j.' FOR' STOVE HEAT -a Gas Fired.- G HEATER $5975 ONLY .$1lDOWN-$1 .A MONTH To cover interest and other, costs, a somewhat higker price is ckarged for apPliances sold on deferred paynents. IF you are a user of stove heat, we have a, proposition you'll be incerested in. You, too, may. have the labor-saving conve- nience and spotless cleanlins of automatic gas heat. We now uffer a handsome. circulating heater complete, .ith thermostat at $1 down .and $1 a month. This heater circulates moist, healthful, warm air. Ir is not a stove, but a complue self-con- cained heating system. Ih harmonizes with the best home furnisliings. Installed in any :oom ik noc only adds to the beauty of thec home, but pro- gb vides greater comfort and deanliness. And it gives you ail the advantag es of automatic heat control. Get rid of the dirt and muss caused by the ordinary type of stove heater. Banish care and worry by installing one of these new circ ulating, gas-operated béatéers. No'coal 1ca.:rying, nQ ash ift ig, no extra houecleaning. Just even, com- fortable heat Decide now to have this, modem heat. The radical reductions of gas heating, rates -now.less than haif of what they were a few years ago-.have made gas heat practical for cVcry home. Mail the coupon TODAY for full information. Pum uc Sm c IPiemuseund me fui! info tmuion &bou cmsg Iofagis eatsud thëdolla a çonth plm vp I Im Nu-' MI Gas Heating Division PUBLIC SERVIeCoMPN 0r MORTIIEMNILNI