October 11, 1934WIL.METTEi LIt 51 I L W.th he Ausem e nt Sekeà BIG MOMENTS- AT WILMETTE Popular Theater Offers Suspenseful Film, "Stamboul Qùest," With Myrna Loy, George Brent Plentv of big moments fe ature the spy story, *'Stamboul Quest,'.' at the Xilmette theater Fridav, October 12. Mrna Loy is, excellent, 1layiflgte comipatriot of Mata Hari. But Myrna miakes the mnistake of falling in 'love -George Brent is lie.1 Lionel Atwill is the head of the Secret Service, ivhile C. HenrY Gordon adds to his rel)Utation as the screenis best villain. 13N, popular (leniand, Bert Wheeler and Robert Xoolsey retturi to tlie \\';]mette thecater Saturdav, Octoher 13, in -Cockeved Cav-aliers,"ii hc the nma(l and imcmv comicsbulse the NMiddle .'ges- to shîow *'-vhei Knîghthood wvas ini Sour." Theinia To(dd, Doroth-v Lec anid Noalh Berrv are also featured. Tu-o sure-fire song. hits pop up amid the mnedieval mon- k evs h i nes. What promises to be one of the miost hilarious comedies of' the sea- son Iis schedule(l b)' the Vjilmette theater as the featui:e attrac- w lh e r e ia Nill appear under the ti tl1e of "The «Me rr y stor d e al1s *o~,~ a n d quarrel - * some B roniix f a m ,I .that learîs its les- Afie MacMahon son-but how! Aline MacMahon. one of the most versatile actresses of both stage and screen, has the leading role oi "M.\om" Frink. Guy Kibbee plavs Uncle Newt, who drops in on a family not overburdened with money and implants himself as a free board- er. with an extraordinary appetite. Hugh Herbert. Allen Jenkins and Helen Lowell are otliers in the cast. Here's a New John Boles John Boles will delight his many fans with a new type of characteri- zation in "Wild GoId," showing at the Wilmette theater.Mondai' and Tues- day, October 15 and 16.,-Te portrays a devilish young engineer in the g.host mining town, who makes fre- (luent trips to Reno to celebrate and get in his cups. On. one of these. he meets the charming Claire Trevor, wbo repulses him coîdly, This rebuif. however, only stirs bis determination to know the wom- an better and when she stalîs in Red Rock with a disabled car, he "fixes". the car so that.she bas to stick around for, quïte a speli. During that time. romance blossoms and flowers amid the hectic happenngs of, the reawak- ened ghost town. Pat-O'Brien Throws Mitts Warner Bros. romance of the prize ring. "The Personalitv Kid.".' cornes to the Wilmette theater Wednesday and Thursdav, October 17 andl 18, with a strong aIl star cast headed bv Pat -O'Brien, Glenda Farrell and Claire Dodd. DRUGGIST RUNS WILD Will Rop'ers plays a bilarinuç mole as a (Irun'çist on a holidayi "Handy Andv."1 PepLv Wond. Conichita Vonl- tenegmo. Marv Carlisle. Roger Imhof ai-d Robert Taylor are in tbe support- ing cast. ____-. ______i Kay F rancis and Leslie Howard in Drama at Varsity The last of the coming week shall be flrst in this previewr of Varsity at- tractions: Wednesda-y and Thursday, October 17 and 18, this theater pre- '& snts"British K ay Francis. Stakes the au- dienc(ý back to World war :~ ays ~ind gives ~ ne the im- presson of be- i n g-in "'on Kay Francis history in t.he making. The.locale is Russia at the inception of the Revolution-with the Reds, the Soviet, the WVhite Army. drawiîng Up sides. One is intensely alert during the story which unfolds with sharp clarity. Stars and sup- porting cast are excellent: photogra- phy and direction are masterlv. The picture is %velI worth one's tiîme. Friday and Saturdav, October 12 and 13, bring "The Man With Two Faces." It's a decidedly good show hecause of clear cut character draw- ing. intelligent direction and Edward G. Robinson. "The Affairs of Cellini" will be un- folded on the Varsity screen. Sundav, Mondas- and Tuesday, October 14-16. Frank «Morgan's portrayal of the Duke of Flore 'nce is a highlight in this sophisticated story about the loves of, Benvenuto Cellini (Fredric Marchi). Constance Bennett and Fay WVrav %vin laurels for their fine chiar- acterizations. Joe E. Brown Stars, at Community Theater With aIl its color, its action, its blare and heraldry, the circus will be shown on the screen of the.Winnetka Community theater where 'Joe E. .Brounn il] ap- pear in"The Circus Clown" Saturday. O c- ~ . 13. One of the greatcýst corne- dians ini the 1history of film- ~dom, who bas atally lived *:the life he de- picts, for Joe E.E. Brown was Joe . Brown, a 'circus acro- bat as a boy, Brown hasbeen given a vehicle that allows bis marked tal- ents full sway and supported» by the entire cast of the AI G Barnes circus, i COMMUNITYi Theatre Fri. and Sat. oct. 12-18 JOE. E. BROWN ln "THE CIRCUS CLOWN" Sat.Matinee 8:80 Wlnnetka Tues. aud Wed. Oct. 10-17 WYNYARD CLIVE BROOK 'LET'S TRY AGAIN" he brings to his -audience a screaming- ]y, funny comeedy replete with thrills and action. Tuesday and Wednesday, October 16 and 17, Diana Wynyard and Clive Brook are co-starre d in "Le *t's Try Again," a picture said to offer espe- cial appeal to every married person. It daringly depicts a problem which c-nfronts countless couples: that of prolonging the 'honevmoon and re- taining the romance throughout the years. MEDIEVAL MONKEYSHINES Bert Xheeler's tremolo voice and Robert Woolsev's tortoise-shelled goggles and smouldering cigar are transported back to the Middle Ages as the comic pair laugh, play and frolic with Thelma Todd and Dorothy Lee in -Cockeyed Cavaliers." RKO- Radio's broad burlesque of niedieval days. Today (Thur&.) Open Last Day Dauly Jean Muir in At "As The Earth Turus"I .1-301 P. M. Fri, Sat., Oct. 12-13 Edward G. Robinson in ,THE MAN WITH TWO FACES"§ wth Mary Astor Doors Open Saturday at 12:30 P. M. Sun., Mon., Tue&., Oct. 14-IS-16 o, CEWNI' with Frank Morgan Coming Wed. & Thurs., Ott. 17-18 Leslie Howard-Kay Franel l "EJRITISH AGENT" JOHN BOLES SCLAIRE TREVOR HARRY GREENA Weci Thurs., Oct. 17-18 pat Oi5en--GIenda Farrel PERSONALITY ]Km"9 Fri., Sat., Oct. 19-2ô Sun.., Mon., Oct. 21-22 "THE DRAGN MURDERCASEC Tues., Wed.. Oct. 23-24 "MAN àxWITHR TWvo FACES"9 COMING SOON Zasu Pitts SIim Summerville in 18THEIR BIG MOMENT" 2 1 octobe.r 1.1, 1934 Ulirir 1LE la -r-rm, y vin" Boots open' t.Bm.of..mai 1980 P..show Stit pa . Doonopen Oie.ok ])msat 0:45 p. im., show st 1:flp. 31 Bo«oe. c loues trou Nom. te ViL ut $si& p.u. Bat. and Banimys . l-et l uP. Adduts, 25o-Rhidrm, 10e Last Times Today, Thurs., Oct. Il1 Leslie Hoviard-Beffe Devis HUMAN DONDAGE'9 Aise Comedy. RKO, News Friday OnIy, Oct. 12 Myrna Loy-George Brent "ISTAMBOUL QUEST"II Aso Charlie Chase Comedy Saturday. Oct. 13 Return by Popular' Demand Wheeler and Woolsoy in "COSCKEYED Sat. Mat. OnIy--Ckapfer 3 "DBURN MUNUP Sunday, Oct. 14 Aline MacMahon-Guy Kibbee Mon., Tues., Oct.. 15-16