Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Oct 1934, p. 34

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es in JENTEN BRoEcK PI'ilanthropy Bridge to Be Community Everl 0f interest to the entire corn inunity will be the annual cart party on Wednesday afternoon October 31;, at the Womnan' club. The event, a project of the pli lanthropy department of the W< man's Club of Wilmette, is the oui, one -each year promoted for th purpose of purchasing materials fo the clothes and other articles maci at the bi-monthly sewing day throughout the club season, days ii whîch members and non-meinben of the club alike participate. Ti' beneficiaries are numerous. and o diversified appeal to many organiza. tions, to many groups. Mrs. Earl Low is chairman of th( philanthropy department unin d ei whose auspices the annual bridge i5 given. Mrs. Knight Blanchard iý chairman, Mrs. Alvin E. Beirnles, ca- chairman of the project, which is, this year, a dessert bridge at 2 o'- dlock. Special prizes, as well.as one for each table in play, are planned. The philanthropies to henefit fron the success of the dessert bridge are the Research and Education Hospital of State Public Welfare* The Childreui's Receiving home, (Lutheran); St. Mary's home (Epis- cplLake Bluff orphanage; Don- cas home;, Chicago Woman's Shel- ter; Onward House. (Congregation- aI), Infant Welfane; Arden Shore; Baptist Old People's home; Erie Chapel institute (Presbyterian); Mary Bartelme Home and Service Council; Mantha Washington Home for Crippled Children - Park Ridge School for Girls. Nemes Board for Alpha Phi Alumnae Chepter Mrs. Harold F. Tideman, president of the North Shore Alumnae chap- ter of Alpha Phi, announced the mem- bers of hen board for the coming year at the monthly luncheon held at the.- home of Mrs. Thomas C. Moulding, 1004 Greenwood avenue, Wilmette. Wednesday, October 10. Senving with Mns. Tideman are Mrs. Walter Wilson of Evanston, vice-president; Mrs. Alvin G. Bowe of Evanston, secretany; Mrs. Wil- liam Seanles of Evanston, treasuren; Mns. Ira E. Westbrook of, Evanston, programi chairman; Mrs. Edwin H. Badger of Wilmette, luncheon chair- man; Mrs. -Alfred S. Wiltbengen of, Evanstoni, hostess chairman;, Mrs. Sherman R. Barnett of Glencoe, Quanterly editor; Mrs. William E. Burch, Jr., of Evanston, publicity Benefifs Babies Mrs. John W. Nuzuni and Mrs. James G. Badgen of Wilméîte wene co-hostesses at a dessert bridge given last Friday aftennoon at the former's home, 745 Michigan avenue, for the benefit of Infant Welfare. . Is Betrothed ! > Carlos Photo At an -informal party in their S, home in Winnetka last Saturdai' e evei'nu.zlg, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. McCoy mnade kizownp the engage- m nent of their daugliter, Louise, to .e Pauf Richard Engberg of St. Louis. nI 1Episcopal Guilds, Are et Work Today' The Associated guilds of St. Augus- - tine's church are meeting in the Par- ish House today (Thtyasday). Start- -ing at 10:30 o'clock, luncheon was served at 12:30, with the afternoon *meeting commencing at 2. Women of the parishi are asked to set aside Friday, October 19, for Philanthropy day at the Woman's club. Upon that occasion sewing will le done for St. Mary's home,- an EpiscopaL philanthropy. The day is given to the guilds by the Womnan's club. For that reason they urge women of the church to go, to the club at 10 in the morning and plan to spend the day, or as long as they can stay. Luncheon is served at noon. The guilds are eager to maintain the day generously granted by the club, and for that rcason hope for a large attendance of Episcopalians. "Please begin saving things for our Rummage sale," is the, request of the guilds. Has. Facis for Voters Mrs. G. T. 'Hellmuth, publication chairman of the Wilmette League of WVomen Voters, has copies of 'the October issue of the Illinois. Voter for sale., After mionths of prepara- tion, the league offers to the public a special election issue, a twenty- page booklet of fact for voters. Ap- proximately 100 candidates for public offiçe are listed in. this booklet. It shows how senators and congress- men voted on important issues in the last. session of congress. The Voter alscw contains information abou t registration and voting. Kenilworth Compose r Is Invitations Are Hostess to Pen Women Dorothy Bell Briggs (Mrs. Harry D. Briggs) of Keniiworth was hos- tess to the Northerni Illinois branch of the National League'.of American Pen Women for its regular meeting last Saturday afternioon ini her home at 324 Sheridan road. The hostess' daughiter, Doris, talented young pianis t, was on the programi, playing the Liszt "Hun- garian Rhapsody". Mrs. Briggs, herself a pianist and composer, who recently lias had pub- lishied by a Chicago f irm four com- positions for children, has just fin- ished, ini collaboration with Nelle 1.1erharclt of chicago, Flic Ramn- bow Chorus", for women 's voices. Mrs. Eberhardt, a poet,, who has written the words. for the chorus, has written the lyrics for several of Charles Wakefield Cadnîah's songs, "The Land of the Sky Blue \Vater," and others. Louise- McCoy's Troth Announced, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. McCoy of 785 WilIow road, Winnetka, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Louise, to Paul Richard Engberg of St. Louis, Mo., son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Engberg of, Highland Park.11 1Miss McCoy is a graduate of Vas- sar college and attended the Univer- sity of Wisconsinu where she was a member of Delta Gamma. Mr. Eng- .berg was graduated from the Uni- vers ity of Chicago and is a member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity. The wedding -,ill take place this w'tinter. Directs Benefit Ervanston Photographie Service Into the haiids of Mrs. John R. Nicholson of Glencoe is placed the sup~ervisçion 'of this year1s bene fit of the IEvaiston-North Shore Smith club for the Scholarship fund. No- vember 6 is the evening of the pro j-, cet. 1 Out for Wedding of Jane Roberts invitations ar( now out for the miarriage of Miss Jane de- Berard Roberts of Wilmette and Frederick Brown Hanson of Evanston, which is to take place Wednesday evening, Oc- tober 24, at 'Shawnee Country club. The ceremony will be read at 8 :30 o'clock, by. Dr. i?'aul Austin Wolf e, patrof the- First Presbyterian church ini Evanston, and a frienid of the bridegroom's family. Miss ROI)- erts will have as her matron of hion- or her cousin, Mrs. WVilliam P. Phieris, Jr., the former Dorothy deBerard of Hlinsdale, w~ho, hierseif, wvas a b)ridle in .\ugust. The bridesmaids will be Miss Elizabeth Wing of Evanston and MNiss Patsy Flentye of XVilmette. Edward WTilliams of Evanston will serve Mr. Hanson as best man. and the ushers are to be Robert Stauffer and Charles Higgenbotham, also of Evan ston. W-hen the bride and bridegroom re- turu from their wedding trip, they will be at home after November 1, at 1200 Simpson street, Evanston. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Linscott Roberts of 808 Greenwood avenue, and Mrs. Hanson's parents are Mr. and Mrs. August Theodore Hanson of 500 Bar- ton avenue, Evanston. Two Groups Sponsor Tee to Honor Barnard Dean Preced ing the tea for Dean Virginia C. Gîldersîceve of Barnard college Sat- urday, October 13, there will be an important meeting of the enitire board of the Woman's College board for A Century of Progress. This hoard is cornposed of four representatives f rom each of the twenty-one participating woman's colleges. The tea for Miss Gildersîceve is being sponsored l)y the Barnard club of Chicago and the Wom- an's College board. It will be at the h'ortnightly. The day chosen by Miss Gildersleeve for her visit to Chicago is Barnard day at the Woman's College Board lounge ini the Social Science building at the Fair.. Other 'days for the week are: October 14, Milwaukee-Downer day;. EOctober 15, Bryn Mawr day, Mrs. Cornelius Watson and Mrs. Gilbert Scribner of Winnetka, hostesses.; Octo- ber 16, Connecticut day;. October 17, Elmira day; October 18, Goucher day; )ctober 19, Lake Erie day;-October 20, Milîs day. Sponsor Spalding Recilal On Monday evening, October 29, the Illinois and Cook County Leagues of Womnen Voters will present Albert Spaiding, Chicagoan by birth, in a violin recital at Orchestra hall. Tic- kets may be secured fromi Mrs. C. P. )ubbs, Mrs. John Behr, Mrs. F. E. Parry, and Mrs. Harry Burnside. ..October Il. 1934 -WILMETTE LIPE

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