N - 1~ k *~ ,5> WOOL, COAT $16.,% *. **vv un a riut:i Dedicat.ed "to a Giirl!." 6(most on her "b.an"l -this modern litti. miss in a coat of blue or wine or green. Bark weave cloth with flannel ining. French Seaver collar --so VERY b.guilingl From 7 to 14. With hat to match, She wiIl b. The, Seasons catch i A COMPLUTE SELECTION 0F APPA'REL AND APPAREL ACCESSORIES. FOR GIRLS AGE3,TO 16' z- Da 10 ALzo a& -6w aà- - 6.. - F Cam>p ire News The next. event for the Wekeal- cafila Camp Fîre Girls .wI be a breakfast hike Saturday, October 13. The girls will meet in front of the Wilmette, Congregational church at 5,:30 o'clock in the morning. Friday evening a meeting was held at the home of Kay Sbank in Wil- mette. The girls «decided that here- after they would use Indian' names, instead of the real names of their hostesses. Bead work was another feature of the evening. Mr. and Mrs..Theodore Lichty of Cristobal in the Panama-Canal Zone are guests for a short time of Mr. and Mrs. C. Harry Neal, 610 Greenleaf avenue. Mrs. Lichty and Mrs. Neal are cousins. VISIT IN WILMETTE. Mr. and Mrs. J. H.. Birlanf, 913 Thirteenth street, had as their guests for a. recent week-end,. Mr. Birlauf's aunt, Mrs. Lena. Spittier, ber son and, bis wife., Mir. and :Mrs., George Spittier, and their :daughbter, Betty, of. Fort Wayne, Ind. Betty, who is only 9 years old, played with the La' Tosca Accordion band at A Century of Progress Exposition Sat- urday of last week and the following Sunday afternoon, and at the Edge- wvater Beach hotel that Saturday riight. DESTROYS LAMP POST Last Sunday nigbt Forest Cole, 1137 Forest avenue, a taxi driver for C. H. Berg,. struck and knocked down a lamp post on Fourth street, between Linden and Laurel avenues. He was arrested and placed under a $100 bond for appearance in police court. WILMEITE GIRL SCOUTS -Newvs of Mhe Troos- Leaders Neededf Young women, mothers, give earl1 We need leaders for Girl Scout troops and Brownie packs! The girls are eagerly waiting for lead- ers to begin their winter's work. You. need the joy and inspiration that working with the girls will give you-and the girls need your guidance. More than ever before must we give particular attention to, the investment of the leisure time of our young people. Anyone will be amply repaid for time spent. For further particu- lars caîl Mrs. H. E. Ringholm, Wilmette 2337. Mystery Pervades Meeting of Troop 4 Tuesday when the scouts of Troop 4 had played a f ew games and were cutting a few capers, Miss Humphries blew her whistle for silence. 4he then sent us scurrying to patrol corners with a mysterious twinkle in ber eyes. Our patrol leader, Edith Mendun, then told us that we were going on a scavenger hunt. She handed us each a slip of paper with a list of things we were to find, and we divided into threes and set off on a truly terrific enterprise. A few of the things we werc to find were: a broken pencil, a Stolp school teacher's signature, Mrs. Ralph Mouldiiîg's signature, a coffce cati, an car of corn, a red pepper, a pic- tiire of H-oover, a canceled postage Girl Scouts A waiting stamp and a chicken feather.. I may Start of Riding Glass have overlooked a couple. ot There was still more mystery Monday when we (Troop 10) go around the place: Frances Bickhani to the scout room, Miss Ortseifen and and a few others wvere acting very Mrs. Ormsbee were waiting for us. queer going in and out of doors and Mrs. Ormsbee said that there was 'l keeping closcmouthed. Also thcre was riding class about to be started and a delicious smell in the air. she asked if any of.us wanted to join. Neariy everyone's hand went up, ten Miss ,Humphries showed u s some in fact. The girls are eager and wait- moving pictures of camp Hey-Day ing for the class to start because Most and then we rail them backwards, of :our mothers have already said which was quite a comical sight. idyes." Just say the word, Mrs. Frances Bickham. then disclosed Ormsbeé, and we'll be there ready that the winning patrol in the scav- to start our first lesson! enger hunt was to have some fudge After Mrs. Ormsbee left, we ail (hence the smell in the air) but the went downto the Craft shop in Ken- fudge didn't fudge, s0 we were al ilworth, for we are going to start rather disappointed. our knitting project that very day! Miss Humphries said she would Some who had bicycles wcnt on them;- have something nice for us next week the others in Miss Ortseifen's car, though. The meeting closed with and some in the car of our lieutenant. "Taps."-Mary Jane 'MaCue, scribe, Miss Crumlish. The girls chose pat- Troop- 4. terns for the things they were to make, ail of them very pretty indecd, Scouts Urged to Make and started to work on their sweat- teM s fO tbr2 ers, skirts and purses. teM s fO tbr2 - Our ncw officers arc: Mildred' Recognizing the present urgent Portenhauser and Emily Kohl, patrol need for f orceful interpretation, seven leaders, Frances Chambers, treasur- n lational charact.er-building agencies er; Fiora Pagliarulo, scribe, and have joined forces in sponsoring a Mary Ellen Cunningham, secretary, banquet, to be.held in New York on aIl of thcm truc Girl Scouts who are the Evening of October 29.. boping to make this year' our best. It is suggestcd that, using this na- -Fiora Pagliarulo, scribe, Troop 10. tional event as a "springboard," a youth rally be hcld jointly by the ~YT ~r ~Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts and other WVei, Weil, Ybu Smpîy character-building groups in every Must Hear About This! community throughout the United Troo . enoye. anintresingStates. This will serve to "highlight" Troo 3 njoyd a intresingthe work of these agencies at the scout meeting last Thursday. We did peko h 13 oiizto o a mst ovly hig, nd tinkpe- Human Needs. It will be observcd haps you would like. to hear about it. that* the date of the national event, Those who had bicycles rode down October 29, occurs, at the beginning to the Village hall, and those who of Girl Scout week, which givesadd- didn't. went in the car. In the Vil- ed significance to the occasion. lage hall we were taken upstairs to see, the Picturesof old Wilrnetté, and .~ .nw. nTey were very colorful and MveiMbers of' I roop Il interesting. They were very large Select Their O fficers and took, up a lot of wall space. Manv of the children watited to At the meeting Tuesday, October Sée the -jail. At first we were.flot 2, Troop Il elected GirlScout officers. going to, but somehow* or other we We have three patrols in our troop: got our own way, and we saw it. Evergreen, Bluebird, and Robin-Red- After we came out we stood. quietîy breast.' The leaders of these. patrols on the steps and sang "Taps." We are: C. M. Bartsch-Evergreen; ended our second meeting with a;M : et-.ebr; Jerry Ha ffer- jolly "good night."-Dorothea Hart- nain-Robin-Redbreast. AIl of our wig, scribe, Troop 3. girls. are fond of our patrol leaders, captain and lieutenant.-Muriel NEW GARMENTS FOR NEEDY Bre cie ro 1 Hundreds of Boy Scouts and thou- sands of Girl Scouts are listed as Membership week October 7-14. Dur- members in one of the Junior divis- ing the past year in their Guild.work ions of the Needlework Guild of the Scouts nationally gave 41,931 new America, which is observing' National garments for needy neighbors. THE HUB Announces the Opening of a GIRLS'DEPARTMEN4T IN THE WOMENS SHOP SHERMAN AND CHURCH TII E HUB HENRY CeLYTTON &SONS Sherman and Church-EVANSTON OPEN SATURDAY EVEN N>S 1 ctober lli 1934 LIFE Il id