Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Oct 1934, p. 54

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54 WILMETTE LIFIE NORTH SHORE, RENTAL BARGAINS Brick and stone, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and extra lavatory, H. W. heatt....... $90 Bricke 3 edrooms, 1 bath and extra lavaýtory,bH. W. heat, 2-car gar. .'$85 Stone and Timber,' 4 bedrooms, 3 baths' and extra lavatory, .2-car garage .$100 Prame Colonial, 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2-* car garage, sleeping porch. ..$125 Modern English, 5 bedrooms, 2 baths,' sleeping porch ...........$125 R. B. WTHITAKIER CO. 841 Elmn St. . Phone 3250 WINNETKA Open Week Days 9 t 9* For Sale or For. Reiit WIL METTE 1000 Chestnut St. Lorely 9 nm., 3 bath homne. Must sacrifice. GLENCOE 1053. Skoicie Ridge Drive. At- tractive White Georgian Colonial, 9 rms., 4 baths. HIGHLAND PARK 2368 N. Deere Park Drive. Beaut.. Eng. 8 rm., 3 bath homne. Lake privileges. Outstanding bargain. ASK TO SEE OUR PREFERRED PROPERTIES-A WIDE SELEC- TION-ALL SIZES AND PRICES- EVAINSTON TO WAUKEGAN. I .AM MOVING EASfl AND WILL SELL MY ATTRACT. N" Eng. brick hse., for $1,000 over lst in 8 Ige. rnis., 2 tile bs. and lav. Libr. E refrig., new stove. Splendid.kitchen lu ventilating fant. 0u for -heat and dome water. Srd fir. can be finished. 2- gar. with overhead doors.* Lge. wooc lot. 15ryear imtge. Price 16,000. Greenleat' 8885 or Winnetka 3603. 111LTN23- WE CAS NOW OFFER FOR* L] than the original lst mortgage, tractive .8 rm., brick Colonial home, well landscaped wooded lot. Near tra l)ortation and lake. Inspection and pi I~R ~XfRNERn c.SMART & GOLEE, imc. & WANmc 1564 Sherman Are. Universitv 0283 Rentai Reductions LEDERSHIP SINCE 185511LN3-i 522 Davis Street, Evanston ___________________________ for Late Seasoni Greenleaf 1855 HoIlYcourt 1855- WANTED TrO*U-Y-HOUSEs- N E.WINN.. ATTRACTIVELY RE- 523 Park Dr-ive, Kenilworth miodeled 9 rms., 3. baths, H. W . ht. Kenilworth 4785 Rogers Park 6151. WANT HOUSE IN WINNETKA OR Lare ar an gr.Reuce t $0.346 Park Avenue, Glencoe Kenilworth-7 or 8 rms., or 6 large rnis.;- 2 Lg KSad ad r. RdceLMd o $90 Glencoe 1554 Briargate 1855 modemn; east side preferred. Will con- 2bick rS.,FROMlebaSC H. MODERN îTîLTN23-îtc sider Indian 1Hl1 section. Prefer $12.(00 2-car att. gar. Reduced to $70. o$60.Lityuhus FWanr Mrs.Fullr & Vm. ickad ANSACRIFICE State 5111 or Kenilworth 5 11 3-t Mrs.Fuler Wm Pikar ANENGLISH BRICK IRES. CONTAIN- WANTED KENILWORTH- HOME 0F 746 Eui St. Winnetka 3603 ing living, dining and recreation ronînsý-, 4 or 5 bedrooms convenient to Kenil- 97LTN23-1 [c den,, kitchen, lavatory, four l.edrooni.-, worth sehool. Not ov%,er $25.000. Might and two bathis, with attached do(ublec consider -simila9r home in the country \VINNETKA HOME garage and deck above. Brick and Lime- within easy driving distance of the ATTRACTIVE BR (I 1< COLONIAl. stone with Slate-proof, copper gutters ;;hore. Write A-198, Box 40, Wilmette, oil ht., 2 tile bath-, I withi shower stall and downspouts, Roekwool insulation, 11LN2-t adjoining Master bedrnt, liv. rn. 15x28. steel casement windows with violet ray 13T2-t Large lot. 2-car gar. Exceptional offer glass and roll sereens, vapor (ol> heat Wi il Buy I-buses for Cash ing at $115. with concealed radiation. A thirtv thousand dollar house must now be solà WE WANT SEVERAL HOUSES ON R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. for $16,000. Ask for Mm. Peistor. NrhSoe iedsrpin oa 340 Liinden Ave. IVilmiette 441 TH E BILLS REALTY, Inc. Davis St., Suite 405, Evanston. Phone1 9L 23tî 529 DAVIS ST.. EVANSTON Greenleaf 1606. 113LTN23-lte E. WINNETKA-MODEIIN GEORGIAN Gre. 1166 Wilmette 3740 WATDBI-HM NKNL Colnia. 4bdrs.,3 bths 2-ar ar.I1LTN23-Itc Worth, East side, 4 bdnms., 2 baths,1 per o. Cîl Ms. Mad.Will pay cash. Must l)e bargain. Write; per ht. Clsetoschooisad tas.$7 7 RM., 2% RA. COL. HOUSE ON 80 FT.A.-197, Box 40, Wilmnette, 111.1 THE REALTY, ~ ravine 1,. 211 Franklin Rel., Glencoe.13T2.t HEBILLS E L Y Inc. Cost $29,000. New owner selîs for $14,000. ___________________ 529 Davis St, Evanston Gre. 1166 Wilmnette 3740 $13.000 CASH-$15,000 TERMS-BUYS ACREA GEAND ESTATES n. mdem brik huse97LTN23-lte 10 rm., 3 ba. house 607 Willow Rd., B R If~l~ 6 rin.moder brick ....e....... -$40 Wlnn. H. W. ht. Lge. slpg. porch, deep BARRNGT N E TAT 8 rn. house, garage, "transp ........ $60 lot. Inside shows former $27.000 Value. THIS 15 Ti-TE KIND 0F COUNTRY 6 rii. eatd ap., ecoated......$45home about which you have drearn.ýd. 6 mii hate ait. dcoatd........9 MODERN HOUSEs IN WIL., KENIL. Located on a high hill between two C. H. BRETHOLD VVil. 65 and WINN. for sale. at market prices. lakes, you look over the hilly and wooded 97LN4'3-ll)These attractive properties will be sold -ountry for miles around. The house is ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 97L N23 ltp or traded for choice am aller 7 or 8 rm . the type best adapted foi- country livinir FOR RENT OR1 SALE-31/2 RM. BUN- hses. or vacent in Shore Towns. -white franie, Early Amnerican. ît con- galow, glazed porch. 530 Exmoor Rd., tains' ail the essentials of a modern Kenilwürth. APPlY 626 Wayland Ave., P. WANNER, EXCL. AGT., 19 S. LaSalle. home-large living rooni, panelleiJ Il- Kenilworth. Caîl Kenilworth 3425. State 5111 or Kenilworth 5111. brairy, 4 famiiy bedroomns With 2 bath, 97LTN23-1 te ________ 1L 23-ltp rans rooni and bath, oillht. -Fes 6 ROOllS $60 otge Wilniette house cose to schools and AMONG THE TREES UWNER WILL SELL OR EXCIIANGE f, transi)., oil heat, garage, stove. Fee Ti euiu om fEgihdsg OR WINNETKA OR KENILWORTH FlodeW'cte 08r7L*2-Thi euiu am fEnls ein HOME Flod Wlnete.60. 7LN2-Ieýat 299 Vernon Avenue, Glencoe is an \TTHOME.LTn hg SM'%ALL COTTAGE, GARAGE AT- outstanding purchase. 10 room.is, 3 battis, QUINLAN & TYIISUN, Iflc. tached. Adults only. 1211 '23rd St., library, powder-room, master bedroonii 1571 Sherman Ave., Evanston 9.niv. 9600 Wîlmette. Phone Glenview 106-MI $16 23 ft. long and eolored-tile bath with T month. 97LTN23-ltp separate shower staîl. Ship's cabin 12LN3lc ' FOR RENT $35. 5 ROOM HOME. MOD- bedrooni with built-in bunk for boy's REAL, ESTATE i ern. Possession now. F. Pavlik, Jr., bedroorn. Artisticaîîy decorated and FOR SAL-2 WOODED LOTS IN DE-c 1332 Forest Ave., Wilmette. 97LTN23-ltp ready for oecupancy. Open for insp>ec- sira.ble nelghborhood. One with par- 6 ROOMS STEAM HEATED ON SCOTT tion by appointment. tially finished residence. l6th and in'- Ave. Rent reasonable. Phone Glencoe OWNER WILL RENT bella, Wllmette. Winnetka Building and 498. __ 97L23-ltp) QUINLAN & TYSON, mnc. Loan, Winnetka 1387. 127LTN22-2tp FOR RENT-FURNISHED HOUSES 1571 Sherman Avenue. Unir. 2600 j;jA R EA-L ESTATE -LOA N S CéHOICÎE _WI NN ETËkA HOM E BEÈAU. 11LTN23-lte __ TI furnîshed, 4 miaster bdrnms., 3 iaths, STUCCO HOIJSE-.1226 MAPLE AVE.., Ve Desire Application TE .servant and chauffeur quarters, oil ht. 1 inet 6rs., enclosed sun porch, FOR FIRST MORTG'AGES IN AMOUNT Fi 3-car gar. Acre of grotind. Investnient sleeping porch. 1Ail rnis. heated. H. W. $2.500 to $10.000 on North Shore resi1- over $100,000. Will rent 6 ino. or longer lit. Separate Pittsburgh Hot Water dences, Eranston to Lake Forest. We seý at $150 per mo. Caîl Mrs. Wakeman. heater. Tule bath and shower. Shower 1,are funds available for imimediate coni- THE BILLS REALTY, mnc. toilet and laundrY in basement. Oak mitments. S29 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON condition and up to-ate lots50l7O; McGUIRE & ORR Greeneaf 136,Wilmette 3740 2-car gar.; paved alley; fine lawn, trees, .Over 40 Years of Deliendable Service ____________________98LTN23-ltc shrubs, fiowers, etc.; ail taxes; paid; 530 Davis St,. Greenleaf .1080- NOV. IST TO MAY 1ST-8 ROO ready to more in. Price $9,500. Titie 17-T2-t fui-i. house. 3 baths, oil steain ht. guaranteed; have a $12,000. owners' 2ALN2-t 2-car gai-. APplY 714 Central Ave., WVil. policy froni C. T. & T. Co. See owner. First Mlortgage Loans $ or.îhoîîe Wilinette 1790. 98LTN23-ltc 1537 Washington Ave., >Wilmette, orw phone Wilmnett.1994. 111LTN23-4te $2,500-$20ff000 FOR RENT-SORES AND OFFICE$ AMORTIZED OVER A PERIOD 0F m£ BARBIER SHOP IN FINE HIGH CLASS Owner. Vill Sacrifice yvears with easy lamns Prompt ife service at a lowv cost. Full information building in business section. Near ATTRACTIVE, 7 RM. E. KEN. HMgiron bY ralling oir lban department. transp. 2 chairs and other modemn on' well. Wooded 75 ft. lot; 2-cfr gai-. equipment. Kroll & Smith, Agents, 424 A real'bargain at $10,500.SM R & O E ,Ic Linden Ave. Phone Wîlmette 500 MILTON E. REID CO.164ShmaTAv&. G niersiyc02 14LTN2I-tfc 601 Lake Are. 1imct,- 77112A.LN3lt FOR SALE-HOUSEB - _________RG m'sesZ__ cINTA AGi N.OPEiN FFOR ORU EH UEHOLD OODS W 1 AM MOVTNG TO- CALIFORNIA, iflsp)t't. 'Il to 6. Sunday, 419 Chestnut FINE 8-PIECE WALNUT DINING -iA want a quick sale on my charming Col. St. 6 rnis. fra0ie. $4,5601 reasonable rooni set, A.B. Chuepin. ahan house on which I spared no cost in bldg.ti. twin beds. Haviland China set. Must 6 Ie.rohis 2supalor, lj. pr~, rdB. H.BARNETT sélI. Phone Wilimette, 413, 1121 Ashland A-] fioom' could be finished If desired. Cabots- AeWlet.19T2-t Quilt insulation. $75 year to heat enti'e -526 t'enter St. Winnetka 965 BAe.,Wil ete. 129LR TAB3LE, hous. Est sde.Nea scholsandIllLN23ltp show case, satin chair, sideboard. transi)- $8.000 mtge., for 15 yrs. Price -,(jiTH AST WINNETKA. TCOVr ha.Pon inta14,21M $10,500. Phone Winnetka 3722. . residence containing 5 bedrms., and ('hrched., n Winnetka 14412ltpMa 1__________ lLTN23-ltc -1 baths, modern in every respect, ol, 011R. inek. 1923lPal CHOICE SMALL HOM1ýE_ ON- THE hea1t. 2-car gar. Taken over on a fore- WALNUT SIDEBOARD, GLASS CAB- lake. Modern English brick ani stone, closure. Offered at mortgage plus taxes mnet, and dining room chairs. 1274 - bdimnis., 2 baths, ex. bav., oil ht. 2-ca $111700. Ask for, ýMr.MLaughlin. Tower Rd., Winnetka. Phone Wnek att. gar. Attractive privée for immmcd- The PBills Rvalty, hIe., 718 'Ver'non Ave 1,559.1 129L23-ltp 1 ,late sale or 2-year lease. Caîl Mrs. Mead. GIeýncoe_77-c- 1I1LTN23-lte FOR SALE - UPRIGHT P-ÎL-AYER Ne THE ILL REA TYmc.FlA ME COTTAGE, WOODED LOT Piano ln good condition; with bench we( THE- BLLS R ALTYInc. 140xl3O, 4 rnis. and bath, only $4.000. $2. CalliWilmtte 5015 29LTN23.îtp thei 529 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON Ask foiMir. Tucker. The Bills Realty, ýELEC RIC SEWING MACff?<eË-LTKEX frte. 1166 Wilnmette 3740 hue. 718 Vernon Ave. Glencoe. 777. new, wonderful bargain. Phone Wi"N-1j 111LTN23-ltc 111LTN23-lte netka '3138. 129L23-ltp, WOt rEw rntg. With ýstie -car )ded ECall ý-tc at- on flj-*fth~h,. il 102A a., *t~-V F hg T Cý ln rE FI ce '.A 1 M ei e( eý X FOR *ALE--HOUB» FOR SALa-mouscNOLD O*ODU DAVENPORT AND CHAIRS. $20.ý BED- room. sulte--bed, dresser, vanity, chair, tmah., $35. 2 steel beda, wlre aprlng, mattress, brown, $10. End table, $2. Dytable , $5. 1 smoker, maýh, $3. 1 dresser, $6. 1 chest, $5. Breakfast suite -4, chairs with leather seats, green andý red, $15. Baby bed and Iiigh chair,' $5. Mah.. chair, $15. 2 lamps, $2. 9±12 rug, $7. 6x8 rug, $3. Sewing machine, $6. 720 Elmf St., Winnetka 2480. 1L29LTN23-ltp MAH. LIV. RM.TABLE $5, WALNUT dressing table with triple mirror $7.50, niah. bookcase with glass doors $5, spring and tuftless mattresa for double bed $5, draperies, bed spread, all excellent condition. Glencoe 362. 129LTN23-ltp MAH. TEA WAGON $12.50; MAil. standard lamp $7.95; $100. Rome heater (4 rooms) $25; Wilcox & Gibbs sewing machine $6; Eureka, cleaner $5; mise. articles. Winnetka 2067. 129LTN23-ltp BLOCKED LINEN DRAPES, CUR- tains, love seat, uph. chair, maid's uniforms and aprons, butler's coats, etc. 1096 Laurel Ave., Winnetka. 129LTN23-ltp COALa HEATING STOVE, PRESERV- ing jars, andirons, oil paintings, orien- tal rugs, costumer, desk, clocks, chairs, leather couch, mise, articles. 622 Forest Ave., Wilmette. -1-29LTN23-1tp DÎI NIN G ROO 0M FURNITURE, 14 chairs, 54-inch round table, buffet, and serving table. English oak. Charles Il design. Winnetka 2610. 129LTN2 3-ltc PýANTEDDOýUBLE kB-ED, SPRINGS,- dresser, chair and table, occasional tables, Iamps. Very reasonable. Phone Wilmette 2576. . 129LTN23-ltc DAVENPORT $5, BED -AND spRING, $4, study desk $2, consçole:.victrola $3, 3 reed chairs $1.50 each. Phone Wil- mette 2682. 129LTN23-Itlp 'GE. THOR WASHEII AND IRONER, also Airway vacuum c leaneî'. Cheap for cash. Phone C reenleaf 4646. z ['11O1ZWAS1IIN; AHNE ;o condition,' $15. 515 Eliuwood Ave., Ev- anston, 111. .129LTN23-ltl> WTD. TO BUY-HSEHOLD. GOODU WANTED 1IMMEDIATELY-L~ARGE THOR MANGLE of late model. Ph. Winnetka 738. 130LT23-ltp FOR UALEM11CELLANOU FOR SALE CHEAP-LATEST TÏYPE neyer used American Radiator oul runace wvith heat control devices, eight iections, suitable for large or srnall loe. Tel. Glencoe 1468. 131LTN23-tý) For sale- ARABIAN STALLION rhrugbe desert strain. 3, yrs. old. 7an. be seen any time by calling WVil- nette 4548. 131LTN23-ltc Encyclopedia Brittanica n excellent condition. Fifteen dollars. Telephone Winnetka 1803. 131LTN23-ltp AND SAW, WACO RED JACKET 12-inch. Hammond Multiplex Folding .pewriter. Good condition. Bargains ,l. W nn. 462. 131123-1p iIRST HALF TUES. SERTES CHI- cago Symphony tickets, balcony aisle eat. $6. 1017 Eimwood Ave., Wilmette. 131LTN23-ltp ;IRL'S BCCE AMtERICAN FLY- er, nearly new. Will selI for $1'6. Phone rencoe 1694. 131LT23-ltp WT. OuUY-MISCELLANEOUS $HIGHEsT PRICES $ $ VILL BUY MEN'S OLD CLOTHES, shoes. Also fur: coats. Rellable. rany years in Eranston. Prompt serr- 4. Siegel.. Greenl eaf 9495 132LTN22-2tp Goldman-junk Dealer Highest prices pald.for junk. Ilmette 5417 Wlnnetka 3720 132,1'2imtfEp IRu S Em D OPERA GLASSES, must be -of the best rnake and In ýod condition. State price. Write -196, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. 132LTN23-ltp Wanted to buv--- MAN'S BICYCjýE. ust be in good condition and reason- e. Winnetka 3709. Mm. Freeman. 132LTN23-2tp) vlrs. Marie Kerns and, Miss Ida cwport of Seneca, Ill., left Iast ,ek after a two weeks' visit with jir brother's famnily, the J. Herbert ! v p or ts, 5 20 A b o t f o d o a , e n l - October 11 19.14 q

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