Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Oct 1934, p. 48

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WILMETTE LIFE October li~ 1934 HOME AND ~WIh SKOKIE MOVIES TUESDAY I_ __________ The Progress beinig made in drain-.1 JVIITER LILIES ing and reclaiming the Skokie miarsh will be depicted by talks and a two- reel movie, "Building Men and Lilies of the valley are one of the Parks," which will feature a program, easiest grown and surest bloomers in open.to the north shore public, Tues-, the bouse. of ail plants well adapted day evening, October 16, at 8 o'clock, for indoor use. The lily of the valley in the Winnetka Masonic temple, 708 lis practically an alI-season plant now, Elm street, Winnetka. Thé motion aithougli its natural season is early pictures will show in a comprehensive spring. This is due to the develop- way the systemn of lagoons and di- ment of cold storage, in which the lily version' channels-the work of the of 'the valley roots or, as they are Skokie Valley CCC camp-that will commercially known, pips, are held control the flood water in the Skokie. dormant until needed. Lily of the valley roots potted from WE CARRY the garden, allowed to freeze, and WE CARRYthen brought into the bouse, thawed ACOMPLETE UNE 0F and placed in a window will proceed Artlsi' Matiels to send out their spikes of snowy, * only requisite to be sure of blooms is Coloed ardbard that a blooming sized pip is planted, Brushes IWARNER PAINT CO0. 604 DAVIS ST. EVANSTON TEL GREENLEAF. 0505 J * ~ AWNINGSI Taken Dou, Stored Repaired VENETIAN BLINDS Paul H. Gathercoal Wlmette 989 >91KUD30 1 s-w LAY E 1. A visifte theii North Sh,.'s largest and finest Nurseries wII km to your advantage. Hore y@u con make your personal selection from the -largeot assor$ment of Ev.rgramns. Trees end Shrubs in the# Chicago area. Wu. Do Complote Landscaing-Sond for 0ur Represestativt CASH & CARRY DEPT. ý nRAoDUJo In mur Cash & Carry departmmnt are hundreds of Evrgr..ns of varimus sizos end verieties, ach one freshly dug, baII.d and burlapp.d. iredy tof. e home. Open ruery day including Sanday. MILWVAUgCEE AVE. WAUrKEGA.i $ ROAO 1 ) ClullRýT [ý' ,I c Take advantage of our CASH and CARRY SALE 0F EVEROREENS end auuw ussýui gr.w monet sPrim 1 Your Choice of 8 vaiiet les nt only ... . each Other Ontstasding Vaine 50e and up A complote line of Spring IP erîng BùIbs at Popular Prîtes We will km glad to hielp yot Icct exactly the right varietit give the affect YOD desire- advice h f ree. Open Every Day Includiot Sonday .Ltî tes )c ic use- )c le to )c -our C dg ÇHARLES FIORE NURSERIES PRAIRIE VIEW, ILLINOIS On Route 22 between Hall Day and Lake Zurich4 Di. The Nurserles responsible for Prlze-Winning Ga'rdens, World's Pair Horticultural Exhibits, 1933 and 1 934. lo G GARDEN 0Fý THE VA LLEY. the bud being already formed and dormant in the pip. \Vhile roots can be dug from the garden for this purpose, it is much easier and more certaiir to buy the prepared comn- merical pips, wvhîch are sold so cheap- ly and are so certain to blooin that it is har.dly Worth w~hile to dig them ini the gardeti. One month fromn potting to bloom is aIl that is required in growing cold storage pips. Yon cati corder theni at any time al %vinter, as needed. One of thenîost artistic mnethods of growing them is in bowvls of moist sphagnum rnoss. When they -are brought f rom cold storage the pre- liminary. freezing needed for1 roots dug from the garden is unnecessary. You simply plant themn and ini the course of about three weeks tlîey are in bloom. About 25 pips ini a good sized bowl, say about 7 inches across, will give a beautiful display. Plant them in moss, fiber or soif, keep shaded until well into growth and then bring to the light. They should be stored in a cool place while growth is starting and kept shaded. A pot turned over the bowl 'will furnish the shade necessary. They can be grown in souiin an or- dinary flower pot most easily of ail. Planted in November, tliev will be in flower bv Christmas, putting t1î'eni out about Thankýsgivinig time. Cold stor- age pips should be pla.nted as soon as received and they will start itito growth at once. Garden dug roots are slower and niust be left out to freeze and brought in as needed. The cold storage pip s have larger spikes and larger belîs, as they are spec- ially grown for indoor use and are THOMAS DECORATING CO.. Paintinig and Decorating 1033 MAIN STREET Wilmette 2378 We have funds available for conservative mortgages on North Shore Property ini amounts from $2,000 to $10,000. Joseph C. Cormack & Co.. PReal Estate Loans and lusurance 1569 Sherman UNI. 3353 Rose Plan ting Discussion àat Garden Cen ter 'l'lie North Shore Gardeni center wvill hiae Carl Gibson Smith for its speaker at its October 15 meeting in \\'innietka Commiiuniit-v House. He will speak at 10 :30 on ';The Planting of Roses.' Mr. Smith is considered an outstancling authority. and the rneni- bers of the center are looking forward cagcrly to hearing ,,himi. AIl October meetings of the center are arrangecl by the Ev-anston Garden clb.*Nrs. Tiiomas Eddy and MNrs. Flizabeth Reith, representing the. EN- anston Garden club, are in charge for October 15. The uisual floral ex- lhbits wvill be shown. \I rs. Montagne Ferry. the librarian, lias the new magazines on bier tale at the cetîter. Slie ill l)e assisted NI oii(laN-hv N- Irs. \V. E.. Dnrbahin. 'l'lie servlices of the center are mianv.ý, aiid gar<lcn-in(led people are coni stantîx' bcing lielped and entertained 1)v i t. Tfli center wishies it under- stood tlîat cverv one is welcomie to attend ecdi imeting, and tliat nîo charge is madle. inuch finer than thos e dug from the gardeti. Try half, a dozen plots or l)owls of Miies of the vallev this %N'inter at least. Once you hiave thiei they will lîc permanent additions hi vour winter decorations. RememberThat Bulbs .Also Require Feeding An impression is often lheld tliat I)lill)s which are newvly planted ini the faîl (Io not require plant food. It is truc that mature Iîullî have stored up food ini thcmsclves wvhicli largely sup- plies the energy for carly spring groivth, and whiich nîiiav l)c sufficient to produce a flower. But this is only- part of the story. At the timie the flawcrs is being pro- duced a large nunibler of roots are bcin- formced. Thiese roots seek in the soi] for plantfood and water whicli the\, supply to the growing lplant. If there is a deficiency of plant food, in the soi], the growth of the plant is greatly harnpcred. The production of a vigorous, perfect flowver of normal sîze and color requires this additional îiourishment taken from the sou, with- out -which the flower will certainlv suifer, and may fail entirely. Fully as importa nt as flower pro- duction is the development of well matured blubs for the following year's flowering. Bfflb plants that are neg- lected soon -become worthless. Since, bulbs start to grow s0 early in the spring, it is' difficult'to work plant food into the soil so as to get it down to the bulbs before g>wt staÉts. Lt is therefore advisable. to mix. a complete plant food thoroughly ini the bottom of the trench at the rate of two pounds per fifty feet of row before, planting the bulbs. LIDIERTY LOAN Auto CORPORATION Personal Tel. Greenleaf 1358Furniture 1569 Sherma Avenue, Evanston 4 %Tri im, ffli, >6, eue lac AaEq§5 1 1 October Il. 1934 WILMETTE L 1-P E à 1

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