October.4, i934' WILMETT lo Ir Inaugarate Hocee> Season; Increased Interest Dis played The firstgamies of the, autumnn for the North Shore Field Hockey associ- ation 'were beld Iast Saturday morn- ing at the Skokie playfield in Win- netka. An enthusiastic turn-out of players, both new and old, augurs:'well for the season ahead.- Somne of the players, are north shore girls just -out of college wbo have been devotees of the gaine in SChool1. Lake Shore va. Country Day The Lake Shore club defeated the North Shore Country Day team, 1 to 0, with the line-up as follows: Lake ShOre B. Payne, rlght wlng. Deborah Butler, right inner (who mrade the goal). LucY Jane Hedburg, center forward. Margery Street, left inner. Mary KestIn, le! t wlnig. Adelalde Bail, center haif. Dorothy Coleman, le t liait. Virginla Sedgwlck, right ijbk A. Parker, left fullbazk. Margot Atkin, goal. Substitutions were made durirng the game. in almost each of the regular positions, but tlie above line-up cont- menced and ended the gaine. Country Day uine-up: V. Creigh, right wing. M. Webb, rlght Inner. S. Korrady, center forwârd. M. Wood, left inner. J. Burley, left wing. J. Anderson, center haîf. J. Mason, left half. D. Smith ' right haif. L. Stein, right fullback. M. Randali, lef t fullback. C. Cole, goal. Indian Hil vs. Skokie In alternatiflg halves, Indian Hill and Skokie teains comipeted resulting in a score of Skokie 2 , Indian Hill 1. Skokie's unie-up was: M. Morgan, right wing (making the goals). J. Gallagher, right inner. Harriet Lýeonard, center forward. J. Otter, left Inner. B. HirsCh, left wing. N. Harris, rlght haîf. v. Hinchmnf, center haîf. B. Lindsay, left balf. E. Johnsonlrlght fullback. E. Wleneke, lett fullbaek. L. Wilson, goal. Indian Hilli une-up: Lýogan, right wing. Moher, right inner. J. Waidner, center forward. E. Washburfl, left innçr (making goal). Hirsch, left wing. J. Mlsted, right haîf. N. Waldfler, right haîf. J. McCoflfell,. center forward. B. Baker, left inner. M. McKiflfey, rlght fullback. Paine, left fullbaCk. M. Taylor, goal. On Wednesday afternoofl of this week the Town and Country teain played a mixed teamn. On Saturdav .morning at 9:30, the regular associa - . tion practice will bie held at Skokie playfield as usual. On Sunday the flrst "away-from-home" gain es will be played, with Skokie, Indian Hill, and Lake Shore teains going to Washing- ton park to mneet three Wetoinachek teamis at 10:30 o'clock. GETS HONOR RATING Chartes H. Knapp, son of Mr. and Mrs.- C. T. Knapp, of 633 Forest avenue, minmette,. and a. member of the' SophomnOle class at. Wesleyafl university, Middletown' Conn., has attained group one honorrat'ngfor the past year, it was announced at the annuai convocation in recognli- tion of scholarshiP held recently -at the. unhiversitY- >IMr. Knapp is a graduate of New Trier High, schol,, and is a memiber of the Chi Pei frat- ernity at Wesleyafl. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ward Erwin and their children, Ward, Jr., and Betty, formnerly of Kenilworth, have gone to San Diego, Cal., to spend the winter. Rudolph Ostermaflf, 234 Warwick road, Kenilworth, lef t last Sunday on a month's business trip to California. #e ,l i <I. V ao4e AN D UTS JUST AS FOOLUSH TO DO0 YOUR WASHING AT HOME Look! There's Uncle Gus and Aunt Lena. Dontf they look foolish, stiff, unnatural? 1And weII fhey mght, forhavisng a picture t.k.. in the "good old days". was a -majorop eration.. UncleGrus and Aunt-,Lena were braced and shackled while. Mr. Lens, the. photographer. had the "jitterses getting verything set. Ah ... "now wafch the birdliel" Today things are difFerent. Old fashioned methods seem foolisb because there are simpler, saner. bel- fer methods. Yet many housewives dling to the. moit olci fash- ioned of otd fashioned things. Home washang! To sensible women who have l.arned the. benefits of paf ronizing North Shore Quatity Laundries, home washing has joined the. limbo of painful photography. Not only is the. back-breaking. mmid- trying labor eliminated, but th.y have fourni mod-' ern Iaundry work better. more sâtisfactory and economical. BE MODERN! Send your next week's bundie fo lte member in your community. A phone cailwiA bring a courteous routemni! NORTII SIOR NelsoiLanD 1210 Central Avenue. Wilmette Ph... Wlmette 1800 fflnh Laoul 806 Dempster Street. Evanston Ph...e Univeraitv 2776 Reiahe aundWT North shoreLaum-iR 618 N. Green By Road, Highland Park 566 (Ciestmut St, Wiuiue"k Phne Highland Park 177 Ph... Wimaetka EU 1709. Dairrow Avenue. EvanstOnS Ph... Univerhity 4620 phne Universitv 0112 1014 Davis Street, Basê PHIZITEI LEP oftTU9oodH a m hji v v UN 112 Ir 9r lu - - qL -- à InIlA e rr/ If ý