S.CH iLQ SR'S 402 LINDEN AVENUE Plenty of Parking $puce WILMETTE-150-151 NO, Wltlng-prompt Delvery NO MARKET BASKET NEEDED WHEN YOU DO. YOUR'SHOPPING HERE Hand Pack Tomatoes Choice fruit-So good to have on hand for an inviting and quickly pre- pared vegetable ' No. 2 course-Doz. I1.29 2 ti.sL23c PERCH FILET No waste fo ths-tfs ail boned and cer- tainly good when fried in 629 plenty of fresh butter. IL29 And. in fact, you dontf even need to corne to the store -unleus you prefer to do so. W. w.lcome telophone orders. They are always filled expertly and promnptly and delivered to your door without additional charge. Why not tae.advantag. of ithernany bargains offered this week? BROAD LEAF SPINACH Fresh, and green- -l6. easy to clean. 3-peck 19C Commodore French Dressimg A perfe.cjIy blended, most delightful dressing - Especially good for fruit salads and combinations of veqe- tables-ý Pint 45c 8 .25c LAKE SUPERIOR WHITE FISH Baked to a delicate browni drawn butter and lemon, itfs a real treat. and served.with l b. 28c SPRING LEG 0F LAMB ReaIly, no more tender roast than this. LONG JOHN CARROTS Tender and sweet, whether used raw for 23c sàlads or lb. 2 coo ked. 3 bunches 1Ioc NATIVE ROUND STEAK A tender cut--especially fine for0), Swiss steak o- frying. IL. LUCL Rie Home cured. Delightfully different. Really- so cmL*ForL sandwiches. aad rthe Rie good that one cari't seem to ever have .uuU.GuOuphIG Fe-i rad r ()i#Senough- Jumbo pint tins 291 caftd ner ecrcer 8 .uves3 for 79ecc CreGrn rueesO n hes ore GQENUINE CALVESO LIVER NEW CABBAGE FRESH SQUABS A splendid luncheon or supper entree, A crisp cole slaw is a healthful and welcome Here's a real treal- if you are having a especially when served -o ucen eiaea poestnu"awt rs ao.l.3 I salad with any dinner3 luncheon or dinner party-a meat course Butter Pretz Stix CAULIFLOWER English Quality Biscuits Crisp, fresh and crunchy. Ever tried Deliciously fresh and good. A fine them with soup? It's a good tip and Sno-white--cook whole and serve variety of cookies for dessert or for one you're sure to wt rw utradbedcub.19C afternoon try again. IL.fin 35 c wt rwnbte ndbedcrmses. IL.pkg., assf. 2 9 c JONATrHAN, APPLES VALENCIA JUICE, ORANGES JIUMBO CONCORDS Fine eating. apples. A 7 Very sweet and just 0Just ripe -to eal- or fine for i< Box 2.29. 41 bs.27Cfluit of j&ice. J do. 8 I7c grape luce or jelly. I 2-qt. basket29 c s.. . pad 2 3 C2 .I Jumbo 5-lb. iz2for 39cBab-0 or 25C Sa k.2 Wu. Doliver te Ya N. CarrinteoDe WILME 402 tindon Avenue W"t.t. 188.15 WINNETKA 718 ElmStreet Wlanetlka SI LAKE VIEW 3959 Broadwaly Bueklagham mm ROGERS PARK 1508 Jarvis ILfflnsPwmk $114 O.,,ris re. ght g. Yui.r De..' Ail1 A long tàd. North. Sher. SEPTEMBER 27, 1934 il.