Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Oct 1934, p. 46

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WILMETTE LIFE October 11, 1934 I >HOME. MODEIRNIZATION ... SECTIONV MEASUR1NGQ FOR GLASS -Urge Plumbers to Back In measuring the glazing area, of Big Repairing Projeet a window for new glass, it is best to take measurements from the out- With the Real Property Inventory side. The dimensions must include of the Unitedi States Department of flot only the size of the actual open- Commerce disclosing a complete lack ing to be glazed, but also the little of bathtubs in 25 per cent of the letiges against which the glass will homes in the 63ý cities surveyed, John rest.* A rigid measuring rule or a! . Caînan, president of the National steel tape is preferable to a string, as' Association of Master Plumbers, bas the latter may stretch. urked -the 16,000 contractor-dealer ________________ nmebers of the association to back the local anti state modernization and HINGES LESSEN STRAIN home improvement campaigns now When putting up doors, remember being launcheti by the Federal Hous- that three butt hinges placed an even ing Administration. distance apart, insteati of two, de- Indatv ofhewesrdnei crease the 'strain on both binges anti screws. This prevents sagging, an(l often prevents lock trouble, whicb is causeti in many cases by a slight tirop ping of the lock edge of the door. THREE-WAY CONTROL A three-way switch-control for ý lighting systemn shoulti be provideti in1 \çvery home to allow .the owner to, tnake a complete circuit of the housc' gy turning lights on aheati of him anI ;l for plumbing and heating improve- ments, says Mr. Caînan, is the fact that 35 per cent of the noney loaneti un(ler the FHA plan in some cities is being investeti in plumbing or heating modernization or extension work. turning them out behind him %vithout retracing bis steps or stumbling tbrough the dark. Safety and con- venience are greatly involved ini this imatter. Neglected RePairs Make Heavier Cost,: A rchitect A sserts While property ownership is a very stable and attractive investment, two seriaus items -must be kept in mind, according to G. J. DeGelleke, director of the Central States division of the American Institute of Architects. Tbey are: 1. Depreciation, due out of tbe buildings, their values. to the wearing wvhiclh reduces 2. Obsolescence, due to buildings! itot meeting the requirenients of thé ties and therefore not producing reasonable income. "Neglecting repairs resuits iin an ac- cumulation of expense wbicb is a great deal larger than the cost of re- pairs as requireti from time to time,"1 Mr. DeGelleke says. "In some cases it necessitates reconstructing parts of tbe buildings. "The condition of buildings bave a great. effect upon the people who oc- cupy them andi when well taken care of, create more healthful conditions, more confidence anti contentm ent, strengthen ideals, and intensify inter- est in homes. Thus will be developeti better citizens physically, mental anti morally. "People are affecteti by the condi- tion of the buildings tbev occupy fully as much as they are by the clothes they wear, their associates anti their manner of life.." Add Extra Space With Upstairs Room, Garage Many families wvho start motierniz-i i ng their homes w~ill finti their first1 great neeti is extra space. Somne oi this space may be ol)taine(l li titiliz-1 ing.the basement, wvile extra rooms can also be atideti to the bouse with economy. Where one or two atiditional roonis are tiesireti, thcy can he l)uilt in corn- bination with a garage on the grounti floor. It is c ommon practice now tol We are receiving applications for b0ans to property owner 1s The Prudential Insurance Company autho-, rizes Smart & Golee, nc., as agents for prop- erty owners, to submit to it applications for Mortgage Loans. If y'ou have à real estate Joan to be negotiated,.discuss your require-3 ments.with us now. Let ýus explain how this new plan facilitates rnaking your application. You will be interested in the term gnd serv- ice offered. Corne. in or. write u "ôay 1564 Sherman Avenue, Evanston UNlversity 0283 ROGers Park 0271 Leader Views Housing Plan as Health A id "The Better Housing programf spon- sored by the Federal Housing Admin- istration shoutId be understooti by every family in America. Once un- derstooti, it will be utilizeti to build l)etter lives, enlarge living quarters, and make places for children to plav at home instead of on the streets." Thus does Mrs. B. F. Langwortby. of Wininetka, presitient of the Nation- 'Congress of Parents, andi Teachers, v'vthe effects of the National 'bus ing Act. "The Better Hlousýinig prograni is a civic movenment andi shoulti be supu- ported as sucb," she says. "The bouse is closelv related to the health of' the fainily. Sleeping porches shoulti he a part of every house in tis country. "Ail the unhealthful, unspiritual liv- ing conditions are flot found among the poor. Some of the affluent fam- ilies live iin gilded slums. insofar as thev provide recreation anti room enougli for their cbildren to grow. Thev have' Queen Anne fronts andi 'Mary Ann backs. These are the peo- ple wh'o can builti playrooms anti re- creation rooms or at, least enlarge the living-room so that the fanilvy inay have a feeling of freedom. "Our ideal is: Home where the cbild may feel free; wbere he is well feti: where he has room, for bis ownl belongings; where he can studv i quiet.; vhere the hours of home acti- Viti.es are, regular anti unhurrieti anti from wbicb lie goes every daywith a 'ýense of lovîng care andi atventure. Proper material surroutidngs are es- ,;eitiail to realizing this ideal." builti the garage as part of the bouse, hiefiv on account of the convenience. It is always desirable %Vhen an adi- clition is matie to a building that 'the whlole structure shoulti have a bar- mnonlous appearance. Step-Saving Devices Modernize Kitchens Poorly arrangeti kitchens, lacking in up-to-date. facilities, can make for the housewif e a veritable ordeal of the task of preparing meals. Kitchens of this type'usually are those that were built years ago, before modern improvements wete available. Any olti kitchen, no matter how, great its shortcomings, can he transformeti into a place of, beauty anti charm,, matie comfortable anti con- venient by, motiernizing. 1If there is not enough natural, light, windows can be enlargeti or atiditional ones. installeti. Darkness ican be f ur- theredispelleti by placing a tirop light over the stove or in oCher places. Cupboartis, cabinets, shelves anti. bins can be built to provitie for convenient storage of f ood, cooking utensils -anti d ishes. If there is unutilizeti space be- neatb the drainboarti or the sink it can be matie into a vegetable bini, anti per- haps save many steps to the back porch or the basement. Serving dishes storeti in the olti-fashioneti cupboard in the dining roomn can just as well be placed in twin cupboartis at each side anti above the sink. M Use CoalI and the IRON FIREMÂNM AUTOMATIC COAL DURNER For Economy. Safel'y and Convenience On Dis >Iay at sKOKIE VALLE Coal and MaterWa 3M4 Lake Avenue, Wilmette PocWlet 9 October 11, 1934 WILMETT.£ LIFE Phone Wil.mette 999

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