Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Oct 1934, p. 53

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surprse b argisnued househol urnishings, __SITUATION WANTrED-M~ALE CARE 0-F 'FURNAC'E BY EXPERI- ENCED MAN. MANUR~E FOR SALE. WINNETKA 1813. SITUATION M7ANTED AS CHAUF- feur, capable and experienve<1 willing to do bouse and garden.work as welî. Albert Van Meter. Phone Winnetka 3084. ___________lt23-Itp Garclen and H1ouscwork WANTED BY EXP. NIAN BY DAY or hour. Phone Winnetkça 1552. 6!tl,23-1 ti EXPEIIIENCEH AR)N AND bousemnan desires position, all-around joli. ('an <drive car. A-I N. S.5 ffs Single. Northbrtook 200-Il-I. 69LTN23-I tii EXPEII. AR NR WANT'S WOIIK transpianIting tîowers and shrubs. N. S. refs. P'hone ffilmtette 3073. EXI '%IMAN WtSiiES POSITION AS gardene-r, tree trimmer and aIl around bouse man. Good references. P'hone SET. WTD.-MALE AND FEMALE FRED'S EMPL. AGFENCYi Highland Park Over aguîs Now ava ilallo S rsi cl1ass c ,oks wi th 3 t 161 %ears at last positions. $18S to $20. I Notm% egia n nmaie co ok $75 4 nursenxîids $S to $12 1 S!otc-h c'>uple, 2(11 yrs. on North Shore. 1 I anish couple', wman A-I cook. 3expei t ardltenes andI 2 VtIi(iCit -amI H. EI. Alsîîp (;hnco* 16î 701,IN23-Itc IN EX PERIE-N C ED 'H E 1,P IS NOT EýCONOMICl(AL OR A COMFORT IN Y01-711 HOMNE. Wù, have available A-i gen. rnaids, cooks and couples. Pauiline&s Emp. Agency 4th and Linden, Wilmette, OPP. "L" Tfer. 701,TN23ý-I t< GEN. SWEI)ISH <ZCt0 U P ÉLE GEF-N. Sxedish girl, bomne nights; gen. nurs- ing, colored woman. No charge to emi- ployer. Ail nationalitie..Johmson's EmpI. Agey., 1428 Wilmnetté Ave., XViI- mette 4144. 70L'N23-ltp EXIP. WHITÈ COUPLE - HiSBAND, chauffeur and general all-amound nman. Xife, general housewomk, gond cook. Gond ref. phone Winnetka 1924. EXPERZIEN( EI SWEI ISH (OUPIE wants m.ork ini sniaill bouse». V\ery rea- sonable. Winnetka 1 2:15. 701LT23-1 ti HELP WANrTED-FEMALE Paul in e's-\Vilm ette Expreienced dmniestic hell) wanted. R-E<(I;TTR NOW NO REG,(,ISTR.ATTON FEE G en. na id.s, seconds, cooks, co(up)le. Pauline's En«ip). Agency 4th aind Linden, Wilmiette, 01)p. *'la" Ter. 71ITN23-]t'* COMPETENT WHITE HELP WANTED) witb gond references. Apply in person. ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 663 Vernon.Ave. Glencoe 251 71LTN13-tfc EXPEIIz. GIRL. OVERÏi 20 FO~R GEN. houFework m d cooking. FarnilY of i.. In Indi;în 11i11 ectin. Write A-199, Box 40. Wilie-tto. lt.' 71LTN23-Ite WPVIlTE, REWINED NURSE GIRL FOR 1 hildroýnnes four and six. 'Morning.; <mlvy. 2q9 EIder lane, Winnetka. Tele- phone W"'-a712. 7LTN2-tp C'OOK. F4ELI' WITH LAUNDRY'ANI) geollwork.- Gond experience and references.,. Phone Winnetka 651. 71 LTN23-ltp GENERAL HOUSEWORKER, INEX-. . perienced white ;girl willinig to Iearn., Phono, Winnietka 2881. 71L23-ltp WH ITE (iIRH TO HELP WITH HSWK., an(] cn-t- of 1 child. Stay nigbts. $5. Phono Winno-tka 2604. . 7123-tr> EXPER. WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL ho-usework afternoon until after diii- ner. Phone Winnetka 2037. 71T,23-Iti) WH.I.E. GIRL. TO0HELP WITH 1HOUSE- w.ork and care of baby. Wages $5. Cal Wilmette 3755. 711,23 - ti WHITE GIRL EXPEI-,tiN(,P, ) WITH ch jîdren for* general housework. Small ramily. Phone Glencoe 1087. 71LTN23-ltl) HELP WAN!rED-MALE AND FEMALE EXPER. COUPLE, %TAN TO DO GAR-I dening. some cbauffeuring and insid ci work. Woman for gen. work, cooklng, etc. 3 children in famnily. Write A-19iî, Box 40, Wilmette, III. 73T21t HELP WANTED-MALE AND FEMALE _____FO ENT-ROOcMâ WANT ED: REPRESEN9$ATIVE TO UNUSUALLY LARGE, NEWLY FURN.. look after our magazine subscription front rooni on quiet corner; twin beds,. interests in Wilmetteand vicinity. Our Simmons springs and mattresses. .$8; plan enable.ý yo.u to secure a good part of per week. Or smailer room, $5. Either' the. hundreds of dollars spent in this one suitable for 1 or 2 adults. 3 blks. to viinity eaeh faîl and winter for maga- transp. Gar. available. Winnetka 1894. zines. Oldest. agenicy in U. S. Guaran- ____ ___ 2L23-ltp teed lovVest rates on ail periodicals, PL1-100M.ou~ WITH RADIO dlomestic and foreign. Instructions and overlooking gardeni. East side. Near equii)nent free. Start a. growing and transi). Ligbt housýekeep)ing or board. permnanent business in whole or spare if desired. Phone Wilmette 1253. tilme. Address MOORE-COTTRELL, 82LTN23-î <c Ilie., Waylan 1 Roai, North Cohocton, N.Y. 73L23-tp >OM ESTIC HELP WANTED M\ust Have Good References (;euîeral nîaids .. - ... ... 8$1 Cook and Genr-ral..... ......... $1241 IS Couplfes . $75-$125 S-HAYEPO MN AGENCY 109 E. Oak st. 14 W. 'Washington St. Superic-r 6608 Central 980(1 73LTN23-1 fi- FOR SALE-AUTOS (HVRLET,1 93.3, 4-DOOR MASTER sedan. Tan. 5 red xire wheels. Finish. uplholstering. niechanicalîr like new. Cost $800 M1ust sedi. Need $400 cash. WVilmetteý 16!j2 or Monroe 0570. 77LTN23-1 tt DODGE SPORT PHAETON, FENDER weîls, Lorraine spot lite, many extras. Must sacrifice. $165. Glencoe 376. 77L23-ltp FORD) DELUXE CABRIOLET. LATE '32. Fine tcondition. Private owrier rnust sacrifice. Can arrange ternis. Phone M.Barbee, ('reenleaf 5500. 77LTN23-ltlp FOR SALE-PI2,1 FORD COUPE AND> ('ord (earioIet. Phone Wilmette 4397. 47LTN2?-lt- FOR RENT-ROOM8 BRGIT.PLEASANT FURNISHED rooni, three bloeks to Elrn St., Win- nletleîý, sattions. With prîvate- farnily. Goo)td location. Phone Wilnette 41. 82LTN23-ltn) ATTRACTIVE FUR'NISI{ED ROOM including fireplace and las'. Central location. Phone Wilmette 239.9 or 2427. 82LTN22-4tp 2 RoOOMS, ONE LARGE. WITH DOU- ble bed; -other single. Business people preferred. 529 Eider lane. Winnetka 258. 82LTN21-2tp ROOM ,-IFOp-RRE-NT-WITH HOME privileges. Reasonable. Prefer refined womnan. Caîl Eves, Sat., Sun. Win- netka 50q-.. 2L23-Itp LýAR(;E LGHT WARM ROO'MS. HOT water always. Private front entrance. Close to transi). and schls. Phone Win- nKtka 2SS. f82L23-ltp) SUNNY AND COMFORTABLE SINGLE roorn. reasonable. Close to schls. and transi). Phone Winnetka 3558. 821,23-ltl) r TO PLACE WANt-ADS SUNNY,, CLEAN R-NS. ONE FRONT. Both large, suitable fori- or 2. Private bath optional. Winnetka 2669i. 82LTN23-ltp LAIMOE, 1LEASAN'i, FRONT ROOMI suitatile for 1 or 2 ernployed persons, in a sýmall aduit fanuily. Reasonable. Wilnîette 3206. 82LTN23-itpl- LARGE FRONT ROO-N. ALSO AD- joining roorn and kitchen if desired. East side Wilinette. Ph. Wilnxette 965-R between 1 and 7. 82LTN23-ltc 1 011 2 PLEASANT ROOMIS NICELY furnisbed. Private famiiY. Near trans- portation. Ph. Wilnîette 4254. 82LTN23-ltp I>LEASA'NT SLEEPING ROOM, $2.50 week for one. Private home on East side. Near transp. 1009 Oakwood Ave. Phone Wilmette 824-J. 82LTN23-ltp iîURNISHED LARGE FRONT ROO'M with closet. H. W. heat. Near transp. Gentleman preferred. Ph. Glencoe 331. 82LTX23-ltli ROOM FOR RENT BY LADY IN OWN 4 room apt. Home .rivileges. Near transp. Lady emnployed pref. Phone Wilmette 2419. 82LTN23-ltp SINGLE ROOM OR SUITE WITH slpg. îiorch and private bath. Gar. Hskpg. if desîred or will share my home. M1 Forest Ave., Wilm-ette. 82LTN23-ltp LOVELY LARIGE ROOM FORý 1 OR 2; close to Eim St. station. 554 Arbor Vitae Rd., Winnetka. 82L23-tp DESIRABLE ROOM FOR 2. BOARD IF wanted. Nicely located. Near transp. Phone Winnetka 3389. 82L23Itp COMFORTABLE ROOM FOR TWO. 3 East and South windows. Near "L." Phone Wilmuette 337à7. 82LTN23-ltp 1>.0-,% WITH ADJOINING PRIVATE bath. Fine East side location. Near transp. Phone Wilmette 1644. 82L23-ltc FOR RENT - FURNISHED ROOM with board and laundry. 1526 Central 1Ave. Phone Wilmette 4944. 82LTN23-1tiP LOVELY LARGE ROOM FOR 1 OR 2. Close to Elm St. station. 554 Arbor Vitae Rd., Winnetka. 82LTN23-ltp WANTED TO RENT-ROOME LADY CON.%VALESCING FROM HIP injury desires for- self and nur.se, ground floor rooni or~ apartmnt with baýth. Also kitcben priv.' Phone (lIen- <<..1(187. 83LTlN23-Itl> There's a world of savings in a 4-mTIME *AND RESULTS, too! It is a fact ts consistent advertising pays greater dividends thon random, one-time shots. To make i t worth white to advertise for fo ur weeks in WiLmETTB LIFE, WINNETrKA TALK and' GLENoGE NEw, we are. adding. te our regular 20%. discount an additional 10% on four time Want-Ads. That means a real savingt. .WILMETrE LIFE, WINNE'rKA TALK and GLENCOE Nrws are read in* nearly every home en the north shore and reach every logical prospect for your Want-Ad. PHONE WLLMETTE 4300 ask, for Ad-Taker BOARD AND IROOM KENILWORT.-IINN off.. rs you clean, homelik3 roins, suite:ý a ih bath. Excellent meals. Reason- able. 315 Cumnor Rd., Kenlworth 5491. 86LTN23-1tc FOR RENT-APARTMENTS October 11, 1934 THE LINDEN MANOR HUBBARLD WOODS 4-5 Room apartments; tule bath, re- f rlg., roll-a-way bed. Reau. prices. FRANK A. REID 954 Linden, Hubbard Woods Winn. 1308 .92LTNÎ-tte ONE 0F THE LOVELIEST 4 ROOM apt., in the> Linden Creat Building. Available now. Ail large outaide roome. KROLL & SMITH AGENTS 424 Linden Ave. Wilmette 500 92LTN21-tfc VERYý ATTRACTIVE UNFURNISHED apartments, 3 and 4 rooms. Humphrey Bldg., Winnetka. Also well located office. Phone Winnetka 97 or Winnetka. 3328. 92LTN4-tfe LARGE 3 ROOM FLAT, HIEATED, near transp., good location. $25 month. 942 Glencoe Rd. Phone Glencoe 1328. 92L23-Itp FOR RENT-5 ROOM FLAT, 1ST FLR.. 1715 Elmwood Ave., Wil. Hot water ht. $35. Phone Wilmette 337. 92LTN23-ltp 12225 FARWELL, CHICAGO - 2ND. 6 rooms, H. W. ht., 1 bath, Frig., lovely garden. Near lake, "1;' and Sheridan Rd. Only $50.. 92LTN'I23-Itp 4 RM. APT., GAS RANGE, ELECTRIC refrigeration. 733 Elm St., Winnetka. Phone Winnetka 943. 92LTN23-ltp FOR RENT-FURNIUHED APTEB. MODERN 1 TO 4 ROOM FURNISHED or uturn. apartment, newly dec- orated. Central location. Reasonable. Phone Wilmnette 2399 or 2427. 93LTN22-4tp 4-ROOM APT. OVER PRIVATE GA- rage, with stali for car. $50 per'month. Phone Winnetka 353. 93L23-Itp WANTED TO RENT-APARtTMENTU WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED COUPLE -3 rooms furn., or unfurn. apt., heated. Phone Wilmette 3460. 94LTN23-Itc FOR RENT-HffOUSEs NORTH SHORE FINE HOMES« For Rent and For Sale ALL SIZES AND PRICES SEE UND9'R HOUSES FOR SALE' BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. OPEN EVENINGS 522 Davis St., Evanston Gi-eenleaf .185.5 Hollycourt 185;5 523 Park Drive, Xenilworth Kenilworth 4785 Rogers Park 6151 1346 Park Avenue, Giencoe Glencoe 1554 Briargate 1855 97LTN23-ltc 8 rnws., 3 bs., slpg. pch., 2 c. g_ ...$115 7 rins.. 3 bs., IH. W. H., 2 c. g........ 110 7 rnis., 2 bs.1 sun pch., 2 e. 9g........ .75 6 rins., 1I . ex. t.-el., (oil), 1 c. g75 7 1-11. 2 bs., Il. W. H., 2 c. g ....... 70 6 rni.s., 1 b., H. W. H., 1 c. g....... 60 6 rnis., 1 b.., ,;Ipg. pcb., H. W. H., C. 9. ........................40 5 rins. 1 b., lst tir. duplex, 1 c. g. .. 0 4 rmsI b., lst tir. duplex, 1 c. g. .. . $30 Other good values furni. or unfurn. B. H. BARNETT. 526 Center St. Winnetka 965 97LTN23-1 t, $50 1603 LAKE AVE., WILMETTE 6 mooins, 1 bath, 1-car garage. Con- Yenient to schools and: transportation. HElINSEN REALTY, INC. 660 Center St. <W.R.R.Ave.) Winn. 254 97LTN23-ltp MODERN BRICK HOME, IN FINE East aide location In Giencoe. 5 bed- roomel, 3%, baths, oil ht., refrig. Wood- ed lot. Anixious to rent as enid of season. The Bis Realty, 718 Vernon Ave. Phone (ilencoe 777, 97L23-ltp 6 RM. HOUSE-H. W. HEAT. IN WIL- mette, near achools. $35 month. Phone University 9212 or Wilmette 2960. _________________97LTN2-ltp 5-Room~ BUNGALOW IN NORTH- field.' Furnace heat. Giazed front porch. Garage. Phone Wlnnetka, 797. 97LTN22-4tp UNFURN. OR FURN., 7 RM. HOUSE. Newly decor. H. W. heat; gas heater if desired. $75. Owner 110 Fifth St. 97LTN23e-1tp WILMETTE LIFE

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