Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Oct 1934, p. 42

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WILMETTE LIFE c*f0ttes in S cial Crls, BJENTEN BROECK Frontier Nursing Service Benefit Is Sorority Plar Alpha Oiieron Pi is sponsor- ing a l)eflefit Wýedniesday, Octo- ber 17, at the Edgewater Beacl- hotel 'Marine diing rooin. Fiv( hundred tickets have been seni out for the evening, the iiusii for ivhich %vilI be ,bv- Clvd< Lucas. Special attractive en- tertaininent is llanne(1. Mrs. J. W. Solheim of Chicago, iý chairman of a committee wvhose mem- bers are Mrs. J. E. Boodin, of Chi- cago, in charge of tickets; Miss Jeaxi McDougall of Evanston, publicity; Mrs. D. Heer, Mrs. Charles Hall Mrs. E. Devrey, and Mrs. Ernest Warner, ail of the north shore. In charge of. arrangement for the special party groups, is Mrs. Lonsdale WVest of EÉvanston. formerly Betty Heid- man of Glencoe. Funds derived from the benefit will be used to carry on the social service work of the Frontier Nursi.ng service, which is the National philanthropic project of Alpha Omicron Pi. Ail the Social Service work in- cluding the sociological and psycho- logical probleins has been done by Bland Morrow for the past two years. June -Hupman, a graduate of Nortb- western university this year, and a member of Rho chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi, went to Wendover early this. summer volunteering her serv- ices to assist Miss Morrow in ber busy, tireless efforts. \Lonthly letters from Miss Morrowv keep anxious members of Alpha Omi- cron Pi in touch with her numerous and variable problems, sucli as: "One of the most satisfying tasks of the summer was the getting of a wheel chair for an old lady down near Harlan. She is an -incurable cripple living with her busband in the county poorb ouse. After reading one of Mrs. Franklin Roosevelt's articles in some magazine, she wrote Mrs. Roosevelt explaining bow badly she needed- a wheel chair. Mrs. Roosevelt in turn asked us to look into the situation, which we were, of c ourse, delighted to do.. Harlan isn't more than forty miles away as the crow flues, but as roads go in this round about country, it is over a hundred miles . . .. . Al that tbe old lady bad said in ber lettér to Mrs. Roosevelt about ber condition, intact more, we found to be true. . . . The chair bas been in use now for weeks. Writing about i1 arrivai, the old lady says,,'I had one glorious day, from Il- until 5, 1 went ail over the house!' For Visifor. Miss Jane Grannis of Beverly Hilîs, Calif., is arriving today to visit tbe Roswell Coynes, 307 Woodstock ave- nue. Mrs. CoYne will entertain at a bridge luncheon, Frlday in honor of her bouse 'guest, who is a cousin of Mr. Coyne. In Grandmofliers Wedding Dress Koehne Photo Just like a bride in sonte quaint, Iovely prikt, is this Picture of Mrs. Cha ries Henrýy Gallivay. Kimbail, the former Eleanor Cushrnai, whore ~nwrriage took place oit Wcdnesday afternoon, Septeinber-19, in the garde» of the Arthur W. Cuihinin honte in Winetka. The bride wore her grand- ipther's wedding dress, zchich was of gold brocade, uw, fa.shioned with a bouffant skirt, and a square court train. The.bride': Pearl neckac, agift of the bridegroom. has beec» in his Jailvý for' four generations. Head Demonstration .ScS.iool's Parents' Council at N. C. E. _Mrs. Kenneth L. Fox of 1054 Bluff road, Glencoe, is the Co- chairman of the Parents' counicil of the Demonstration 'school, National College of Education. Mliss Clara Belle Baker, director of the school, is chairmnan of the council. Mrs. Paul C. Fleer of 425 Grove street, Evanston, is the. treasurer of the counicil. The following room officers have l)een elected to serve on the Parents' council of the Children's school for tîhe coming year: Mrs. Melvin Veeder. 0i35 Niapie avenue, W'iniietka; MNrs. Carl I.ov- gren, 1134 G'reenxood avenue, \\'i!- mette; '[rs. James Peterson. 715 Seneca road, Wilmet te: Mrs. David Cahn of Chicago; 'Mrs. Joe C. Caper- ton, 127 Laurel avenue. \Vîlnettc; Mr.Frank McElrov, 2715 Broacl- way, Evanston; Mrs. J. R. Mitchiell, 102;. Mohawvk road, Wilniette; 'Mrs. Bernardl J. Falloiv of Ev'anston:. Ms. job *n Frost of the Orrington hotel : Mrs. Earle Tilton. 415 \Villôw road, Wýinnetka; Mrs. W. S. Heffernan, Jr., of Evanston: «Mrs. Joseph Salomnon of Chicago: 'Mrs. Rov Dodson. 22(1 Essex road, Kenilworth: 'Mrs. W'. Fitzimons of the Georgian hotel: Mrs. Fannie P. Fox, W~est Ashland avenue. Wilmette; 'Nrs. J.* Edgar Lee of, Evanston, and. Mrs. Lionel Bishop, 911 Elmwood avenue.,lEvans- ton. The council outlines the educational and social functions of theschool for the year. At. its first meeting plans were set forth for the coming AI]- Day Educational conference to be sponsored by' the council on Octo- ber 24. Lyric Ensemble to Sing College Club Announces Publisher's Représentative ai Delta Gamma Beneft Program, Party, Review to Address Wrifers Guild The Chicago College 'club bas planned an interesting program for Fni- day of tbis week, a party Saturdav, and a book review Wednesday' of îiex t week. Mrs. Luella Canterbury will lecture on "Psychological Analysis Tbrough One's Physical Expressions."' Friday evening at 8 o'clock., She will teacb. the members of'the club how to judge theniselves and others by a walk, a movement of, the head. or bands, and other outward 'actions. Mis. Canter.- bury is said to have a brilliant under- standing. of man's, personality and psycholôgy. The club is having à bridge luncheon Saturday, luncheon being served at 12:30 and play beginning at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Ethel M. Colson Brazelton will review a group of books Wednesday morning at Il. o'clock, discussing cur- rent affairs in the countries about whicb the books are written. The volumes she, bas selected are: "Blood and Tears," Baîler Olden (Germany) ; "Matador," Marguerite Stein (Spain); "Holy Wednesday," Manuel Galvez Members of the North Shore Writ- ers guild, formerly known as the Creative Writing class, will hear what promises to be a particularly helpful talk at the first programn of the new season, Tuesday, October 16, at tbe Georgian .botel, Evanston. Miss Esther Gould of a Chicago publishing company, will tell tlbe guild wbat type of manuscript, her Comi- pany wants, and will givé other in- formation, encouraging the writers to- submit manuscripts -to the coin- pany, she represents, which formenly specialized in juvenile fiction, but which.now is puttiiIg more emph asis on adult literature. The guild, is under the direction of Prof. James Weber Linn of the .University of Chicago. (Spain) ; "Going Abroad,". Rose Mac- aulay (the Basque country) ; "Eng- lish journey," J. B. Priestly (Eng- land). The North Shore Lyric ensemble, under the direction of Electa Austin Gamron, will give the program at Skokie Country club Monday after- noon, October 22, for the benefit of the national scholarsbip fund of Delta Gamma. The North Shore Alumnae association is in charge. On; the committee are Mrs. Ralph Stoetzel of Glenç_pe, Mrs. William Alderman, Mrs. W. S. St rong, Miss, Lucile Hart, Miss Mildred Moore, ,Miss Frances, Halsted, of Evanston,, Mrs. Norman Ingerle and Mrs.. Paul Date of HighlandPark, Mrs. Wallace B.- Bebnke of, Wilmette, and Mrs. William R. Nielsen 9f Chicago. Mrs. Raymond Koch of Winnetka and. Mrs. E. W. Lane of Evanston are planning the tea. ,Tickets may be procured in Evans- ton;' from Mrs. Raymond Keeler, Mrs. Lewis J. West, Mrs.' V. H. Schulze, Mrs. Irving Roberts; in Wilmette and Kenilworth, from Mrs. Ralph Huif, Mrs. Bebnke; in Win- netka, fromn Mrs. A. F. Marquette; in Glencoe, from Mrs. 0. F. Seiden- becker; in Highland Park from Mus. H. C. Hawes. IJ .October Ili, 1934

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