Li W 4 if q 41 HOUÊE GUEST LEAvEs 1frs. J. A., Rice of: Birmingha M, Mja. Ieft on Widnesday of l'ast week a ter a twelve-day 'visit with :the Charles Sanford Clarkes, -526. Wash- ington avenue.. While Mrs. Birming- ham was here the* Clarkes with their Cuet and tbe H. E. Spinneys,:the CH.Slaytonis, anid.tbe Guy Knicker- bockers of Gienview, formerly of Wil- mette, snotored. to Bureau, Ill. to spend tbe week-end 'at tbe Gun club. Mr. and Mrs.. Chester William, Laing, Jr., of tbe Linden Crest apart- ments bave just returned. from a motor trip to Montreal and New York. Tbey were gone two weeks. Mrs. Laing is 'the former Louise Cotton of Winnetka. Uppder I'icture (leit ta rigJh)-Mrs. Prederick Bowes, Pait regent; Mrs. IL L. Scheideniselm; the Rev. E. Ashley GersadrecorofChrist church; Mrs. J. Kelso* Farley, 7e gent; Vrj. Jsrael C. Cope, honoraryreetMr.C.S Jackson, Pasi regent; Mrs. Raymond Kimbel, cheiain-gene ;CrrisJeLuîaget grandsonof John Gar land; thseRight Rev. George'Craig Stewart, Bishop of1thee Epiçcopal diocese0o!Chicago; Mrçr. Jlian0G. ohue, utaeregent.Tise chopter has inembers in Wilmnette, Ken iliorth and Winnetka. The colon guards are Sue Straub anad Marjorie Clark, Girl Scouts froms Troop 10, and the guards of honor are Frances Brou»n and Jeanne Pensson. Communism is Theme of Lecture Wednesday Mrs. Albert Dilling', a resident of Kenilwortb, wbo bas made a detailed study of present day. communism and bas revealed its purpose and plan of world-wide revolution, in ber book, "Tbe Red Network," will speak Wed- nesday evening, October 10 at 8 o'clockà in tbe First Evangelical cburch, 88M Elm street, Winnetka. Her subject will be: "Russia, Communism and tbe- SU. S. A." LUNCHEON FOR BRIDE. Tbe Misses Hattie,,Ida, and Clara ~ Nourse, 1137 Greenwood avenue,ý were bostesses at luncheon on Tues- day of Iast week. Tbey entertainpd ' the former Dorotby Perry,- whose marriage to the Rev. Cbarles R. Jobnson took place the same after- noon. Tbe bridai party and out Of town guests were also present for tbe luncbeon. Mrs. A. E. Klunder, 909 Cbestnut avenue, entertained ber dessert bridge club:yesterday. >'s 1. -Be Sure to, Join the Fun Saturday, Octobher"6 at the SHARP CORNER.INN, (f 07016,7..The Green' Parot"p) Nie Center and Grois Point Roads NîIe Center, Illinois < nd nIoy the ExeUcult Entertainmient Daning. Singlng,- Comedy wlth CHARMIE WRIGHT Marier of Corénonies Muscby ItUBSel KoboW'. Orchestra NO Cover or Minimum Charge Ploor Show Every Saturday Fine Fooda 1 Budjreser on Draft Phone Nile, Cent.: 2404 "May~ it he.1p to kecp, alive. aapprciahion Of! our jk#.Wte from the past, wais the' kevisote sounded by the D. A. R. ritual diuring tihe impress;ive cerei:sony with ichich tkis. bronze mernorial tablet %mas unveiled and dedicated by Skokie V/alley' chapter of the Daugisters of the American Revolution, M.onda y, SePtember 24. Tite tablet it erected on the ,sorth porst of the lycis- gate of Christ church, Sheridan roadW'innetka. ID. A. R. -CHA PTER UN VEILS MEMORIA LTA BLET Uctobe 4. 1934 W 1 Y- u v'+,ir i . p ir ir liz icr à Idbeà F