SC LESS ElR'S 402 LINDEN AVENUE Plenty of, Parkinug Space WILMETIE 150 no. Woting-Paompt DliIvery I -. WE ARE IN THE BUSINESS 0f, SELLUNG GOOD FOOD- ROUND STEAK Tender. and easy ta pre pare -fine for Swiss steak, too, if.2 if i cut thick.1b23 GENUINE CALVES SWEET BREADS Breaded and fried or creamed, fhey make a splendid luncheonlb35c entree. l. 5 ENGLISH LEG LAMB CHOPS The big, thick chops thaf are a favorite with the masculine members. lb. 29c lfthe family. RIS ROAST 0F BEEF Whether you like if rare, medium or well- done, this beef is always deliciously tender. Large '1111>f lb. Lic lb.L9c FJumbo Ripe Olives Unexcelled quality- the big, fat, meaty anes. Pn it 9 Doz.. 3.10'.Pntis c SPINACH Tender, young jleaves -easy tfa dean- Cookîy -lb. I5 at the Iowest possible prices. W. do no+ underseil our competitors on single items to draw in, the crowds. We endeavor to main- tain low prices on ail good foods at ail tîmes. Wbatever you buy is guaranteed to be the finest. There is no better food than th~e best. We carry if at ail times-at most attractive prices, including delivery. Watch for big Harvest Sale next week. TrWENTY-OUNCE PIPPINS The best baking apples 4bs 9 treare. Bu. 1.79. 4b.1 The new corn appefizer-nothing bet- fer wifh ail cocktails or beer -thin as poper, fasfily crisp. 29 c WHITE COULER POTATOES Bake, bail, fry or mash welI. I 00-ib sacks 1.49. pck 25c Grapefruit Sections No. 2 tins, Doz. 1.85. 17c VALENCIA -JUICE ORANGES Very sweet-very juicy-a glassful a day is a fonu, l they say. 3 oz. 9-5c ATLAS Prager Beer 24-botlo.25-0 case. Plus deposit Fou Id's Macaroni or Spaghetti 2 forl15C LAKE SUPERIOR WHITE FISH Bake or broil; serve wifh escalloped pota- foes, fresh spinach and ,29 watercress salad.29 FRESH PERCH FILLET Aren 't fhey good when fliey have ~O been fried a golden brown? lb. 30 WATER. CRESS Sa good and so fresh-fine wifh just sait or with Commodore ucs French dressing. 3bnh 1O F Fresh Candy [Marshmallows. î-îcfo i * Sur E Balis. 16-01. cello. 2. i9 ICEBERG LETTUCE Full, crisp heads. -ac9c M USHROOMS Af a réal bargein price-cream fh.em for luncheori; broil- them ta serve with ail meafs; or use fhem > for, a ppefizers. box L 7C w, __________________________________________________ Mi M. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ We Deliver Io You No Carrying I0 Do WILMETTE 402 Linden Avenue Wllmette 1&0-161 WINNETKA 718 EIm Sfreet Winnetka 61 LAKE VIEW 3959 Broadway ROGERS PARK 1508 Jarvs Rogers Park 0o1t Orders Brou gis t. Your Door A Il A 1o4g he#Norths Shore OCTOBER 11, 1934 Canned Vegetables Giadiola Peas N.2tn i Doz. 1.90No2tis1c Browns Tomnatoesl3 Doz. 1.45 No. 2 tins13 Brown's Tomatoes 2~ 8 Doz. 1.95 No. 2utns18 Brown's Tomato Juice f Doz. 95c 13 oz. 9 c