we p>i4 11<arc Flynn;, Tony Clifford, Tom x'cwcl îupard Flynn, Peter Srnith, ànd I)r. A. 'd by Elizabethî Siiith. 511 lrzihn Wild Grandmother Shown at Valencia iRip-snortinig, cavorting, polo-pla% - îng. That's the kind of grandmother played by Edna May Oliver in .-We're Rîch Again," hilarious niar- ital-mixup comedy at the. V\,alenicia theater. today. Joan Mamsh and wvealtlîy Reginald Denny are appar- ently mnoving toward marriage. Then along cornes country cousin Marian Xixon who sets the plot a-whimling. Fridav and Satumday, Septemnber 28 and 29. will resound with a riot, of thrills and nonsense, "Murder in the Private Car." Mary Carlisle, Una Merkel, Charles Ruggles and Russell Hardie aie excellent. Plenty of good suspense holds lu1- terest aIl the way ini~Sarbu Qucst" at the Valencia on SundaN and Nlonday, September 30. and October 1. Myrna Loy is %vell cast as the comipatriot. of Mata Hari: George Brent is an'Amemican doctor; Lionel Atwill a Secret Service -man. and C. Henry Gordon, once again the villain. Fine comedy by Alison Skipivorth and Leoni Errol spice "The Notomious Sophie lang," Valencia attraction Tuesday, October 2. Ger trude Michael an(l Paùl. Cavanagh as crooks ener- geticallv vie for fimst place, in their prof ession1. % nÇn' Another of Damon Rno' stomies cornes to the scmeen in the formn of "Midnight Alibi,". shown Wednesday and -Thursday, .October 3 and A. Richard Barthelmess wins the'laurels in. this film of gangsters, and, a spinster. 1 Mrs. Herbert Taylor. 631 Abbots- ford1 road, Kenilworth, wilI entertain hem Tuesdav luncheon bridge clii> next week. M ms. Conn., family, Central ,Mrs. rQad, hostess day. NÇ . W.* Nourse of Hartford. is visiting hem sister and the A. J. Nystmoms of 714 avenue. 0o- Frank Bamett, 615 Essex Kenilwomth, was luncheon to a bridge foursome Tues- WILMET.TE,. LIFÉ Septenibee 27, 1934