Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Oct 1934, p. 12

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.WILMETTE LIFE October 11, 1934 Fîrst Piesbytert*an James T. Venekiasen, minister Our mornlng worshlp service Is held a il o'clock. The minister wlll preacl o: the theme, "'Not Fan fnom the Kingdori of God," a study of an answer Jesus gav to one o! the earnest Inquirens who cani to Interview Hlm. We condially Invit you to worship wlth us. The musical prograni prepaned by Mis Erma Rounds, director, la as follows prelude, "Sposalixto," Liszt; anthern "He Shall Come Down Like Ramn," Mis Breldenbacli andthe choir; solo, "Heai My Cry, O Lord," Woolen, Edward Oths solost; postlude, "Çanzonetta del Salva tor Rosa," Liszt." Junior church i wll lie held at il o'clocl4 Thle littie folks may be brouglit and lefi hene unden the competent cane of Mns Stanley Petenson, whule the parents at. tend the chuncli services. We Invite yoi to make use o! this convenience. Our Bible school meets at 9 :30 o'clocl ln ail departments. Our Aduit Bible class nîeets for study at 10 o'clock. We are studylng the liff and lettens of Paul. Ths Sunday we will study "A Great Man Turns Riglit Aboul Face." We Invite you to study with us, Sunday afternoon a conference foi Presbytenlan young people wlll be held at the Chlderly Community hall, Wheel- Ing, at 3 o'clock. There will be an ad- dress by the Rev. Louis Sherwln of Highland Park, and a conference perlod, followed by a social perlod -and supper. Thle evenlng service wiIl be at 7 o'cîock. * AIl the Presbyterlan young people of the north shore are Invlted. Our Tuxis soclety will meet at the church at 5.:30 o'cîock. Refreshiments will be served at 5 :30 o'clock. The meet- ing will follow, and the topic for discus- sion will be "How Selfishness Reacts on Ourselves." AIl the young people ')f higli achool age are Invited. Boyr Scout troop No. 5 wili meet Mon- day evenlng at the churcli. Spoke No. 4 of the Woman's society wlll meet Tuesday, October 16, with Mrs. Mockler, 131 Maple avenue, for 1 o'clock dessert lunch. On Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock the * Rev. Norman, Barr-, superintendent of Olivet InstItute, will bing a message on the work ln the city anîong the under- prlvlleged. He will show pictures of his work. We cordialiy invite you to be with * us at this meeting. Girl Scout troop No. 5 wiil meet Thursday afternoon at the church. The choir will rehearse Frlday evening at 7 o'clock. The Tuxis society ivili hold a social Fnlday evening, octoher 19, starting at the church at 8 o'clock. .Methodist Church 11ev. Amos A. Thornburg, nîinisten Rev. Anmos A. Thornburg, the new minister of the Wilmette Panish Metho- dlst Episcopal churcli, preaches bis first sermon here Sunday morning, Octobèr 14. Mr. Thornburg, who succeeds Dr. Oscar Thomas Oison, now occupylng the pulpit o! the Epworth-Euclld church ln Cleveland, comes to Wilmette from the Flrst Methodlst EpIscopajl church,1 Au- ira. Members and frlends of the churcli are happy to welcomne Mn. Thorn- burg to the pulpit on Sunday morning. Th mPienusic for Sunday morning will lie as follows: Organ prelude-"'The Chapel o! San-Mi-, guel"............ .........Sdr Miss Marie Bi3nlI. er Iitroit-*"Grant Me True Courage, Lo rd" Bachi Anthemn by the choir-ý"Bless Thou the, Lord, 0 My Soul"............. Ivanoif Offertory solo-"Biblical Songs" Dvorak "Clouds and Darkness Are 'Round about Hlm", "The Lord le My Shepherd", Organ postlude-"'Carillon-Sortie" . Mulet The Churcli school mneets each Sunday morTing at 9 :3o o'clock. There ai-e classes for ail ages froni the nursery to the adult department. October 14 Is "Loyalty Sunday." Dur- ing thisn week subscrlption, carda andà copy of 'the new budget are belng sent tc each family ln the church. It wlll greal. ly asslst the finance commlttee If thes( cards can be placed on the plate Sunda3 morning. at on Théi Higli Schiool chapter of the Ep- nn worth league willmeet Sunday evening 'e at 5:30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Truman W, ne Potter, advlsers for this group, are stant 1e ing these young people off ln a spiendid manner. AIl hlgh school students are cordlally lnvlted. S: 'he Young People's chapter of the Ep_ ,n, worth league will meet Sunday evening as at 5 :30 o'clock. Robert Baldridge is the ýrnew advlser for this group. Ail young Is' people above hlgh schooi age are cor- dlally invited to attend these meetings and help Mn. Baldrldge make of this the effective organization that it ought to be. 'S The Wotnan's Foreign Missionary t- Society meets today (Thursday) at2 Mi o'clock ln the Woman's room. Devo- t ions: Mrs. Frank Briggs. Study book: "Japanese Women Speak," "The Churci -at Work"-Mrs. J. D. Cox. Solo: Mrs. Thomas H. West. AIl women invited. ly Choir rehearsal is heid each Thursday e niglit at 8 o'clock under the direction of ýI Miss Marie Briel. The choir is desirous t of adding to Its membership. AIl per- ssons lnterested in serving the church in this way are asked to bie presenit tonight r or next Thursday night. A The Woman's Home Missionary soci- -ety meets Thursday, October 18, at2 )fo'clock at the church. Topic: -Citizen- 1ship.". Information on election - 'trs. *Frank Briggs. Movie problems - Urs. Harry W. Mons. Guest speaker -- Ml-s. eOrville Murray, presîdent, Northeî-n dis- trict. Co-hostesses: <.roulis Onie anîd Two. .The Church school boar-d will mieet Thursday evening., Otober 18. n The Fourth division ivilI meet Monday, fOctober 15, at 10 :30 a. ni. at the home of Mrs. Carl J. Zipprich, 623 Forest avenue. Thle annual Harvest Home dinner and, reception to the' Rev. Amos A. Thornburg and is family wiil be held Friday eve- ning, November 19. Alli members and friends are urged to save the date and malté early reservations with Mrs. Carl J. Zipprich or any menîher of the Foui-th division. f A rummage sale will be sponsored by 1the Woman's Aid society. October 18 and 19, at 1141 Greenleaf avenue. Chairman: 3Mrs. C. E. Burgess, 1534 Highland ave- 1nue, Wiinîette 4051. Al -vomen are ti-ged to save rummage for this sale. Wilmette Baptist. Wilmnette and Forest avenues -Rev. George D. Allison, pastor Tomorrow. <Friday) the Woman's sSoci- ety, under the direction of Mrs. A. V. G ruhn,. president, will hold the regular October luncheon and meeting at the church. The hostesses are Link 1, Ml-s. Arthur Scotts group. Devotional exer-. vises will be conducted by Mrs. W. J. Weldon, preliminary to the address, "Citizenshlp, a Challenge to the Church," hy Mrs., Rayniond Knapp of Morgan Park. The chorus choir, Miss Hazel Green, president, meets on Thursday evenings tinder the direction of Miss Lydia Kochi. New music is available and a fine ne- ,ponse bas been manifest. Addltional voices can be.used to advantage. Last Sunday's "'triple quaitet"l of maIe voices was mucli appreclated. In the morning, worship at il o'clock, Or. Allison's sermnons on the book of Job are arousing Iasting interest. Most of the congregation are reading that great work' with new appreciation. The mes- 'ýage for this Sunday is entitledi: "Job's Comforters, or the. Inadequacy o! Con- ventional, Religloit"1 The public is ai- ways cordlally lnvited. Mothers o! littie "hildren may. bring them to church, where they are well cared for in our ser- mon-time kindergarten. Miss Nettiei Kaufman in charge. "Rally Day", in the, church achool c- (-urs this Sunday, October 14. The redec- oration o! the church rooma will delight1 parents and friends o! our boys and. girls. Come to Sunday school at 9:30q and enjoy the exercises whlch center ln a1 dramatization entltled "Building the' a Walls o! the Klngdom." Dr.Mllsoi .0 speaks to the. children on: "Every man t- Brick."' e ly The Sunset club holds an outing Sun day afternoon, weather permitting Meet at the church at 4:30 p. m. Thi ,discussion of the Bahai temple Is thq Lg program ln the sertes, once a month, oz V. the religions o! our neiglibor. On Octo. t-. ber 21, the "Munitions Inquiry" le thg itheme. e The high àchool group meets, at1 o'clock wlth Keith Jones as counselor Thle Service - commission wlll ie Ir charge, Howard Jones presiding. AIl ol 'g the higli school People o! this congrega. le tion, and any others not belonglngtc 9 other societies are slncerely wanted here, First Con gregational John G. Hlndley, minister 2 "Our False Gods" is the subject of the >- first in a serles of sermons which the :Rev. Mr. Hindley will preacli on "Mak- h ing Full Use o! Our Religion," at the 11 o'clock service next Sunday morning. The musical program for this service foîlows: ,f Prelude: "Meditation a Sainte Clotilde" S Philip James -Anthem: "Sanctus,"............ Gounod Quartet: *"Seek Hini that Maketh the t Seven Stars" ........... James Rogers Postlude: "Sortie" ........... Rousseau George Anderson, soloist 2 The Young People's group meets ai - 5 :30 o'clock on Sunday afternoons under the leadership o! Francis Hayes. This hs open to aIl of high school age. The znev officers are: president, AI Stribling; sec- *retary,, Julia Carroll; treasurer, Jack< Randaîl; social committee,, Marlon Goode and Lionel Toeppen. t The Woman's guild will hold lits first meeting of the season on Friday, Octo- ber 12, at the churcli. A dessert luncheon wvill be served at 1 o'clock, which will be in charge of Mrs. H. C. Carroll of 214 Ninth street. The speaker o! the after- nooni will be Mrs. Frank Day of Chicago. Mrs. Day is the head of the women's branch of the international relations committee and is a nîost Interegting 1speaker. The Neighborhood circle will hold an aIl-dav meeting on Tuesday, Octobeî- 16, at the home o! Mrs. S. M. Sinîgleton, 1104 Forest avenue. Churcli niglit will be observed on Fni- day, Octoher 18, when a Fellowship) din- ner will be served to, aIl nîenibeu-s and attendants of the church. Cub pack 63 meeting on Saýturiday at 9 :30 a. m. at the churcli. Ahl boys of 9, 10 and il years of age are invited. Scout troop, No. 1 meets on Tuesday at 7:30 p m. Scout troop No. 2 meets on Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. SGirls' choir reheai-sal at 3 :30 p. m. Thursday. Boys' choirrehearsal at 4 P. in. Thurs- day. Senior choir rehearsal at 7 :15 p. in. Thursday. Girls' choir rehearsal at 10 :30 a. m.- Saturday. Boys' choir ehearsal at il a. m. Satur- day. St. A ugustine's RvHubert Carleton, D.C.L., î-ectoî- Sunday, October 14, will lie the twen- tieth Sunday after Trinity. There wilI be Holy Conmmunion at 8 a. m. Church schools and Bible classes at 9 :45,' and Morning Pýrayer with sermon at Il a. m. The Women's Guild meets: today (Thursday> in the Parlsh Flouse at 10 :30 a. m. with luncheon at 12:30 and business meeting at 2. Frlday, October 19, is St. Augustine's Phllanthropy Day at the Woman's club. Our women meet there at 10 o'clock and sew for St. Mary's Home, one o! our churcli institutions for orphan girls ln Chicago. We should show our apprecia- tion of the kindness o! the Woman's club by sending a large delegation to work. Monday even ing, October 15, there will begin, to continue for the followlng six Monday evenings, a special schoolfor Church sehool teachens and offilcers in the communittes from Evanston to Waukegan, Inclusive. There will bie two In 50-minute sessions each evenlng begin- a ning at 7 :30 o'clock.- Subject wlll be: 'lThe Use of the Bible by Church School Teachers," 'The Use of the Prayer Book 1by Church School Teachers," and "Prin- 9. ciples of Teachlng Cbildren In the te Church Sehool."1 St. Augustine's hopes le to send a good delegation of teachers. ýn____________ Le St. John's Lutheran Wilmette and Park avenues 6 J. H. Gockel, pastor n SERVICES >f 9 :15 a.' m.-First, service. 9 :30 a. m.-Sunday school and junior Sand intermediate Bible classes. 10 a. m.-Senior Bible class. Il a. m.-Second service. MEETINGS Senior, Walther leaguers, Friday at 8 p.. m. Children's Christian education classes, " Saturday at b -30, Wednesday at 4. " Choir rehearsal, Monday at 7 :45 p. m. tSince St. John's is observlng its an- fluai Mission Sunday on October 21, with visiting pastors in the pulpit both morn- eing and evening, next Sunday's services are to preîare us for this special event. "Lord, What Wilt Thou Have Me to Do?" will be the question to be answered in the sermon. s On the following T;hursday, October 18, at 8 p. ni., the pastor ili present an illustrated lecture, "Tventy Centuries of Christian Missions," an interesting re- tview of the church's mission endeavors rsince the time of the apostles. *Join David in singing: "Lord, I have loved the habitation of Thy house, and *the place wvhere Thine honor dwelleth.' t English Lutheran Seventh street at Greenleaf "A Flouse of Worship" The Rev. David R. Kabele, pa.stor SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday sehool ............... 9:45 a.m. M.%orning wo rship ......... -Il a.m. Luther league .... ....... *..... 5:30 p.m. Choir rehearsail Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The Luther league wilI *meet next Sunday evening at 5 :30, o'clock. Mliss Doris Lechier will present the topic. We invite ail the young people to meet with us. The Confirmation class will meet on Tue.sday afternoorî at 3-:30 o'clock. The Woman's society will hold its Oc- tober work meeting on Thursday, Octo-. ber 18, at 2 o'clock at the home of Ms Frank Hayson, 241 Laurel avenue, Wil- mette. Many new scholars have enrolled in our Sunday school. If you have a ehild in your home who does not attend Sun- day school we invite him to attend our Sunday "chool next Sunday at 9, :45 o'clock. We have classes for ail ages in- cluding a very fine nursery cla.s, for children three years of age, with a very competent teacher. We invite. you to-Worsliip with us eac(h Sunda3- mornlng at il o'clock. Kenilworth Union Dr. Herbert L. Willett, minister Dr. Willett's subject for Sunday, Oc- tober 14, will be:. "The Dangerous Christ." The church service is at il o'clock. Thle Women's guild will meet Monda y morning, October 15, at 10 o'clock.. The work of the guild is for the benefit of good causes in which the women of the churcli and the commiunlty are inter- ested. AIl women of ]Kenllworth flot otherwlse engaged on Mondays are cor- dially invlted to come ln for as much time as they can spend in this good work. The Sunday school wlll meet at 9 :45. There are classes for children between the ages of kindergarten and the high school. Visitors are welcome. Mrs. C. A. Keith, 310 Warwick road,. Kenilworth, was an. overnight guest on Tuesday of Iast week of her daughter and family, the C. M. Lar- sens at their home in Peoria.. fi NEWS 0F THECHURCHES_

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