ut W!ILIRTTP upu October 4, 1934 Wom en's Activity Board Is Formed at SIhawnee Club The Women's Activity board, Shawnee's newly formed organ- ization to sponsor in Shawnee women a greater interest for the club, swung into action at its first meeting on September 19. The board, at this initial gathering, was formed of the wives of men chair- men of the various committees and the chairman of the women 's events, and is an entirely new approach to the futherance of women's activi- ties within the clubhouse. The 'primary purpose of the Sep- tember meeting was to appoint the officers of the group. Mrs. Ronald D. Feltman was placed in charge of the meeting and appointed. Mrs. Rollo Gullickson as head of the nominating committee, which appointment was unanimously approved. Mrs. Gullick- spn selected her committee composed of Mrs. Miles Geringer, Mrs. John t. Hoesli, and Mrs. Theodore H. ýarrett, and they in turn nominated the followinig women for correspond- ing offices: Mrs.'Carbon P. Dubbs, president; Mrs. Roland D. Feltman, vice presi- dent; Mrs. William McGibbon, house chairman; Mrs. Richard E. Howell, secretary; Mrs. Harold W. Kingery, treasurer; Mrs. Hugh H. Kuhl, re- ception chairman; Mrs. Rollo Gullick- son,,swimming; Mrs. Miles' B. Ger- inger, music; Mrs. John P. Hoesli, chairman of first-year high school parties; Mrs. Raymond A. Schakel. ciiairman of junior parties; Dr. Bea- trice W. Hawkins, chairman of little children's parties; Mrs. Theodore H. Barrett, chairman of junior swim- ming4 Mrs. Paul W. Cook, dramatic chairmaan; Mrs. William A. Kendrick, chairman of women's cards. Their selection received the un- animous approval of the board and the meeting was adjourned. The third Wednesday of each month.was de- cided upon as the day for meeting. The members returned to the club dining'room where a delicious lunch- con was served. Comprise Board for Junior League Follies The junior Leagqe Follies board is announced as, being: Mrs. John J. Louis, chairman; Miss: Marian Car- penter, co-chairman; Mrs. J. E. War- ner and, Mrs. Louis Tilden, program; Mrs.* William Stahl, Jr.,. Mrs. John Turner, Mrs., H. H. Windsor, in charge of'talent; Mrs. John Kimbark, Mxs. Newton Wagner, tickets; Mrs. Carol Alton, patroness committee; Mrs. John M. Scott, Mrs. Mitchell Harper, and Mrs. W. C. Winterhal- ter, publicity; Mrs. J. E. Blunt, III and Mrs. Harry K~ipbark, finance; Mrs. John A. Cooke, music; Mrs. John Whitman, Mrs. Philip Biggert, costumes; Mrs. George Schultz, usher; Mrs. Ralph Colville, speaking; lins. Richard Uhlemann, member at luge. Southern Alliance* Sets Oct. 5 as Benefit Date Several Evanston homes, and two on the north shore will be opened Friday afternoon, October 5, for the annual benefit card party of the Southern Woman's Educational alli- ance. Mrs. Randaîl E. Poindexter of Happ road, Wilmette, is one of the north shore hostesses. The other is Mrs. William F. Benoist of 81 Locust road, Winnetka. Among those assist- ing her will be Mrs. H. H. Barnum, Mrs. Vincent de Mesimy, and Mrs. C. F. Fuller. Mrs. Poindexter will also have several assistants,,încluding Mrs. Carey Orr of Wilmette, Mrs. Charles Jacobs of Winnetka, and Mrs. L. E. Wood of Highland Park. Tea will follow the card game. Charlotte Moociy's Betrothal Announced .The betrothal of Miss Charlotte Moody, daughter of Ralph- W. Moody, 1235 Ashland avenue, to Frank Wilson Currier of New Lon- don, Conn., son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Claire Currier of Stoughton, Wis., was announced at an informai bridge Wednesday, September 26, by Miss' Moody's grandmother. Mrs. Frances P. Campbell. Miss Moody, who is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sonority, attended North- Western university and the Univer- sity of. Wisconsin. Mn. Currier grad- uated fromf the University of Wis- consin and is a member of Kappa Sigma fraternity. The wedding is expected, to take place some, time next winter. Follies Chairman Malcolm Balfour Photo Mrs. John Eliot Warner, a Win- netkan, is chairman of program for what will be one of, the mnost sig- nificant. events socially for, the entire north shore, in the early fait, the Junior League Pollies, given by the Evanston Junior league in Glencoe the first three days of November. Us Engag.ed Carlos Photo Miss Charlotte Moody of Wil- mette is to become the bride of Frank Wilson Currier of New London, Conn., lier grandmot ler, Mrs. Praiices P. Campbell, an- niouirced at a bridge lart week. Woman's Club Dinner Progiram Is. October 1, 1 Mrs. Clifton L. Darling, chairman of the ways and means committee, announces that she has s ecured some splendid talent for the entertainment to be staged in connection with the opening dinner to be given. at the Wilmette Woman's club on tbe eve- îing of October 11. Specialty dances will be presented by the Mary Belle Ingram artists, most of whom are well-known and popular in the metropolitan Chicago a rea. Their numbers will include. novelty ballet, tap and toe dances, and. some children's acrobatic work. Another feature on the program will be an interesting and amusing exhibition of the.arts of magic given by. Pr",fessor Henry S. Roethig, one of the foremost magicians of the day. He guaranitees to mystify the most skeptical. It is even said he can take your paper money f rom your pocket by a painless extraction method, and burn it before your eyes in a manner that. makes the Newv Dealers positively envious. Mrs. George D. Conlee of 729 Greenwood avenue, is chairman of this gala dinner affair, and Mrs. Edward Meierof.910 Elmwood ave- nue, has charge of tickets and re- servations. .Tickets .are ,going fast and if you' have not yet secured yours it is advisable to do so promptly. - L. -M. C. For Newcom.r Mrs. P. F. DeTamble, 1232 Green-i wood avenue, was hostess at a bridge luncheon on Tuesday of last week1 in honor of her sister, Mrs. William1 Fritthle, 619 Central avenue, wvho.hasi recently moved here from Detroit. 2 To HoId Tryouts Friday.for Junior League Foulies Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hiaven Windsor, Jr., are..entertaining the members of the Evanston Junior league and their hus- bands a nd friends at their home, 419 Sheridan road, Winnetka, Friday evening of this week.' At the party tryouts wiIl be held for the cast of the Junior League Follies in the Glencoe Sehool auditorium Novernber 1.,2, and 3. Arthur Seeling, business manager, and William Hoîbrooke, director, will be present and will select the cast, assisted by Mrs. William Stahl, Mrs. John A. Turner, and Mrs. Windsor, wvho is the former Louise Hunter of the Metropolitan Opera company. No delay will1 follow the tryouts. for rehearsals will begin on October 6, and the cast will be announced at the regular October meeting of the league at the Georgian on October 8, at 12:30 o'clock. Mrs. 'Stahi, talent chairman, is in charge of plans for the tryouts. As- sisting ber are: Mrs. William R. Ab- bott, Miss Katherine Biggert, Mrs. Franklin Bowes, Mrs. joseph Falcon, Mrs. Burton Ellis, Mrs. Mitchell Howe, Mrs. W. Clyde Jones. Jr., Mrs. Willis Litteil, Mrs. Alfred McDougal, Jr., Mrs. Sidway McKay, Mrs. John T. Pirie, II, Miss Betty Slaughter, Mrs. Wadsworth Watts, Mrs. Fred Wolff, and Mrs. Harold Yegge. The, purpose of the Follies is to augment the league's charity coffers. Honor J. C. Akelys Wi th Evening Musicale Shortly before they left the north shore to return to their home in Ocean ~Springs, Miss., Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Akely were guests ofhonor at a musicale given in the home of their son and bis family, the Nate S. Akelys of 615 Lake avenue, about two weeks ago. .It was an evening affair, with their daughter-in-law, Ernau Akely, and their two granddaughters, Frances and Blythe, comprising thé Akely trio, giving the musicale, which was followed by the serving of refresh- ments. A group of twenty-five orthirty of the. guests of honor's old friends were. present. ,Mr. and, Mrs. Akely' had 'come north for a visit in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Burleigli Withers of Mvanston, for the first: timte since their trip two years ago when they celebrated their golden wedding. Their granddaughters, Blythe and Frances, both are now rnembers of the" senior orchestra at New Trier High school and Blythe is playing in the North Shore syrmphony. For its program in honor. of the visitons fromf the south, the trio played three grouPs of ensemble numbers, and each member Played a, group of solos. activitites r oil~ ils BJENTE-N BROECK October 4,- 11934 WIL-METTE, 'LIPE