w~~~~------ yIM T E LP tbr1,13 tiv ttes i., e c tie rnScial ircle BýJANTEN BROEC K, A. R. Thompsons on Honeymoon Motor Trip West At a beautiful home -wedding by candlelight Miss Patricia Krafthefer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Krafthefer, 901 Oakwood avenue, Wilmette, be- came the bride last Saturday evening of Albert R. Thompson, so n of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E. Thompson of Highland Park. The ceremony took place, at 8 o'clock witb the Rev. Bernard Brady officiating. The bride wore an exqui- site gown of ivory satin with a train. A handmade Brussels lace veil bung from a coronet of seed pearîs. The veil had been presented to the bride's sister, the former Ruth Krafthefer, and bad been worn at ber marriage. The bridai bouquet was a sbnwer of white roses.and ljes-of-tbe-valley. .Miss Betty.Morrison of Kenilworth, the bride's attendant', made a Iovely picture in turquoise blue and crystal velvet. She carried an arm bouquet of yellow rose s and blue delphinium. The bride's four-year old niece, Mari- ester Scbwartz, as tbe flower girl, wore a quaint, old fasbioned frock of yellow velvet and carried a colonial nosegay of tiny tea roses. The bride- groom's brother, John T. Thompson, served as best man, while- the bride's two brothers, James- (Bunt) Kraft- hefer, Jr., and David, usbered. Mrs. Kraftbefer wore peach colored crepe and a corsage bouquet of liles of the valley and orchids. The bride-, groom's motber was in a gown of black velvet, witb a similar corsage. The bouse was decorated witb palms, yellow cbrysantbemnums, pom- pons, and numerous candelabra hold- ing catbedral tapets. After the reteption Mr. Thompsoi and bis bride left by motor on a boneymoon. They stopped off to see tbe bride's sister, wbo is Sister Inmac- ulee, of St. M ary's -of -the -Woods, in Indiana, and f rom there* they left for San Francisco wbere tbey will mnake their home. Performance ofL9o Play Smith Club enefit "As Thousands Chee r" will be the play from whicb,, tbis season, tbe scbolarship fund will derive benefit, the Evanston-Nortb Shore Smitb college bene fit committee-,announces. Tbe proceeds of the evening perform- ance at the Grand Opera House on, Novemiber, 6, will go to. this- fund. Mrs. John R. Nicholson of Glencoe is chairman of the confimittee. Miss Jean, Armstrong of Winnetka will be ini charge of the committee to seli flowers and Mrs. John R. Mont- gomery, Jr., of Evanston is assisting with the tickets. Among the patrons are Dr.* and Mrs. E. V. L. Brown, Mrs. Clarence Burley, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Mac- Leisb, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sargent, Mr. and Mrs. Rawleigb Warnier. Mrs. Walter Clyde Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker Davis, and Mr. and Mrs. Horace Marchant. St. Lukes Style Show, +0 Take Place. Oct. 23 On the afternoon and evening of Tuesday, October 23, the woman's board of St. Luke's hospital will present its annual.fashion show in the Grand ballroom of the Stevens botel, Tea will be served in connection witb the afternoon sbowing, which begins at 2:30, and in the evening there will be a dinner-dance and showing be- ginning at 7:30. As usual, the ist Mf patrons and patronesses is an im- posing one, both in its length and in the social importance of the names appearing on it. Included are the names of Mrs. John W. Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Field McLlallen III (Marguerite Watson), Mr. and Mrs. )Robert M. Roloson, Mr. and Mrs. John Stuart, Mr.and Mrs. Albert H. Wetten, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Wolf. Will Show Movies -at Milîs Club Meeting The Milîs Coliege club is holding its October meeting Friday of this week at 2:-30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Edwin E. Voigt, 2609 Harrison street, Evanston. This summer at a tea for girls in college and tbeir mothers and for prospective students and their mothers, Mrs. Freemont B. Hitch- cock of Highland Park took motion pictures to be sent to college. She expects to show these films at the meeting Friday. The by-laws committee of the club met for luncheon Monday of this week at the home of Mrs. C. S. Snod- grass, 509 Jackson avenue, Glencoe. Aids Benefit Toloif Photo Mrs. Wallace B. Behnke of Wlil- mette is a member of the commit- tee arranging the Delta Gamma scholarship benellt ut Skokie Couin- trvy club Monda y alternoon, October 22, under auspices of the. North Shore Alumnae association. is )f n r Heads Department Ail Signs Point to Succes-s of Fail Fashion Show Carlos Photo Mrs. Earl G. Low is chairman of the philanthropy de part ment of the Woma~n's Club of Wilmette wuhich zvill give a dessert bridge as its an- sitiaI beneit on October 31. Baptist Society Will Have Meeting Oct. 12 e ri a, ctober 12, at 12:30 o'clock e isthe imefor the opening luncheon ofthe Woman's society of the Wil- mette Baptist church. s "Citizenship, a Challenge to the Church"' is the subject of the speak- er, Mrs. Raymond Knapp of Mor- gan Park. Mrs. Knapp is a popular speaker and her subjects include al phases of governmental and civic affairs. The 'musical program will be given by Mrs. Paul W. Stade who will present a group of piano solos. Mrs. William J. Weldon will give the devotional, and the ever popular "news of the day" will.be discussed by Dr.'George D. Ailison. Link one wili be hostess for the afternoon. The sale and exchange of books and. magazines will be a regular monthly event. The kitchen cup- board will also be a monthly fea- ture, and donations and patronage are ased for. Mrs. C. V. Clark, 2513 Park place, entertained seventeen members of the Baptist Womnan's society board for desAert and. coffee on Monday, ,October 8, at her home.. Cocktail Party Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Sheridan of Evanston entertained at a cocktail party last Saturday preceding the Harvest Home dinner dance at the Glen View Country club. Mrs. Sheridan is the for- mer Agnes Pease of Kenilworth. Mrs. Frank Nason, 733 Cummings ave nue, Kenilwortb, wili entertain1 ber sewing: club for luncheon next1 Monday.5 Always a social event on the north shore, the fashion showv of the Winnetka board for the Northwestern University iset tie- ment, to be liel(1 Tuesday, Octo- ber 30, promises to take its place among previous fashion shows as, an outstancling success. Such was the opinion of Mrs. John Hooker, the board's president. as she presided-at a recent mneet- ing of the enthusiastie executive committee of this project. The new setting for this event., the charming models, and the carefully selected list of exhibitors are ail comn- bining to make this a particularly pleasant afternoon for the patrons and a profitable one for that excel- lent charity, the Northwestern settle- ment. For the firs t time, the show will'be held at Christ Church Parish house. The large auditorium with its high ceiling will offer a new and spa- cious background for the showing of faîl and winter styles, and the exqui- sitely furnished guild room will be used for serving tea. Mrs. Donald DeFrees 'and her com- mittee report an excellent list of firms exhibiting. Variety will char- acterize this important part of the afternoon's, entertainment. Special attention is being given to a care fui selection of exhibits that will be in- teresting to those of varied tastes and interests. Mrs. Chester Sargent and her comn- mittee are organizin g, a group of charming models. 1Mrs. Harold Wilder and Mrs. Rob- ert Butz, co-chairmen of the ticket committee, are entertaining the board members at luncheon today (Thurs-- day) at the home of Mrs. Wilder, and at that time committees will make their reports. PhiîlanthropySewing for St. Mary's Home St. Hary's home, an Epîscopal phi- 1ajithropy, is the next beneficiary of the sewing day sponsored by the philanthropy department of the Wom- an's Club of Wilmette. It occurs. Friday,'October 19, opening at 10 in the, morning, concluding at 3:30 in the afternoon. A speaker from the home wiil address the group inform- ally during the luncheon hour. Miss Laura Davy is cbairman of the work for the. day, with Mrs. Hubert'Carie- ton, Mrs. William Robertson, Mrs. C. F. Ripley, and Mrs. -N. F. Webb assisting. Mrs. W. E. Robertson is luncheon chairman. AIl women of the village are invited. Pledged at N. U. Three nortb shore girls, Aithea Murphy and Jean Jacobs of Winnet- ka and Helen Osberg of Evanston bave been pledged to Kappa.Delta sorority at Northwestern university.' Octobér 11, 1934 WILMIETTE LIIFF.