Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Oct 1934, p. 55

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WILMETTE Former Kenilworth Girl Will Be Bride Saturday Mliss Nonaý Ritg Cassin, daughter of Mrs, 'Edward Cassin and the late Mr.ý Cassin of 3260 Lake Shore drive, Chicago, formerly of Kenilworth, will be married, this comiing' Saturday mornling to Robert J. Meehan, son of Mrs. James Meehan of Chicago. The ceremony will take place at 10 o'clock Mass at Mount C armel church and, will be followed by a wveddang breakfast at the Edgewater Beach hotel. Miss Cassin will have ber sister, Mrs. Milton Mazurek of Oak Park attend lier as matron of honor, and the groom's sister, Miss liiez Meehan, as bridesma id. Tiie groomis brother, Ldward NMeehan, %vilI serve as best man, and another brother, John Meçhan, the bride's brother-in-law~, Milton M1azurek, and XiII Jones will uslier. The bride's brother, J ohn Cassin, wilI give his sister ni Inarriage. Aiter a lioneymoon by motor through the east Mr. Meehan and his bride will make their home in Chi- cago. The bride has beeti widely enter- tained' at a number of pre-nuptial parties recently. On Tuesday of last week Miss Alice Albrecht of Chicago entertained at a lingerie shower; on Fridav Miss Florence Spagat of Chi- cago was hostess at a luncheon and miscellaneous shower; last Sunday afternoon the bride's sister, Mrs. Mitn Mazurek, entertained- at tea fromn 3 o'clock until 6 at her home in Oak Park. The same evening Mr. an(! Mrs. XVill Jones of Crvstal Lake entertained for both the bride and groom-to-be. On Tuesday evening, October 9, Miss Betty Morse was hostess at a hosiery shower; on \Ved- nesday Mrs. James Mloran of Chicago entertained at a luncheon and kitchen shover. and today Mrs. Robert Cor- modv ill- be hostess at a tea and cocktail accessory shower at the Illi- nois .\thletiç club. AT INAUGURATION Supt. M. P. Gaff ney of New Trier High school and Miss Elizabeth E. Packer, dean of girls and assistant superiaitendent, attended the inaugur- atiîon o Gordon Keith Chalmers as the. ne%% president of Rockford collcge Wednesday of this week. Mrs. Burt Crowe, 234 Raleigh road, Keniil%%orthi, and her daughter Mrs. Laurence J. Knott and lier two chil- dren. of Rye, N. Y., returned Tucs- day, miotoring from Owasso, Mi'ch., where they had spent a week visit- ing Mr. Crowe's mother. Mrs. Crowe is entertaining a bridge foursome at lunicheon today. _-o- Mr. and Mrs. Percy Eckhart, 206 Cumorerlanid avenue, i\.emlwvorth, are returning home !Friday f rom a six weeks' visit at the Lake Placid club in New York. They are motoritl,., back on the Canadian side. 0o Mr. and M rs. Robert Tarrant and family, 1250 Chestnut avenue, have re- turned f rom their summer home at Lake Geneva.. Mr. and Mrs. Tarrant left Wednesday on a't en-day motor trip tu Detroit, Toronto, and Montreal. Mr. and Mrs., Bently McCloud, 338 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, re- turned Monday from a visit to Ports- mouth and Elm Farm, Ohio, and Ash- land, Kv., where they spent the week- end. -o-- Mrs. Edward C. Hildreth of 2006 Beechwood avenue is returning the end of the week from Milton Junc- tion, Wis., where she was called by I Christian Science Charches "Unireality"' was the subject of ti lesson-sermon in aIl Churcheso Christ,' Scientist, on Sunday, Octobe i of The golden text was, "Ail that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and. the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is flot of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof : but he that doeth the will..of God abideth for ever" (I John 2:16, 17). Among the citations which comn- prised the lesson-sermon was the fol- lowing from the Bible: "Wilt thou set, thine eyes upon that which is flot ? for riches certa'inly make themselves wings; they tty away as an eagle toward heaven" (Proverbs 23 :5). The lesson-sermon also included the following passages from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures." by Mary Baker Eddy: "The oîllv fact concerning any matenial concept is that it is neither scientific nor eternal, but subject to change and dissolution" (p. 297). HERE FOR WEEK-END Miss Marjorie Hecht, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Hecht of 1042 Greenwood avenue, who is attending Rockford college, brought her room- mate, Miss Betty Kitchen, homne with hier for the past week-end. Mrs. Hecht drove down for the girls Sat- urday, then motored with them to Rockford Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hammer, and Mn. and Mrs. George H. Snyder, Mrs. Hecht's brother and sisten-in-law, ivith two other friends from Clinton, Iowa. camne to the north shore to attend lie Iowa- .\orlhlw-esterni game last Saturdav. PLAN HALLOWE'EN DANCE A. T. Sherman Lodge, No. 892, 1. 0. O. F.> is making arrangements for a Hallowe'en dance to be held Thursday evening, October 25, in Odd Fellows hall, Wilmiette. The \VaukeganIi . O. O. F. orchestra will furnish the ns. Frank McCabe spent last weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. -McCabe. 616 Isal)ella street. He 13~ a freshman at the University of-.11hi- nois and has recently been pledged to the Psi Upsilon fraternity. -0- Ira Calef Darling, 256, Kenilworth avenue, Kenilivorth; will spend the week-end visiting his son-in-law- and daugliter, Lieut. and Mrs. George V. Holloman at their home at Wright Field, D.ayton, Ohio. Wilmette's On ly Fireproof Storage Warehouse Offers Security Efficiency Responsibility with its Moving, Packing and Storage. Services Estimates Furnished Without Obligaton Telephone 521 Main. Street, Wilmette Ph~ones WILMETTE 32 UNIVERSITY 7317 LIFE J.' M contained in the messages of OUR ADVERTISERS ADVERTISER PAGE ADVERTISER Art Furniture (Co......:........I6 Beach, Florence, Candies .19 Bismarck Hotel ........33 Blann Pharmacy ..9 Book Nook.......... ........ 44ý Bowen, LlewelIyst .............. 10» Braun Bros. 0>11 C(o.... 24, 35, 56 Chandler's .................... 44 Chicago 1flally -News ..........2 à Clavey, F. D., Itavinla Nurseries .... ...... 48. Coffey Auto Repair............ ('oninaunity Theatre ........... 51 Coasumers Co ......... Cover IV Co-Op, The ................... 44 Corniaek, Joseph C ...... 4,4 C'yrille Beauty Slîop........... Davils Street Aquariunm & Pet Shop .......... ilelourge, Elizabeth -p I .43 Mercer Lumber Companle ........... Cover IV Milieu. Hardware Co. ... ý......i Miller Fur Co............... 41 Marine Co ................... 44 Murphy-Mlles 011. Co. .... .....2 à INortit Northi North Shore Art League .... S Shore Quallty Laundries 31 Side Cleaners.......... 37 011 Weil, The .... ...... Pagliarulo, B..D ........ Palace Foods ..........13 Pea.cork Ice Cream .... .S Pemhridge Hotel ............. .21 Personal Finance Co ............. 49 Publie Service Co... 45, Cover II Pure 011 Products ('o ......... 49 Quinlan & Tyson............. 49 Ray Scbools ..................41 R.ennerkar IDrug Co9 Rensch, Warehouse ...... à Rldge Avenue Pharm aey.......9 Royal Hava liain C<>servatory oft Muslc ...................3 Schioesser's............... 7 Schultz et Nord .. .......S Skokie Valley Coal & Materia.l Co................ 46 Smart & Golee................ 46 Suider-Cazel Drng Store ........ 9 Spanish Kandy KÇupboard ..5 Spauldlng-GorhaSa .........19 Stevens, Edga.r A. lue..20,35,89, 43 Thornaýs .ecorating Co ........ 48 Valencia. Theatre ............. . ,Vanfleusen's ...... .............. j Varsity, Theatre .............. i Viole, Berenie ........10 Warner Paint Co .......... 279 48 Weathered, Martla..........37 Wieboldt's.... .......229 2389,9941 Wiimett *e Battery & Electrie Service............... Cover IV Wilinaette Beanty Shop .......... a Willmette State Bank ... Cover Il Wiime.tte Theatre ............. SI Worthen's............ O2ctober 11, 1934 Evanstoaa NashCo . ..........2; Flore, Chas . ............. 48 First ('hnrch uof(Christ, Scientist . ... . .. .0. l Gatis, lDailel ...... ....10 GlqtlIerroaai, Pault.... .........48 Great Atlantic & Pacilie Tea Co. ........1 Heltentail's Photo Shopbs8 Ilattstroin. & ,sanders .......... 15 IteEEtiEg service Co.......... 1; llouseholdl Finance Corli. .. .49 Il ab', The ..........18, 43 Illiois Bell Telephonie Co ..21 Indiana Safe-Way Lines ....... 1 .reIlaLit' 1ireproot Warehonse . .10 Jcwel. Food Stores .........«.il, 47 Liberty Loani.Corporation ..48 J.indîitroî,a's Lock Shop......... 8 Little flouse -of Interest...19 Lord's ....................2829 Lymn, Pharnu.c>........... ý.6, 9J M1arks, J...................17 Mathew Francis...............2 discover for yourseli the many benefits and economies LIFE PAGE

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