j~ien JUNIOR LF E Scool Newsr Publîished weeklg b the school childre7 of Wdetjteg uid#i auperviaon of Wilmette PLagground and Reuetion Bord. VOL. 7, NO. 52 WILMIeTTE. ILLINOIS, OCTOBER 11, 1934 SzxthGraders View Pictures of Bitish Isies Tuesday, October 2, in Miss Larsons room at Howard school the sixth grade classes were shown slides on the Brit- ish Isles, a country which they are now studying. Front now on every time the sixth grade classes start to study a newv country in geography they will first be shown slides on that country. The first part of the slides on Tues- day were on London and England. They were slides of some of the old cathedrals, churches and castles. The slides also showed Shakespeare's hirth- place, his home by th lake and some of the places where he sat and wrote his plays and poems. The second part was on Scotland. The slides showed pictures of the fish- ing towns, the highlands and the high- landers. The last part was on Ireland, where most of the people, it seems, live in quaint white houses.-Patty Crawv- ford, Howard 6A. Boys of Central School Colleet Inseets, Flowers Sonie boys from Miss Scott's room, 6th grade Central school, went on a trip out into the country Oc- tober 4 to collect specimens of fal wild flowers and insects. They were collecting the wild flowers to be pressed and put in their nature note- books, and the insects to be put in jars to see if they could f eed them and keep theni alive. The kinds of insects they got were grass- hoppers, beetles, bees, flues and a sphinx moth. The flowers collected were goldenrod, smartweed, daisies and. Queen Anne's, lace.-Harold Buzan. Miss Scott's roemn. Howard Eighth Graders Dramatize 'Tom Sawyer' The story of "Tom Sawyer" is now being dramatized by the 8B students of Howard school. So far. just, the first two scenes have been read and practiced. To this point the characters are Tom, Aunt Polly, Sid, the new boy or Sissy Ben, four boys to trade with Tom in exchange for a turn at whitewashing the fence, and "Huck." 0f this group, Ben, Sid and the Sissy are most popular among the children. The class does not know whether or flot the play is to be presented before the assembly. - Suzanne Lyon, How- ard 8B. HOWARD SA GIRLS WIN Howard SA girls played a kickball game with 6A on 'the Village Green October 2 and -won by one point. The two teams started playing at 3:30 o'clock and 'ended at 4:30.. Howard SAbas.won-every game this month and hopes* it can win every game of the season. The girls play kickball on Monday and Wednesday.-Jane Seifert, Howard SA. PEiGGY EDBERT PRESIDENT Tuesday, October 2, Howard SB voted for officers. Peggy Ebbert was ctected president; Hugo VonDerHoff, vic-president, and Elfreda Lau, secre- tarY-treaarer.--George Curley, How;- ard 5B. Symphony Orchestra to Be Study Theme The eighth- grades of Howard have been glad to hear Mrs. Clark's an- nouncement that tbey are to study the symphony orchestra this. year. She has explained to them that one cannot truly enjoy symphony concerts urntil he knows more about the orches- tra and its instruments. The sixth, seventh, and eighth grades are going to study each of the choirs and thien the instruments in each choir. After the classes have written stories about, the instruments essigned they will recite in school. It is very helpful and most of the pupils have discovered many interesting facts already this year. -Ann Shoemaker, Howard 8C. Howard 5A Wrests Grid Victory from 5C Outfit Howard SA boys won a football game against Howard 5C. October 5. The 5A team had a pretty.tough time winning but at last succeeded in mak- ing a touchdown, which made the score,. 6 to 0, in Howvard 5A's favor. The game was played on the Village Green. The week before SA won, too, and is going to try to Win this wek.- Ellis Burgess ,Howard SA.. Chief Lone Star Gives One Mighty War Whoop Donald Mcllraith, vice-president of the Stolp Assembly club, presided over its meeting Wednesday. October 3, in the absence of Bill Holmes, president, who was away because @f a sprained back. The assembly was entertained by an Indian named Chief Lone Star. He gave a very interesting talk and danced the sand dance. He also told us of the Indjan's description of the iron horse,, the steam engifie, and let 1 out a war whoop that lifted us ont j of our seats.-Bill Christerson. Stolp < 2A. Tells 6A Students How to Write News Articles Miss Skidmor e came to Howard school Tuesday, October 2, and told 6A how to write JUNioR Lîpz articles for WILMETE Lire. She passed JUNIOR LIPE bulletins to everyone. and told the class nembers that they must use the five "W's'"' who, what, where,' when, and why, in the first sentences of their stories. She said it isn't news when a dog bites a man but it is news when a man bites a dog. She meanis we should make the first sentence so interesting that. the people will wahit to read the whole story.-Shirley Elftman, Howard 6A. GIRLS TO RIDE ýHORSES, Mrs. Fanckboner, the Howard girls' gym teacher, is going to take some girls horsejack riding every Friday. Right after school a bus will be waiting to take the girls out to the stables, where they will, ride for an hour.- Gladys Dalstrom, Howard 6C. Be at Park October 15! EI.2 Grid Captain Urges Captain Don Maxwell of Howard E~-2 football team urges ail memn- bers to play in the next football game scheduled for that- team on October 15 at Washington park. So far only five men have played in ail four games the team bas completed. That rneans. that only 30 per cent have played in ail the games. The five players who have been out every time are Cap- tain Don Maxwell, Clifford Johinson, Raîpli Johnson, Dick Rellihan and Ray Treon.-Ray Treon, Howard 7B. Literature Department Organized at Howard For the first time in two years, Howard school has organized a literature department, which has been revived because of the importance of literaturelu living. The. pupils of the seventh and eighth grades are to have the subject at least twice a week and read short stories, do composi- tion work and discuss interesting sub- jects. Later in the year, Miss Davis, the teacher, has planned a poem contest.-Dick Penberthv. Howard 8C. Seventh Graders Begin Building Treasure Chest The boys in the seventh grade at Stblp school are beginning their work on a. large treasure chest, about 15 by 7 inches on the inside. Mr. BaIl, manual training teacher, cuts the square pieces on the circular saw and the boys plane them down. The chest has a lead lining. A large padlock, weighted down with, lead, is made to look like a n old time padlock. The boys put a good, looking kind of nail on the ont- side. Some of them are making smaller chests for presents. - Arthur Shapiro, Stolp 2A. Central Art Students .Learn to Cut Letters Miss Scott, our art teacher at Center schooil, had aIl the rooms on our floor start cutting letters at the first of last week. The reason for ctigtheni was to give the class practice in cutting letters for English envelopes. The letters cet already are: j, 1, t, h, e,.,o, q, c, g, s, y, y, w, ni,, z, a, and k. In a few days the rooms wýill start cutting namnes of pupils. - Cytera Gnthridge, Miss Scott's.room. START EGYPTIAN PROJECT Howard 6A is making a sand t able of Egypt in Miss Larson's rooni this year as a class project. The pupils hope to start- work on it soon. It is to show the pyramids, sphinx, and the Nile river, which is to be made ont of a slit pipe and filled with water. We are going to grow grass in the lowlands near the Nule and make cataracts.-Julia Janicki, Howard 6A. Howard Girls. Play Practice Kick bail Game H{oward 5C girls played 6C girls in Kickball on the Village Green Mon- day, October 1, because Mrs. Fanck- boner wanted the fifth grades to get more practice in kickball. There were four innings and the game was won by 6C. The score was 72 to 12. The 5C team was up first, scoring 4 runs in the first inning. The 6C girls had 37 runs at the end of the second inning. They then helped 5C and both grades were good sports. Players for 6C were: catcher, Sally Eidwards; pitcher, Gladys Dalstrom; first base, Mary jane Henderson; sec- ond base, Peggy Kirchner; third base, Betty Huck; right short stop, Evelyn Jacobson, and left short stop, Marilyn Janey. jean Lindstrom was score- keeper.-Jean Lindstrom, Howard 6C. Howard C-1 Beats Stolp in Grid Contest, 20 to 7 A football game played Monday, October 1, resulted ini victory for Howard C-i boys over Stolp C-1. The score was 20 to 7. The game was played at Washington park. Players for Howard were: Kimn Brown, Wal- ter Baron, Melvin Nylund, Bob Knowles, Ed Ottinger, Jimmy Bur- bott and Tom Huck.-Tom Huck, Howard 8A. Howard 8A Girls Win Exciting Kickball Match The Howard 8A girls played a five- inning game of kickball with the 7C girls October 3 on diamond one at the playground. It looked as though 7C would win, until the last inning, .when 8A gainedseveral points and won the game, 14 to 9. Players on the 8A team were jane Drucker, Ruth Stan- wood, Rosemary McKeighan, Sarah Curley, Gene Ann Edwards, Barbara Blissi Eleanor Lipsch, Lucille Heerens, Barbara Perry, june Gonzalez and Betty Haley. Howard 8A has won al its games s0 far.-Betty Haley, How- ard 8A. WINS EXHIBITION GAME The Howard D-1 football teani for-' feited a game to Stolp D-1 on Thurs- day afternooôn, October 4, because thereweren't enough Howard play- ers. However, Mr. Gathercoal of Stolp school arranged an exhibition game instead at Washington park. Howard won, 19 to .6.-7John Rock- wood. JIM GREGORY PRESIDENT Stolp lB decided to elect room offi- cers last week. The people were nominated for the different offices and then the class voted. Jini Gregory was elected president; Fred Leeman, vicei. president; Dan Seiden, secretary, 'and Patty 1impfield, treasurer.-Dan Sei.,. den, Stolp 1lB.