New ofthe.North Shre.Club Women, Voters in. Bridge AutIority Session.,Oct. 1 7, Invites to Sample Em.rgency Relef Bond and Consti. tutional Convention to Be Explained by Experts On Wednesday, October 17, a luncheon meeting at the home of Mrs. S. E. Wells opens a vital and interesting season for the League of Wornen Voters of Wilmette. Mrs. Mitchell A. Dawson, chairman of the departnient of government and economic welfare of the Cook County League of Women Voters, will ex- plain the Emergency Relief bond. The representatives of botb major political parties in the General assembly voted for this program and endorsemelit of the bond issue bas since been made part of the party platforms. The rea- sons' which have necessitated this bond issue will be explained by Mrs. Dawson, who has a wide and unusual grasp of the wvhole relief situation. Another referendum of great im- portance, that of the constitutioflal convention, will be presented and ekx piained by Mrs. L. A., Bower. The league believes' that the present state constitution has proved inadequate and that the defects in the tax systemn alone should be sufficient reason for approving the calling of a constitu- tional convention. Mrs. Bower is a recognized autbority on this subject. Reservations for luncheon are to be made by noon Monday, October 15, with Mrs. Wells, whose home is at 1508 Forest avenu e. .The board of the Minette League of Women Voters wili meet at the home of the president, Mrs. John, Clark Baker, Tuesday, October 16, at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Beatrice Lamb, national chair- man of the department of government and economic welf are, of Women Voters, will speak at the League headquarters, 225 North M ichigan avenue. Chicago, Monday, October 15, at 10:30 o'clock in the morning. Those interested in economic welfare are in- vited to meet and hear Mrs. Lamb. The first meeting of the Cook County forum will be Saturday, Oc- 'tober 13, at the Palmer bouse. The New Deal, pro and con, will be de- bated by Dr. Arthur 'E. Morgan, chairman of the Tennessee Valley authority, who wili. speak for the New~ Deal and another recognized ý speaker will take the opposition.. .On November 10, the Forum will. present Senator Gerald P. Nye, chair- man of the senate investigating coin- Imittee, whq will discuss "The ContraI of the Manufacture and Sbipment of SArm s." The programn of the forum. is an interesting one,~ Everyotie is urged to reserve these dates. There is no charge to league niembers. Program on Hawais The Protestant Women's Service' club will meet on Wednesday, Oc- tober 17, at 12:30 o'clock, in Marshall FPield's Wedgwood room. Luncheon will be followed by a lecture on "Hawaii, America's. Enchanted Is- Iand," supplemented by Hawaiian music by native Hawaiians. Talks on Contract The ways and means department. of tbe Woman's Club of Wilmette is offering lessons on modern contract bridge bidding of the Culbertson and Sims systems, by Frank E. Bourget, nationally known lecturer and author of severaldigests on contract bridge. An authority, who has assisted many thousands in the central west ini mak- ing marked improvements ini their bidding game, he dlaims "to debunk contract and off crs a simplified metbod to dispiace the mythical ideas now so prevalent in the game.', As a forerunner of a series of lec- ture lessons, Mr. Bourget will give a sample of what he proposes in two demonstration lectures, on1e on Monday afternoon October 15, at 2 o'clock, the other at 8, Friday eve- ning, October 19. There will be no charge for the talks wbich will pre- cede the two classes, the one meet- ing Monday afternoons, the- other Friday evenings. The irst afternoon class will be October.22, the flrst one the evening of October 26.. Following bis. free lectures, Mr. Bourget contemplates bis two series of five lessons witb "a concise, un- dcrstandable, and common sense ver- sion of the various bidding systems." He states that "tbose who play a fairly good game now can make a signal improvement in it, and those wvho >are raw beginners will find it easy to get started in the game." Mr. Bourget invites alI players and non-players to these lectures and will gladly answer any question pertain- ing, to contract. Fine Arts Group Ouflines Program The beginning of the new season' s program for the fine arts depart- ment of the Woman's Catbolic Club of Wilmette is Friday afternoon of this week in the lounge. of tbe Wom- an's club at 2 o'clock. Tbe enter- tainment planned is under tbe direc- tion of Mrs. George H. Beaudin, the incoming chairman. Mrs. Frank Thale, for ber part of tbe program will give "A Preview of New Books", embodying a brief account. of the story and character- ization of some of the parts. In- cluded in ber preview will be 'Cold Journeys. ", by, Grace Zaring Stone; "Years Are so Long", by Gertrude Lawrence; "The Folks.", by Ruth Suckow. Ln dramatization of in- cidents reviewed, or, ratber, pre- viewed, Mrs Arthur Boylston, Mrs. Marshall Kearney, Mrs.Edi Georger, Mrs. Walter Miller, and Miss Lorraine Moore will appear. Mrs. Charles A. Broad will give a short sketch, "Highligbits'of the -Life of Columbus", aà character . sketch. She will b.e assisted by Miss Eulaiia Barker. Hostesse s for the afternoon will be Mrs. Charles Broad, Mrs., Thomasi Mintz, and Mrs. Fred M. Clarke. 1 Mrs. Harry Sherwvin will talk of1 the books to be considered during thet Tuesday morning book study classes meeting the third Tuesday of the montb at ber home,, 1029 Greenwvood1 avenue, classes to wbicb ail members' are invited without charge. Guest Night Speaker Skokie VaIIey D.,A. R. Program Illustrated TaIk on South.rn Schools fo Be Mrs. Harry P. Harrison "Our Southern Schools," will be the subject of the illustrated talk in charge of Mrs. Harry P. Harrison, chairman of the ap- proved sehools committee of the Skokie Valley chapter of the D. A. R. at the October meeting of the chapter, Monday, Octo- ber 15, at the home of Mrs. Israel C. Cope, and Mrs. Mark W. Cresap, Woodley road, Win-. netka. A buffet lIuncheon at 12 :30 \vi1I I)rece(lc the meeting. The soutbern D. A. R. schools, the Kate Duncan Smith scbool at Grant, La., and Tamassee school at Tamas- see, S. C., were establisbed and are operated and. suppol ted by the D. A. R. and bave no otber source of income but tbe contri- bution-s f rom tbe Daughters of the American Revolution. Bes 'des these two D. A. R. schools there are otlier soutbern scbools ta wbose support the D. A. R. contributes yearly. .The board of directors if the Skokie Valley chapter for tbis year consists of : Mrs. Israel Cope, bonorary regent: Mrs. J. K. Farley, Jr., regent; Mrs. William A. Durgin, flrst vice-regcnt; Mrs. David R. DeCamp, second vice- regent; Mrs. Charles A. Wbetston, recording secretary;ý Mrs. Walter Gare Mitchell, corresponding secre- tary; Mrs. Frederick, M. Bowes, treasurer; Mrs. Howard W. Hodg- kins, registrar; Mrs. J. B. Olwin, bistorian. Directors-Mrs, Cope, Mrs. Fred- erick M. Bowes, Mrs. Charles S. Jackson. Committee cbairmen-Mrs. Farley, Americanism; Mrs. Harry P. Har- rison, approved schools, student loan fund; Mrs. Wilfred A. Nabors, con- servation and thrift; Mrs. Durgin, correct use of the Flag; Mrs. Hodg- kins, memnbersbip; Mrs. Otto M. Rutb, national defense througb pa- triotic education; Mrs. Jackson pre- servation of bistoric spots; Mrs. Walter Gore Mitchell, publicity; Mrs., Cope, D. A. R. Magazine. Serving witb Mrs. Durgin.on tbe social committee are Mrs. Bowes, Mrs. Cope, Mrs. J. P. Gillies, Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Jackson, and Mrs,. Vernon, Welsb. Freshman Féolic At the Fresbman Frolic at Shaw- nec Country club, wbich will be bcld on Priday evcning, October 12, f rom 8 o'clock untîl 10, Adolpb Frenksen of Wilmette will give, thc tango' and carioca. The sophomores are also invited to the party,- it is announccd. Las+ Brdge af Skokie The womcn of Skokie Country club will bave their last bridge party of the season Tuesday, October 16. Special prizes will be' awarded at this time. Another, bridge day was beld Tuesday of this wcek. Rear Admirai Wat r. Cluver jus, in dcrnand as au aft er-dinnier speak- er, cones to the Junior auiriiary of the Won'is Club of. Wiimette for its Guest ttight prograrn the evening of October 18. Auxiliary-to Present Admirai W. T. Cluverius The junior auxiliary of the Woman's Club of Wilmette is indeed fortunate in securing as guest speaker for Tbursday nigbt, October 18, Rear Admiral Wat T. Cluverius of thc Nintb Naval district. Born in New Orleans, Admiral Clu- venius took bis naval training on board a four-masted schooner and bias been at Great Lakes since the World war. He bias gained a great reputa- tion. as an after-dinner speaker, so, fortifled by.a fund of experience and endowed with a keen sense of hiumor, hie cornes well equipped to spin a yarn about "What Happens at Sea." Because of bis wide appeal, particu- larly to men, the auxiliary has decided to caîl this night on whicb lie speaks Guest night. AIl members are urgcd to corne and bring a guest. There will be no dinner. Admirai Cluverius will begin bis talk at 8, and refreshments will be served.-J anc Nystrom. Elect New Officers for CathoIié Dauiglters On October 1, wben. the -Catbolic Daugliters of America, Ouilmette Court Number 848, beld ele ction1 of officers the following members were elected to office: Laura McDaniels, regent; Eliza- beth Borre, vice-regent;. Hatty, Scbwall, prophetess; Kitty Wagner, monitor;. Helen Crammen, financial secretary; Pauline. Bleser, treasurer; Bernice Stephens, historian; Flor- ence Spitzer, lecturer; Anna Peifer, sentinel; Lorreta Steiner, organist; and the following trustees, Mayme Peifer, Mary Engels,. Katherine Scîzer, Anna Leis, Margaret Kalmes, and Leona Neusse8. Octob-er lli 1934 WILMETTE LIPE