Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Oct 1934, p. 21

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October 11, 1934 WILMBTTH LIFE Ticket Sale for' Enters' ecital Now in Pro gress Tickets for the Glencoe Girl Scout benefit recital at New Trier :High school auditorium Friday evening, October 26, are now on sale. Angna Enters, said. to be the world's great- est dance mime, will return from Greece, wbere she is studying under a Guggenheim fellowsbip, this week, and will be in Chicago a few days be- fore the recital which is under the direction of Rutheda L. Pretzel. Mrs. E. Sawyer Smitb bas been made chairman of the ticket comf- mittee,.and she is being assisted by Mrs. Clarence Ericsson, Mrs., Erwin Brigham, Mrs. F. B. Hubachek, Mrs. joseph C. Hyatt, Mrs. Roy S. Ed- wards, Mrs. -Austin Wyman, Mrs. Ray V. Sawhill, Mrs. Arthur Shiver- eck, Mrs. George Wilson, and Mrs. H. P. Tburston. Offer Reduced Price Tickets are on sale, also, at Ren-. necker's drug store in Wilmette, Community House in Winnetka, and Hillman's drug store in Glencoe. As a special offer, the Glencoe Girl Scouts are selling tickets for unire- served seats at a slight reduction if purchased in advance. The center sections will be reserved, to cornply with the requests of many patrons who wish to be certain of a seat at the recital if they corne in the last minute. Hostesses who are plan- ing dinner parties on October 26 have been advised to take reserved seats, and to secure them promptly. Boosta Scout Budget The Glencoe Girl Scouts and their mnothers are enthusiastic about the recital, for the proceeds will go to make up at least part of the quota to be sent this year by Glencoe to the New Trier Girl Scout council. Tbus, tiot only will Glencoe Scouts benefit, in the end, but ail of the Scout or- ganizations on the north shore in- directly will bentfit. Among others wbo are taking active interest in the coming event' are dancing teachers and their pupils, for Angna Enters bas so many talents as a dancer that she is an inspiration. Interpretative dancers will find in Miss Enters, a valuable lesson, for she is a superb exponent of that branch, using as she does the most economnical gestures, and conveying a mood or creating an at- mosphere in the fewest possible bodi- Iy movements. She syncronizes movement with music so beautifully that dancers ail over the country have become ber ardent followers. Fine Dramatic Talent Dramatic artists also note in Miss Enters' work that value of economy of mnovement and perfect timing, and to them iW seems almost as if she is more the actress than the dancer. Miss Enters also intrigues the imagi- nation of artists, who deiglit in ber gorgeous costumes (wbich sbe herseif designs), and in ber poses, wbich are so perfect f rom a pitorial standpoint. And then, at the last, Miss Enters finds a warm welcome from those wbo aremerely loyers of the theater, wbho go 'to enjoy ber silent wit and Fer genius as an entertainer., Men like ber because she knows bow to subtiy to ucb tbeir funny-bone, and women enjoy ber because of ber flair for depicting the essence of a periid. GUETSIN KENILWORTH Mrs. Arthur Schupp of 'Saginaw, Micb.', Miss Mildred Rutherford of Cleveland, and Mrs. Ralpb Hughes of Rockford are guests of Mr., and Mrs. Leon Ellis and family of 207 Cumberland avenue, Kenilworth. Tbey aIl attended the national alum- nae meeting ofi Bradford academy CHURCH GUILD OPENS,.YEAR Fifty guests were present on Mon- day of last week. at tbe'opening luncheon and mneeting of the Womans guild of the Kenilwortb Union cburch. Mrs. Rufus Stolp had charge of the luncheon. Following are the new offfi- cers: Mrs. Bent ly McCloud, president; Mrs. M. G.- Henderson, vice-presi- dent; Mrs.. Judson Large, secretary; Mrs. Alfred McDougal, re-elected treasurer; Mrs. R. W. Starrett, so- cial chairman. THE PEMBRIDGE Evangtoi?'gFimsi Med.,ae Pricri Ràotei A Permanent Home. *im the Régi Zone MAMM lHous DINO RooM. CLAUDE A. WARD Mmag<omg Ddrote @i- 1406 Chicuio Ave., Evansto. ,Gym. 3M0 PA TRON.IZE OUR ADVERTISERS, 1/ u7 Paren ts whose eidren are away at school-just pick Up your telep hone and ask the Long Distance Operator what it will cost to have a ",Voice Visit" with, your boy or girl! She will bc glad to quote you the rate to any point and you will probably discover that the cost is, considerably less than you had imtagined. It's, much more satisfying to talk things over with friends or members of your, family who -live at a distance.ý Telephone visits are -quick, ecear and inexpensive. ILL àNS«IàS ÈEL LTE L EP B0ONEI c..0 October 11, 1934 .WILMETTE, LIFE

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